Your role as the Library’s Representative in your department is critical to facilitating communication and collaboration between the Library and academic units.
Library Representatives ensure their academic areas are aware of relevant Library resources and services, while also informing the Library of important issues related to curriculum, research and scholarship. If there is a topic of interest, we welcome invitations to attend departmental meetings to report on Library initiatives and discuss Library-related issues: Contact Us.
Specifically, your role is:
- To facilitate communication between members of your department and the Library
- To collaborate with the Library regarding research and teaching initiatives
We ask that you:
- Contact Collections Services with requests for new Library materials
- Ensure that members of your department are aware of relevant Library services
- Attend meetings hosted by the Library to discuss Library developments, provide feedback, and ask questions
- Distribute information from the Library to your departmental colleagues
Current Library Representatives
Library Representative
Health Sciences
Recreation & Leisure Studies
Sport Management
Library Representative
Indigenous Studies
Department of Teacher Education
Adult Education
Early Childhood Education
Undergraduate Education/Educational Studies
Joint PhD in Education
Graduate Education
Library Representative
Canadian Studies
Classics & Archaeology
Dramatic Arts
English Language & Literature
French Studies
Hispanic & Latin American Studies
Interactive Arts & Science
Interdisciplinary Humanities PhD
Italian Studies
Medieval & Renaissance Studies
Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Studies in Arts & Culture
Studies in Comp. Lit. & Arts MA
Studies in Comparative Literatures & Cultures
Visual Arts
Library Representative
Finance, Operations and Information Systems
Marketing, International Business & Strategy
Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship & Ethics
Library Representative
Biological Sciences
Computer Science
Earth Sciences
Mathematics and Statistics
Faculty of Social Sciences
Library Representative
Applied Disability Studies
Valdeep Saini
Applied Linguistics
David Hayes
Child & Youth Studies
Voula Marinos
Communication, Popular Culture and Film
Christie Milliken
Joseph Kushner
Geography & Tourism Studies
Michael Pisaric
Intercultural Studies
Labour Studies
Jordan House
Political Science
Matt Hennigar
Sabrina Thai
Social Justice/Equity Studies MA
Trent Newmeyer
Kevin Gosine
Sustainability Science and Society
Julia Baird
Women’s & Gender Studies
Hijin Park