Brock Libraries Joins International Open Advocacy Organization

Brock Libraries has joined SPARC, an international advocacy organization working to advance open access, open data and open educational materials.

Brock is now among 200 academic libraries in North America working with the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition to promote open access to scholarly articles, the open sharing of research data and the creation and adoption of open educational resources on their campuses. Joining SPARC aligns with the Library’s Strategic Plan, particularly our focus on “transforming the mechanisms of scholarly communication and strengthening research dissemination through partnerships at Brock and beyond.”

Brock Libraries will benefit from the expertise of SPARC leaders as we continue to work on advancing open scholarship and teaching initiatives on campus; the membership will also enhance the participation of Library employees in the global open community.

Questions? Contact Scholarly Communication Librarian, Elizabeth Yates ~ [email protected]

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