On Display: 3D Printed Artifacts for Classics 2p32


The Department of Classics and The Library Makerspace recently collaborated on an experiential learning project and all are invited to view the results. Replicas of Alexander the Great, the Pharaoh Hetshepsut, and the Venus of Willendorf are on display this week at the Thistle entrance to the Library.

The works came about as a result of Carrie Murray, Tabitha Lewis, and Jonathan Younker’s work to create a project that would bring technology into the classroom. Students in CLAS 2P32 – Introduction to Archaeology, researched and wrote proposals to choose artifacts held in major museums for 3D printing. The chosen artifacts were printed in class this week.

Following the exhibit, the artifacts will be moved to a display case in the Cypriote Museum, Department of Classics, and they will be used in upcoming courses.

Are you interested in learning more about emerging technology? Check out the Library Makerspace in ST211 during Monday to Friday drop-in hours (10 am – 4 pm). Or, take in one of their free workshops listed on Experience BU.

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Categories: Featured Collections, Main, Makerspace