Articles tagged with: Brock Library

  • Library Restructuring Update

    Over the past several years, the Brock Library has been engaged in a process to renew the Library’s organizational structures.  The ultimate goal of the restructuring is to better align the organizational structure with strategic goals of the University and the Library.

    Our “go-live” date for the restructuring is coming soon: May, 2022!  The new structure is informed by extensive consultation internally in the Library and with the wider Brock community.  Over the coming weeks, we will be communicating more about the changes through a variety of channels.

    In the meantime, we want to draw your attention to a document available on the Library’s website that provides details and rationale for the planned changes.  A version of this document was previously shared with stakeholders, Senate committees, and Senate proper in May, 2021.

    If you have questions about this document or the proposed changes, we’d be happy to hear from you.

    Questions or comments can be sent to Mark Robertson, University Librarian.

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