Articles by author: Evelyn Smith

  • Keeping computer users safe

    We all have a role to play in keeping our computer networks secure. To better protect the Brock community from computer viruses, malware and spyware, the library has ended the short term loan of memory sticks and memory cards. For your convenience, the following are available for purchase at the Ask Us desk:

    Memory sticks (16 GB)        $8.00
    Micro SDHC cards (16 GB)        $12.00

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  • New Library Service – Support for Sharing Your Work

    Sharing research openly is the best way to enhance your impact as a scholar: openly accessible articles are easier to find – and get cited more often.

    The Library is expanding its suite of services supporting open access for Brock researchers with a new service called Support for Sharing your Work. The service assists researchers in sharing their articles via the Brock Digital Repository, which provides free, immediate access to readers while also allowing Brock scholars to track downloads and views of their articles.

    To use the service, authors can complete a short form and attach a copy of the article they would like to share. Library staff will review the documents for compliance with publisher copyright policies and then make them accessible to the public by depositing them in the Brock Digital Repository. Articles in the repository are highly visible: they are disseminated around the globe via Google Scholar and several repository directories and are also indexed in SuperSearch, the Library Search engine.

    Each article is assigned a unique persistent identifier, making it easier for researchers to share their work with others and to track how often their articles are being viewed and downloaded.

    Questions? Contact Tim Ribaric, Acting Head, Digital Scholarship Lab, at

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  • Join our team as Associate University Librarian

    The Brock University Library invites nominations and applications for the position of Associate University Librarian (AUL).  The portfolio of this position includes Academic Services and Student Success.

    We are at an exiting time in our organization, examining the structures, processes, and service models that best align with the Library’s and the University’s strategic plans.

    If you are comfortable working in an evolutionary environment with a broad understanding of the strategic directions of academic libraries, this could be the leadership opportunity you are looking for.

    Learn more about this opportunity and how to apply. Applications will be accepted until Monday, April 15 at 12:01 am.

    Categories: Main

  • Kaleidoscope of French, German, Hispanic & Latin American and Italian Cultures

    The Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures has mounted a display in the Learning Commons and Thistle hallway showcasing various aspects of French, German, Hispanic & Latin American and Italian Cultures.

    Come to view the intriguing assortment of items on display and win a prize by successfully answering a skill-testing question each week.

    Each weekly question can be found on the MLLC website. Please send your responses to:

    Event: Kaleidoscope of French, German, Hispanic & Latin American and Italian Cultures
    Place: Display cases in the Library Commons and Thistle corridor
    Date:  Monday, March 25 to Friday, April 5

    Categories: Featured Collections, Main

  • On Display: Masques, Mythes et Mascarades – Masks, Myths and Masquerades

    As part of African Heritage Month activities @ Brock University and Festive’Ébène, the Library is hosting an exhibit of hand-crafted ceremonial masks curated by Nafée Faigou of Solidarité des femmes et familles interconnectées francophones du Niagara (SOFIFRAN).

    Nafée notes that “masks are vital to many aspects of life in Africa. They are powerful tools that Africans employ to ensure the health of their community.  Various themes run through the masking traditions of African societies; they are both social and religious, with all the ramifications of both establishments. A distinction between them is hard since they overlap and intertwine. Masks are living presences that represent and mediate between the empirical and the supernatural worlds at those moments when power, protection, and the crisis of life and death are in dubious balance. Today, they still accompany everyday life in and outside of Africa.”

    SOFIFRAN is a non-profit community organization created in 2006 by Francophone immigrant women – living in the Niagara region and from various parts of the world. The organization aims to meet the needs of women by providing services in the social, educational, cultural and economic fields.

    Masques, Mythes et Mascarades – Masks, Myths and Masquerades is on display until March 1.

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    Categories: Featured Collections, Main

  • New resource: Embase for biomedical research

    The Library now offers access to EMBASE, a key biomedical database and essential tool for conducting systematic review/evidence synthesis research. EMBASE includes more than 31 million records from more than 8,500 peer-reviewed journals. A crucial complement to the MEDLINE database, Embase provides notable coverage of drug and pharmaceutical research, pharmacology and toxicology as well as robust content from international scholarly publications.

    Contact your liaison librarian for more information.

    Categories: Main

  • New Resource! PsycTHERAPY Video Streaming

    Featuring some of North America’s leading therapists, PsycTHERAPY breaks down the 4th wall and allows viewers a first-hand glimpse into how psychotherapy works in practice.  Browse and watch over 400 demonstrations of a variety of approaches to therapy with real-life participants.  Each therapy session includes a word-for-word transcription and videos can be saved, clipped, and shared.  PsycTHERAPY can be used by any member of the Brock community, but may be of special interest to those in Child and Youth Studies, Psychology and Applied Disability Studies.

    Browse & Watch Now!



    Categories: Main

  • Improvements made to study room booking system

    Booking a group study room in the library just got a whole lot easier thanks to new software implementation. Features include:

    • Equipment available in each room and directions at a glance
    • Booking confirmation via email
    • Reminder emails just prior to the students’ reservation

    Bookable group study rooms are available to any group of Brock students and may be booked for up to 2 hours per day and up to 2 weeks in advance.

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  • On Display: #MeetTheLibraryMonday

    Last term, we profiled a few Library staff members through our social media channels in a campaign we called #MeetTheLibraryMonday. In conjunction with the campaign, a new display features the profiles of each staff member alongside their favourite books.

    Take a peak next time you are in the Library. The exhibit runs to January 28th.

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    Categories: Featured Collections, Main

  • Foot pedal transcription aid ready to loan

    Qualitative researchers know that transcribing a 10 minute interview from to audio to type can take up to an hour, sometimes longer. Fortunately technology is now available to lessen the load and, the Brock Library is here to help with the recent purchase of a USB connected foot pedal. Windows and Mac compatible, the device allows users to rewind or fast forward through their audio recordings without taking their hands off the keyboard. The Infinity model is available for loan from the Ask Us desk and is compatible with a wide variety of software.


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