Instruction Room Booking for Learning Commons’ Partners


This policy provides guidelines for the Learning Commons’ partners in the use of the instructional spaces. The overall objective is to ensure that there is a good match between instructional needs and the individual spaces in the Learning Commons (LC).

Instruction Rooms:

  • Classroom A (ST228)
  • Classroom B (ST230)
  • Consultation Room (ST227)

Note that Classroom A, B, and the Consultation Room are reverted to study space when not in use.


1. Learning Commons’ Partners:

  • Partners are entitled to book up to four hours per week across the three rooms, subject to the availability of those rooms. Bookings are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Partners planning to schedule regular term bookings should normally make those bookings no later than two weeks prior to the term being booked.
  • After the term booking deadline has passed, partners can book additional hours within the coming term on a first-come, first-served basis. As the Learning Commons is a shared space, we ask the partners to be mindful of not monopolizing the rooms.
  • If a room is no longer needed, the booking should be cancelled promptly to allow others to use the room.
  • Partners agree to use the rooms for educational purposes and/or student services/supports.
  • In the event of a booking conflict, Partners should leverage the Learning Commons Teams channel to discuss with other Partners.
  • Partners are expected to familiarize themselves with the LC/James A. Gibson opening hours and make their room bookings accordingly. If the Learning Commons needs to close unexpectedly, separate from a campus closure, the Library will endeavor to alert Partners with bookings of the change in hours.
  • In order to accommodate back-to-back bookings, rooms should be cleared promptly to allow adequate set-up time for the subsequent session.
  • Partners agree to leave the room in good condition, ensuring their students have not left any messes and that chairs (and/or tables) have returned to their original orientation.
  • Partners will notify the library if they notice any deficiencies in the rooms at their earliest opportunity.

2. Other faculty and staff:

  • Bookings of Learning Commons instructional spaces by non-partners can be requested on an ad-hoc basis, and as space permits.
  • Bookings need to be consistent with the aims of the Learning Commons, e.g. related to library use, student support services, or broadly educational and open to the campus community.
  • Courses and meetings will not normally be approved, and instructors should instead contact [email protected] for course scheduling or [email protected] for non-academic bookings, including meetings.
  • Instructional spaces are not available for activities that are not affiliated with the University.
  • Requests should be sent to: [email protected]

Instruction Rooms Description/Details:

Classroom A

Lab environment. 32 fixed computer workstations. Digital projector. Instructor workstation/equipment operator unit. VGA laptop jack. Speakers. Capacity: 32 (4 additional chairs in closet). Presentations and instruction sessions needing the use of technology.

Classroom B

Flexible learning space. Configurable tables and chairs. This room has no computer workstations, so instructors should advise attendees to bring their own laptop if students are required to work on a computer. Digital projector. Instructor workstation/equipment operator unit. VGA laptop jack. Speakers. Capacity: 20 (2 additional chairs in closet). Presentations, instruction sessions and meetings needing the use of configurable furniture and/or technology.

Consultation Room

Three sets of round tables with chairs suitable for small group discussion or student consultation. Room can be subdivided.

Technical Support

Anyone using the Learning Commons classrooms is strongly encouraged to visit the rooms and acquaint themselves with the technology in them in advance of their first booking.

If technical problems arise during regular business hours, please visit the Ask Us Desk.

Installation of course-specific software or files is subject to approval by Library Systems and will be considered as a last resort. Such software or files must be provided no less than 2 weeks prior to the reservation. Any software or files found to conflict with standard configurations will not be installed. Library Systems is not responsible for software the day of use.

Effective: October 31, 2008. Last Revised: November 9, 2022