
  • On Display: Celebrating First Generation Students

    First generation student posterFirst Generation students (Trailblazers) are being celebrated at Brock University this week.  As over 25% of our student population is first in their family to attend post-secondary, they are changing the course of their own lives and also the lives of generations to follow.

    In honour of these students, a new display in the Library and Learning Commons features the profiles of famous “First Gens.” From Shaquille O’Neal and Michelle Obama to Roberta Jamieson and Mahatma Gandhi, there is a Trailblazer story to inspire you.

    Categories: Featured Collections, Main

  • Student Spotlight: Taking the First Step: Using 3D modeling to enhance learning

    One of our Brock Library Makerspace champions shared a bit with Ultimaker about her journey to becoming proficient in 3D modeling and printing.

    View the blog to learn more.

    Ultimaker Blog



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    Categories: Makerspace, Testimonials

  • Discover Your Library

    Library workshop image
    Brock students and staff are invited to learn more about the services and resources of the James A. Gibson Library in a new workshop being offered this term. Come and hear about how you can make use of our 3D printers, discover rare books, and harness the expertise of your own personal librarian.

    Registration in now open at ExperienceBU and Attendees will receive credit towards the CWC Personal Growth Domain.

    Categories: Main

  • On Display: Festiv’Ébène 2018

    Some of the Women Profiled in the 2018 SOFIFRAN Exhibit.



    As part of Black History Month @ Brock, the Library is proud to host the exhibit Black Women and Powers/Femmes Noires et pouvoirs. The display, curated by SOFIFRAN runs until Sunday, February 11.

    Categories: Featured Collections, Main

  • #libraryshelfieday @brock_library


    Join in the fun on Wednesday, January 24th by snapping a photo of yourself in the Gibson or Map, Data & GIS Libraries or in the Library Makerspace.

    Show your library love on #libraryshelfieday by posting your image to Twitter @brock_library and be in the running for a $25 Brock card. We’ll announce the winner here and via our Social Media channels next Thursday.

    A little shy? #bookface images are very welcome too!

    Categories: Main

  • Best Wishes for the Holiday Season

    Happy Holidays greeting



    Categories: Main

  • Mourning the Loss of William H. Matheson

    Bill MathesonThe James A. Gibson Library mourns the loss of Professor Emeritus, Bill Matheson on December 10, 2017. A quick wit, humble man, and inspiring educator, Professor Matheson taught thousands of students in the Department of Political Science at Brock. Additionally, he served the University in several senior administrative roles. The Matheson Learning Commons – named in his honour, is a vibrant hub of student activity and a fitting tribute to Dr. Matheson.  A celebration of his life will be held in the new year.

    Categories: Main

  • On Display: Artifacts of Meaning: a display of First Nations, Métis and Inuit handiwork

    Exhibit by Aboriginal Student Services

    On your next trip to the Library and Learning Commons, spare some time to view the current display of artifacts by First Nations, Métis and Inuit craftspeople. Learn the importance of sage, sweet grass, cedar and tobacco to indigenous cultures. View intricate bead work, sewing, weaving and more.

    The display, curated by Arlene Bannister of Aboriginal Student Services runs until December 15th.



    Categories: Featured Collections, Main

  • Open Educational Resources for Teaching and Learning

    Two of Canada’s leading advocates for greater access and affordability of teaching and learning materials will be at Brock Thursday, Dec. 7 to speak during a half-day event focused on Open Educational Resources (OER). Learn more.

  • On Display: 3D Printed Artifacts for Classics 2p32


    The Department of Classics and The Library Makerspace recently collaborated on an experiential learning project and all are invited to view the results. Replicas of Alexander the Great, the Pharaoh Hetshepsut, and the Venus of Willendorf are on display this week at the Thistle entrance to the Library.

    The works came about as a result of Carrie Murray, Tabitha Lewis, and Jonathan Younker’s work to create a project that would bring technology into the classroom. Students in CLAS 2P32 – Introduction to Archaeology, researched and wrote proposals to choose artifacts held in major museums for 3D printing. The chosen artifacts were printed in class this week.

    Following the exhibit, the artifacts will be moved to a display case in the Cypriote Museum, Department of Classics, and they will be used in upcoming courses.

    Are you interested in learning more about emerging technology? Check out the Library Makerspace in ST211 during Monday to Friday drop-in hours (10 am – 4 pm). Or, take in one of their free workshops listed on Experience BU.

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    Categories: Featured Collections, Main, Makerspace