Access and Privileges

Borrowing privileges

All faculty, staff, and students currently enrolled in courses or employed by Brock University are eligible to borrow from the Library upon presentation of a current Brock photo ID card to staff at the Ask Us Desk. New faculty and staff will be asked to present their Brock photo ID card for activation prior to borrowing for the first time.

Get your Brock Card.

Access to online resources:

Off-campus access to the Library’s wide variety of online resources requires a currently activated Brock campus ID account provided by ITS. Accounts can be activated through the Campus Portal.

Borrowing privileges are extended to faculty and staff upon retirement at no charge.  Off-campus access to the Library’s online resources requires an active campus ID account. At retirement, your campus ID account is automatically extended for one year after which you will receive notification from ITS asking if you wish to extend your access.

The hosting department of the visiting scholar/adjunct must arrange for an ID card and online access to resources on their behalf. This process is usually initiated by the department’s administrative assistant who sends an email to the Brock Card Office ([email protected]), indicating the name of the visiting scholar/adjunct, department, how long they will be at Brock University, and the name of the Brock faculty member who will be working with the visiting scholar/adjunct.

Once the visiting scholar/adjunct has their Brock ID card, s/he may register for borrowing privileges at the Ask Us Desk.

To allow for off-campus access to the Library’s online resources, the department’s administrative assistant must request a portal access account for the visiting scholar/adjunct through ITS via

Persons not affiliated with Brock University who are working with faculty can register for Community Borrower privileges to borrow materials. Off-campus access to online resources is limited to open access databases.

Alternatively, a temporary guest account may be obtained at the Ask Us desk to use on library workstations. Most library databases are accessible to walk-in users with these credentials.

Community users will receive a special borrower’s card and may borrow up to 20 items for a two-week period.

Community members are welcome to access most online resources on-campus using a temporary guest account. To register for borrowing privileges, or request a temporary guest account, users should show photo ID to staff at the Ask Us Desk and complete a Special Borrower Agreement form. Off-campus access to online resources is limited to open access databases.

Brock alumni are entitled to borrowing privileges free of charge. To register, alumni are asked to present their Alumni Card to staff at the Ask Us Desk and complete a Special Borrower Agreement form.

Users who activate their campus ID  have off-campus access to a sub-set of scholarly databases based on publisher licensing agreements.

Full details on library access for alumni users can be found here.

Students, faculty, and staff from Canadian Universities may borrow Library materials without charge, after showing a photo ID card from an accredited institution and registering at the Ask Us Desk. To confirm your active status, you will be asked to log in to your home institution’s portal or email system. Please see the Canadian Universities Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement for more information. Access to online resources is limited to “unrestricted” materials as dictated by license agreements signed with database vendors. Alternatively, users may request a temporary guest account to access a wider variety of resources.


Contact us in-person at the Ask Us Desk, via telephone at 905-688-5550 x4583, or via email at [email protected]