
  • Exam resources from A-Z Services & the Library

    As we approach the end of term, the Library along with colleagues in A-Z Learning Services are keen to support Brock students who are completing final assignments and preparing for exams.

    We’ve highlighted a number of resources and tips along with links to research guides, ways to contact us, and stress-relieving diversions in an online booklet this year. We hope you enjoy it and share it with friends.

    A-Z Learning Services has excellent guides available to help you with:

    Learning Skills Specialists are also running several online drop-in study sessions that you can visit to study with others, or get help on a specific assignment or question.

    Students looking for quiet spaces to work are encouraged to book a single study spot in the Library. We will be open from 9 am-noon and 1-4 pm right up until December 24 at noon.

    Finally, if you could use a little motivation or reassurance, download our smartphone and desktop wallpapers.⬇️

    Smartphone wallpaper thumbnails (click for full size render and to download)

    "Keep Going" motivational mobile phone wallpaper "Just Breathe" motivational mobile phone wallpaper "You got this" motivational mobile phone wallpaper "Take a deep breath and try again" motivational mobile phone wallpaper "Do your best, forget the rest" motivational mobile phone wallpaper

    Desktop wallpaper thumbnails (click for full size render and to download)

    Just Breathe desktop wallpaper in Grafitti font "You Got This" motivational desktop wallpaper "Take a deep breath and try again" motivational desktop wallpaper "Expect nothing, appreciate everything" motivational desktop wallpaper "Everything you can imagine is real" motivational desktop wallpaper "Do your best, forget the rest" motivational desktop wallpaper

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  • Compassion

    With the anxiety and stress of 2020 in mind, our December virtual display delivers an antidote of sorts. Featuring books and films on cultivating kindness and compassion (toward others and ourselves), it’s intended as an encouragement to our readers and a little glimmer of hope for better days ahead.

    You can find all our virtual book displays in Omni.

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    Categories: Featured Collections

  • Terry O’Malley: a legendary career in advertising

    In 2003 Terry O’Malley, advertising ace and St. Catharines local,  donated a substantial archive of correspondence, notes, scripts, sketches, campaign materials, awards, video, audio, and scrapbooks to Brock University Archives and Special Collections. The trove offers a glimpse into the creative mind of one of Canada’s marketing legends.

    Now, the Library’s Archives and Special Collections and Digital Scholarship Lab bring the O’Malley Archive directly to your fingertips in a new digital exhibit. The content features some of the major ad campaigns developed over the course of Terry O’Malley’s remarkable career including  memorable commercials from the late 1960s to the 1990s.

    Tonight marks the 20th annual Terry O’Malley Lecture in Marketing and Advertising. The event was created by O’Malley as a way to expose Brock students to the world of marketing.  This evening’s virtual lecture “Looking back, to see the future” will be presented by Chris Powell and David Brown, co-founders and editors of The Message.

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    Categories: Archives, Main

  • GIS Week is November 16-20

    Celebrating Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day looks a little different this year. Universities across Ontario and Québec have joined forces to present workshops, and lectures, open to all, online.

    Events include: the Geography of Pokémon Go, QGIS, the mapping of conservation, of history and of COVID-19, as well as networking events and a trivia night.

    Organizers note that technical experience is not required. “Maps and mapping technology are more accessible now than ever before [and] no prior GIS experience [is] required.”

    The Brock University Map, Data & GIS Library will present a hands-on workshop as part of the week’s events.

    Western University’s Map and Data Centre is the hub for all events. View the full event listing and prepare to broaden your horizons.

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    Categories: Main, MDGL

  • Intersectional feminism: from Beyoncé to data science

    We welcome you to check out our latest virtual book display. This month’s topic is “Intersectional feminism”. All of these reads are available electronically, so you can dive right in!

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    Categories: Featured Collections

  • Introduction to the Canadian Common CV (CCV)

    The Office of Research Services will present a timely workshop for Brock researchers on the Canadian Common CV (CCV). This session is part of the Building Better Research series, a joint effort by the ORS and Brock University Library

    The Canadian Common CV Workshop, held Friday, November 6 from 12 to 1 p.m., will include an overview of CCV basics with lots of time for questions. It will be led by retired research officer Josie Reed.

    Register for this online workshop via ExperienceBU.

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    Categories: Main

  • Faculty encouraged to submit winter term reading lists soon

    Reserve request processing for the winter term is underway at Brock University Library.

    To ensure your students have access to their winter course materials, we encourage you to submit reading lists by November 20, 2020.  

    An instructor self-serve option is also available, providing flexibility to instructors who wish to do this work themselves. All self-submissions will get a final check for copyright compliance, and will then be active for students. 

    An important consideration: print reserve materials remain unavailable for winter 2021 courses.

    Several alternatives to print resources are available including the creation of course-specific online packs. The Reserves team is ready to work with you to develop these for your students. More information about non-print options is available. Liaison Librarians are also available to help you identify alternate resources.  


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  • Research Data Management Presentation

    In collaboration with the Office of Research Services, Brock University Library begins the Building Better Research series with an online workshop focusing on research data management.

    Professionals and researchers alike increasingly rely on accurate and comprehensive information describing the data they create and use, as well as secure and reliable storage options where data may be safely stored and readily discovered.

    Data management principles enable the best means to document, protect, preserve, and reuse all kinds of data, whether that be before, during or after the completion of a project.

    This workshop will give you the foundation to understand the value of data management expertise in a wide range of contexts, including academia, business, government, and industry.

    Register for this online workshop via ExperienceBU.

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    Categories: Main

  • Research basics for upcoming course assignments

    Final papers coming up? Unsure how to start your research, or feeling stuck in a sea of information? Attend one of our brand-new Library Research 101 workshops for expert advice on: 

    • Ways you can break your topic down so you can develop an effective search strategy 
    • How to evaluate sources and find what you need 
    • Places for searching, from Omni to Google Scholar and beyond! 

    These sessions are intended for undergraduate students in all disciplines of study, with librarians from both the Humanities and Sciences present. It will include 45 minutes of interactive lecture + 15 minutes of live Q & A. 

    The workshops will be hosted on Thursday, November 5, 11:00-12:00 PM and Monday, November 9, 3:00-4:00 PMYou can register for the sessions on ExperienceBU. 

    For more information, contact: Chelsea Humphries, Liaison Librarian, or Evelyn Feldman, Collections/Liaison Librarian 


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    Categories: Main

  • Library Yoga returns!

    Library Yoga is back for midterm season! Whether you’re winding down after your exams or preparing for your next big assignment, librarian and yoga instructor Chelsea Humphries is here to help you find space to pause, process, and prepare for your academic experiences, right in the middle of the (virtual) library!

    These two Library Yoga sessions will be livestreamed on LifeSize on Wednesday, October 28th and Wednesday, November 4th from 12:15-12:45 PM. You can register and find the links to the events on ExperienceBU. Recordings of the events will be saved for later viewing on the Library’s YouTube channel.

    These simple mindful movement sequences will pull you into the present moment, providing an opportunity for you to check-in with yourself, notice how you’re feeling, and take a few deep breaths before returning to your studies with refreshed energy and awareness. They are designed to be incorporated into the middle of a busy day, and they can be done in regular clothing and in any open space. Absolute beginners are welcome! After all, we all feel the midterm crunch and have likely had some of the following experiences:

    • You’re doing research and getting frustrated because you aren’t finding what you’re looking for. It’s getting hard to focus because you are feeling overwhelmed.
    • You have been working for hours and can hardly focus your eyes on the computer screen. You wonder how you’re going to manage to write the rest of your paper.
    • After a long virtual class, you’re surprised to find that your back is sore.

    Yoga can help you to notice experiences like these, when your mind and your body are telling you that you need to take a break. As a mindful practice, it can also help you approach your studies with a greater sense of calm and balance.

    If you’re interested in checking out Library Yoga before the live sessions, we encourage you to get a feel for the practice with this curated playlist of Library Yoga sessions and study breaks on our YouTube channel. You can also learn more about Chelsea as a liaison librarian at Brock University on this page and as a yoga instructor on her website.


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