Articles tagged with: Wellness

  • What’s new 2022?

    Welcome to the Winter 2022 term. Your library has the people and resources you can count on for academic success.

    With classes running online this month, library hours and services have been adjusted. Read about the changes and keep up-to-date by monitoring the Library Resources and Services Amid COVID-19 page.

    Have you made resolutions to try something new or, perhaps leave a habit behind? Get inspired by the Fresh Start book collection. A mix of print and online titles, topics include mindfulness, healthy eating, positive aging, friendship, and living sustainably.

    If academic improvement is on your list, explore new content for Research Help On-Demand. Learn the mechanics of research with short videos and lessons on peer-review and compiling annotated bibliographies among other must know topics for success in your studies.

    The Wellness Book Club returns this term with Liaison Librarian and Fitness Instructor Justine Cotton leading participants through a reading of Dr. John Ratey’s 2008 book Spark: The Revolutionary new Science of Exercise and the Brain. Sign up at: 

    And, on the topic of wellness, Library Yoga with Liaison Librarian and Yoga Instructor Chelsea Humphries, returns this month with online sessions via ExperienceBU  and an in-person event coming later this spring.

    Best of luck on the term ahead!




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  • Winter wellness reading group forming soon

    Registration for the Library’s Winter Wellness Book Club, beginning in February 2022, is now open.  Reading for ‘fun’ has so many positive effects on our physical and emotional health, from better sleep to increased empathy for others.  This term, we will be reading Dr. John Ratey’s 2008 book Spark: The Revolutionary new Science of Exercise and the Brain (watch his TEDx talk). 

    Ratey’s book teaches us all about the benefits of exercise for all aspects of brain health, using stories and science to promote physical activity.  In this Book Club we will be getting the positive effects of reading PLUS learning all about how exercise can reduce your stress and boost your brain fitness! 

    The Book Club will be hosted by Liaison Librarian (and Fitness Instructor!), Justine Cotton, who is passionate about sharing the life-changing benefits of exercise and reading.  You can contact her with any questions at 

    SIgn up at: 


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  • End of term resources to support students

    As we approach the end of term, the Library along with colleagues in A-Z Learning Services and Student Wellness and Accessibility Services are keen to support Brock students completing final assignments and preparing for exams.

    A-Z Learning Services has excellent guides available to help you with:

    Learning Skills Specialists are also running several online drop-in study sessions that you can visit to study with others, or get help on a specific assignment or question.

    Student Wellness and Accessibility Services offer unique sessions related to exam readiness and combatting test stress.

    Student mental health and wellness go hand-in-hand with academic success and are the focus of a new Library wellness webpage ready for you to explore.

    Finally, if you could use a little motivation download one of our new phone and desktop wallpaper designs. ⬇️

    For your phone:
    don't quit phone wallpaperYou've Got This phone wallpaper

    For your desktop:

    keep going! desktop wallpaper

    You've got this desktop wallpaper

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  • The Wellness Book Club

    If you love to read, you may already know the many benefits of reading for fun.  For instance, one 2009 study from the University of Sussex found that reading for just 6 minutes can significantly reduce stress!  Reading also has the power to improve sleep, increase emotional intelligence, and enhance overall wellbeing.   

    Brock students are invited to sign up for a Wellness Book Club that will run virtually during the month of November.  Hosted by Humanities Liaison Librarian, Justine Cotton, the details are as follows:  

    • Up to 15 students may participate 
    • Participants will need to visit campus* to pick up the book (the novel Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt) 
    • The group will have 1-2 online meetings over MS Teams during November to chat about the book 

    As part of the Club, students will also have the option of participating in a research study exploring the impact of reading on stress levels in university students.  

    Sign-up now or email for more details about the Club and/or the research study (REB# 21-058-COTTON).

    *please note Brock University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for On-Campus 


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  • New workshop for students: Mindful Research

    Feeling overwhelmed with research?  Are final papers stressing you out?   

    Join Chelsea and Justine, liaison librarians and yoga instructors, for “Mindful Research” to learn how you can incorporate elements of mindfulness into the research process.  We will discuss the unique challenges of library research, outline the benefits of mindfulness, and offer strategies for building easy mindful practices into your day.   

    The workshop will be offered on Thursday, April 1 from 12:00-12:45 and repeated on Thursday, April 8 from 12:00-12:45 live on Teams.  If you have questions, please contact Chelsea or Justine.  Hope to see you there! 

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  • Library Yoga returns!

    Library Yoga is back for midterm season! Whether you’re winding down after your exams or preparing for your next big assignment, librarian and yoga instructor Chelsea Humphries is here to help you find space to pause, process, and prepare for your academic experiences, right in the middle of the (virtual) library!

    These two Library Yoga sessions will be livestreamed on LifeSize on Wednesday, October 28th and Wednesday, November 4th from 12:15-12:45 PM. You can register and find the links to the events on ExperienceBU. Recordings of the events will be saved for later viewing on the Library’s YouTube channel.

    These simple mindful movement sequences will pull you into the present moment, providing an opportunity for you to check-in with yourself, notice how you’re feeling, and take a few deep breaths before returning to your studies with refreshed energy and awareness. They are designed to be incorporated into the middle of a busy day, and they can be done in regular clothing and in any open space. Absolute beginners are welcome! After all, we all feel the midterm crunch and have likely had some of the following experiences:

    • You’re doing research and getting frustrated because you aren’t finding what you’re looking for. It’s getting hard to focus because you are feeling overwhelmed.
    • You have been working for hours and can hardly focus your eyes on the computer screen. You wonder how you’re going to manage to write the rest of your paper.
    • After a long virtual class, you’re surprised to find that your back is sore.

    Yoga can help you to notice experiences like these, when your mind and your body are telling you that you need to take a break. As a mindful practice, it can also help you approach your studies with a greater sense of calm and balance.

    If you’re interested in checking out Library Yoga before the live sessions, we encourage you to get a feel for the practice with this curated playlist of Library Yoga sessions and study breaks on our YouTube channel. You can also learn more about Chelsea as a liaison librarian at Brock University on this page and as a yoga instructor on her website.


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  • We’ve expanded our games collection

    In an effort to encourage student mental health and wellness, the Library has expanded its games and stressbusters collection.  Items are available for three day loan from both the Map, Data & GIS Library and the James A. Gibson Library (at the Ask Us Desk).

    In time for the fall semester, a Wellness book collection, and additional resources will be ready for use by all Brock students, staff and faculty.

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