Articles tagged with: Virtual Book Display

  • Intersectional feminism: from Beyoncé to data science

    We welcome you to check out our latest virtual book display. This month’s topic is “Intersectional feminism”. All of these reads are available electronically, so you can dive right in!

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    Categories: Featured Collections

  • Orange Shirt Day

    Orange Shirt Day is held annually on September 30 to bring awareness to the history of residential schools and their negative effects on children’s self-esteem and well-being. Orange Shirt Day was first observed in 2013 at St. Joseph Mission in Williams Lake, British Columbia, where, in 1973, Phyllis (Jack) Webstad had her new orange shirt taken away on her first day of residential school. She never saw the shirt again.

    We wear orange to show our commitment to recognizing and remembering the approximately 150,000 children forced to attend residential schools, where many experienced shame, deprivation, and abuse, as well as more than 6,000 students who did not survive.

    In light of Orange Shirt day, we are highlighting a selection of books, ebooks and streaming video to help us learn more about the impact of residential schools.

    Learn more about Phyllis’ story and Orange Shirt day.

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    Categories: Featured Collections, Main

  • Featured Collection: Anti-Black Racism and White Privilege

    We are in the midst of a civil rights uprising.

    As Brock’s Director of Human Rights and Equity, Leela Madhava Rau notes, “Systemic racism, and specifically anti-Black racism, is being named as a root cause of inequities with which people have been living for centuries… People are in the streets demanding nothing less than total change: not only the ability to live their lives without the ever-present threat of violence, but the opportunity for everyone, regardless of identity, to participate fully and equitably in societal structures.”

    Many are stating the desire to learn, listen, read, and reflect. To that end, we are highlighting a selection of books, ebooks, and streaming videos on the topic of ‘Anti-Black Racism and White Privilege’. While our print collection remains inaccessible at this time, we encourage you to seek out local booksellers and public libraries.


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    Categories: Featured Collections, Main

  • Making the move from print to digital book displays

    Something we miss about being on-site is the opportunity to bring you monthly thematic book displays. We enjoy the creative outlet of curating them and, as the books fly off the shelves, we know you are reading our selections.

    Now that we are working at home, we’ve come up with a new plan to bring you virtual displays of e-book titles that you can read right now.

    Each month, we’ll share a link in our social media channels to a featured collection within Omni. First up for May, a collection of titles related to Food. It’s an eclectic grouping of titles around the business, chemistry, history, culture and psychology of food as well as food activism.

    We hope you look forward to each new collection and, find a title or two that pique your interest.


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  • Celebrating trans authors on Trans Day of Visibility 

    Brock Library is celebrating Trans Day of Visibility – marked on March 31 annually — by highlighting books by trans authors in our collection. 

    Because Trans Day of Visibility highlights the accomplishments of trans people in all spheres, we want to specifically recognize the contributions of transgender authors to literature and scholarship. These titles represent a diversity of genres and topics, ranging from poetry to memoir, history to romance. Many of the authors spotlighted are Canadian, including Gwen Benaway, Vivek Shraya and Ivan Coyote. 

    Several of these titles are available as e-books for you to read from wherever you are. While the Library’s print books are currently unavailable due to public health measures during the pandemic, please tuck this list aside to check out in future. 

    This year’s theme for Trans Day of Visibility is “surviving, thriving” (#TransThriving). We hope that reading the words of trans authors enriches your own knowledge and encourages you to help the trans community survive and thrive. 

    For more information about this occasion, please check out Trans Student Educational Resources. 


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    Categories: Featured Collections, Main