Privacy and Protection of Information

Brock University Library protects patron privacy and personal information. Under the authority of the Brock University Act, 1964, section 3, and in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), personal information is collected as necessary for the administration of the University Library and its programs and services. 

What Information is Collected?

  • biographical information, including name, address, employee or student identification number, program / department affiliation, contact information and barcode number for all current and former students (alumni), faculty, staff, retirees, visiting scholars, community (extramural) borrowers, reciprocal borrowers (including borrowers from other Omni libraries), high school students involved in a Brock Mentorship Program, and applicants for temporary user accounts. 
  • titles for which patrons request holds or recalls 
  • items currently checked out 
  • a history of fines, fees, book replacement and processing charges 

Access to patron information is limited to employees of Brock University who require the information to perform the duties of their positions. Disclosure to third parties will only occur with the written consent of the patron or as required by law. All records, whether in electronic or hard copy, are retained in accordance with the University’s Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Policy and maintained in a secure environment. 

Web Analytics

The Library website uses Google Analytics to capture and analyze web statistics. This information is provided in aggregate and cannot be connected to an individual user. Collected information is used to better understand how users interact with our website and to improve our web services. 

Information collected through Google Analytics (including IP addresses) is stored by Google on servers located outside Canada. Google does not associate data collected through Google Analytics with other data held by Google or share this data with third parties. Further information about Google Analytics and Google’s privacy policies is provided at 

You may opt out of allowing Google Analytics to collect web usage statistics by using the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Extension. 


Please direct any questions about this collection to the Head, User Services & Engagement at (905) 688-5550, ext. 3088 or email [email protected]

Policy last updated: April 2023