Donations and Gifts in Kind Guidelines


The Library recognizes and appreciates that members of the University and the community are interested in donating materials to the Library. However, the Library accepts very few donations due to space limitations and the substantial amount of Library resources required to analyze prospective donations, and to process those that are accepted.

In most cases, the Library does not accept the following:

  • textbooks
  • newspapers, journals or magazines
  • popular paperbacks
  • DVDs, CDs and materials requiring technologies which the Library no longer supports (e.g. LPs, audiocassettes, VHS tapes)
  • scores
  • inspirational literature
  • self-published works
  • photocopies or other reproductions/reprints
  • superseded titles or editions
  • computer software

A donor is required to provide the Library with an itemized list of the potential donation.  For some donations, the Library may send a representative to examine the material in its original location.

The Library will consider accepting donations that:

  • fall within the scope of the Library’s collection and align with the University’s teaching, learning  and research areas
  • are in good physical condition
  • do not duplicate materials already held
  • are of unique and significant value to the collection, in the view of the appropriate librarian
  • the Library is in a position to process and maintain
  • have no restrictions placed by the prospective donor on the disposition and use of the material offered
  • Appraisals are based on fair market value, in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency regulations.  Where a charitable tax receipt is provided, CRA guidelines permit qualified personnel within the Library to appraise items valued at $1,000 or less. If the value is greater than $1,000, an external appraisal is required from a qualified appraiser. To ensure independent appraisal integrity, the Library will bear the cost of the appraisal, not the donor.
  • Tax Receipts will be issued for donations that have a minimum value of $100, but are not necessarily issued in the same year as the donation is made. Review copies and items purchased through a research grant or other tax-free funds do not qualify for a tax receipt.
  • Once accepted, donations are irrevocable and become the property of the James A. Gibson Library
  • Donors are required to sign a “Donation Release Form” at the time the donation is transferred to the Library
  • The Library reserves the right to dispose of items it does not retain in a manner that it deems appropriate
  • Donated materials may be acknowledged through a note added to the Library catalogue record

Full details for donations to Archives & Special Collections are available on their donations webpage or feel free to email us at [email protected] or call us at 905-688-5550 x3264


Prospective donors should direct inquiries to:

Karen Shepherd, Acquisitions Coordinator
E-mail: [email protected]