
  • New Resource! PsycTHERAPY Video Streaming

    Featuring some of North America’s leading therapists, PsycTHERAPY breaks down the 4th wall and allows viewers a first-hand glimpse into how psychotherapy works in practice.  Browse and watch over 400 demonstrations of a variety of approaches to therapy with real-life participants.  Each therapy session includes a word-for-word transcription and videos can be saved, clipped, and shared.  PsycTHERAPY can be used by any member of the Brock community, but may be of special interest to those in Child and Youth Studies, Psychology and Applied Disability Studies.

    Browse & Watch Now!



    Categories: Main

  • Improvements made to study room booking system

    Booking a group study room in the library just got a whole lot easier thanks to new software implementation. Features include:

    • Equipment available in each room and directions at a glance
    • Booking confirmation via email
    • Reminder emails just prior to the students’ reservation

    Bookable group study rooms are available to any group of Brock students and may be booked for up to 2 hours per day and up to 2 weeks in advance.

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    Categories: Main

  • Extra! Extra! New Digital Scholarship Lab Blog Series Starts NOW!

    Welcome to my first entry! My name is Erin, and I’m a Masters of Library and Information Sciences (MLIS for short) student. I’ve been working towards my degree at Western University for the last eight months, and I’m lucky enough to be experiencing a different university for my co-op placement this semester. I’ll be using this bi-weekly series to chronicle my time here at Brock University and to bring as much awareness as I can to the soon-to-be-opened Digital Scholarship Lab. But first, some rambling about why I’m here.

    As a Library and Information Sciences student, I often receive a variety of responses when I tell people about my academic interests and career goals. Among the most commonly heard responses are, “wow, you really need a Masters for that?”, and my personal favourite, “aren’t libraries kind of obsolete now that technology is so advanced? Who even reads books anymore?”.

    When people say these kinds of things to me, my general response is to simply shake my head or offer a polite response such as, “I love books, but libraries are much more than that!”. I’ve learned a lot about library technology and the future of the profession in school, but putting all of those theories into practice and seeing library technology at work is a completely different matter. When I found out I would get to work in Brock University’s Digital Scholarship Lab for my co-op placement, I thought about all of the technologies I would get to learn how to use and was excited to gain valuable experience with these technologies and perhaps even develop some more snappy comebacks for the library naysayers.

    However, when I arrived at Brock for my first day, I learned that not only was the DSL space not open yet, but that it likely wouldn’t open until I’m long gone from my co-op placement. My job here is essentially to plan for a space that I will likely never see. The good news is that there are so many Digital Scholarship initiatives going on here at Brock, even without an official space to host them. This means that I’ll get an even better “behind the scenes look” at how an academic library functions and the roles they play in all of the different faculties and departments at Brock.

    My goal for this series is to respond to the commonly held (but misinformed) belief that technology is making libraries obsolete. If anything, technology and libraries go hand in hand, and the various digital scholarship initiatives at Brock University are a perfect example of how much room there still is to grow and learn.

    My blog series will be posted bi-weekly so be sure to check back on January 25th for more on my internship journey!

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    Categories: Digital Scholarship Lab, Main

  • On Display: #MeetTheLibraryMonday

    Last term, we profiled a few Library staff members through our social media channels in a campaign we called #MeetTheLibraryMonday. In conjunction with the campaign, a new display features the profiles of each staff member alongside their favourite books.

    Take a peak next time you are in the Library. The exhibit runs to January 28th.

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    Categories: Featured Collections, Main

  • Software Carpentry Workshop

    Join the Brock Digital Scholarship Lab for this two day Software Carpentry workshop. The goal of this workshop is to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills. This hands-on workshop will cover basic concepts and tools, including program design, version control, data management, and task automation. Participants will be encouraged to help one another and to apply what they have learned to their own research problems. This will be an excellent forum for conversation and networking! Hope to see you there. Only 30 spots available so sign up now!

    Who:  This course is aimed at graduate students and other researchers. You do not need to have any previous knowledge of the tools that will be presented at the workshop.

    When: February 21-22, 2019 | 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

    Where: Plaza 600F, Brock University

    Cost: $20.00 + $1.51 Fee

    For more information visit ExperienceBU.

    Register for this event.


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    Categories: Digital Scholarship Lab

  • Citation Management with Zotero

    If you find using different citation styles difficult or if you just want to find a more efficient and organized way to manage citations for your research papers, this free workshop will be ideal for you. Zotero is a citation tracking platform that can be used with multiple citation formats. It allows you to create your own library, manage collections of sources, as well as quickly and easily create in-text citations and bibliographies. This Digital Scholarship Lab workshop will guide you through the installation of this tool and the most effective ways to use it.

    When: January 16th, 2019 from 10 – 11:30 a.m.

    Where: Classroom A (ST228) James A. Gibson Library, Brock University

    Sign up at ExperienceBU

    Email for more information.

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    Categories: Digital Scholarship Lab, Main

  • Foot pedal transcription aid ready to loan

    Qualitative researchers know that transcribing a 10 minute interview from to audio to type can take up to an hour, sometimes longer. Fortunately technology is now available to lessen the load and, the Brock Library is here to help with the recent purchase of a USB connected foot pedal. Windows and Mac compatible, the device allows users to rewind or fast forward through their audio recordings without taking their hands off the keyboard. The Infinity model is available for loan from the Ask Us desk and is compatible with a wide variety of software.


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    Categories: Main

  • Workshop: Introduction to the Command Line

    Do you ever have to repeat the same process over and over again when using your computer? Of course you do. Come to this workshop for an introduction to the command line to help automate those tasks. We’ll be exploring the BASH shell and learning about a series of tiny programs that do things very well. 

    Where: Classroom A (ST228) – James A. Gibson Library

    When: December 20th, 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 

    Sign up at: ExperienceBU or email

    This workshop is being offered by the Brock University Digital Scholarship Lab.

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    Categories: Digital Scholarship Lab, Main

  • Get creative at a Walker wellness workshop

    Take a stress break! Come join artists from the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts for a drop-in zine and button-making workshop on Dec. 12, 11:30 am to 2:00 pm. Everyone is welcome! RSVP on ExperienceBU or just pop in to make a button or two.

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    Categories: Main

  • On display: When the Prince of Wales came to Niagara

    The first royal visit to Canada happened in 1860 when the Prince of Wales crossed the Atlantic for a five month goodwill tour. Among the many stops was the Niagara area where the planned events either went off better than expected or were complete disasters.

    View the engaging and humorous exhibit devoted to Prince Albert Edward’s visit when you next pass by the Library and Learning Commons display cases. A parallel online exhibit hosted and maintained by the Brock University Digital Scholarship Lab uses Omeka software to bring the Prince’s trip back to life some 150 years after his travels.

    When the Prince of Wales came to Niagara is on display through December 21, 2018.

    Categories: Featured Collections, Main