Liaison Librarian (Librarian III)

MLIS Western
MA English Sir Wilfrid Laurier
Library Department: Teaching & Learning
Office: Schmon Tower 1123
phone: 905 688 5550 x3234
Email: [email protected]
As the Teaching and Learning Librarian for Humanities and Social Sciences, I support the support the research and teaching needs of Brock students and faculty in these disciplines:
- I teach research workshops in the Library.
- I visit individual classes as a guest speaker.
- I provide research consultations one-on-one.
- I create online course and subject guides.
- I communicate with my Departments to share library updates and learn about their needs.
wellness initiatives and programming in academic libraries
motivation in learning
recreational reading in academic libraries
brain fitness, mindfulness, and the benefits of physical activity
Cotton, Justine., and David Mark. Sharron. Engaging Students with Archival and Digital Resources. Chandos Publishing, 2011. Includes bibliographic references (p. 123-127) and index. Aimed at professional librarians and archivists, this book explores how to connect students and faculty with the archival and digital collections of their university’s library. Key sections include: how to look at archives in a digital world; reaching out to faculty to get them to use archival and digital resources; working with students and how to best deliver instruction; creating lessons and assignments; assessment how to gauge your successes and learn from your failures. This book provides librarians and archivists with the robust tools they need to develop a comprehensive workshop program aimed at connecting students with archival and digital collections.
Alsop, Justine, and Karen Bordonaro. “Multiple Roles of Librarians.” 2007. a survey of academic librarians investigating other roles on campus they may work in besides that of librarian (ex. ESL teacher, aerobics instructor)
Alsop, Justine, and Robin Bergart. “Aerobics and Library Instruction- An Unexpected Fit.” College & Undergraduate Libraries, vol. 14, no. 3, 2007, pp. 121–126., It can be a real challenge to engage students in library instruction classes. The authors have drawn some inspiration from an unexpected place: the aerobics workout. Aerobics teaching techniques and perspectives can be readily adapted to the library instruction classroom with invigorating results.
Alsop, Justine. “Bridget Jones Meets Mr. Darcy: Challenges of Contemporary Fiction.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship, vol. 33, no. 5, 2007, pp. 581–585., This exploratory study seeks to investigate the collection practices of English Literature librarians with regard to contemporary fiction, including popular genres such as detective fiction and “chick lit”. Results of an online survey suggest literature librarians are increasingly receptive to the acquisition of popular genres and identify the importance of adding popular titles to the collection.
Alsop, Justine. “Regaining a Lost Love: Tips for Disheartened New Librarians.(On My Mind).” American Libraries, vol. 38, no. 5, 2007, p. 40.
Alsop, Justine. “Losing Our Minds: The Impact of Technology on Reading and Reflection.” College & Research Libraries News, vol. 66, no. 11, 2005, pp. 790–792.,