Welcome new students, and welcome back to those returning! There are a few exciting changes to tell you about in the Library this year:
Water Fountains
Thanks to generous support from BUSU, new water fountains which include a water bottle refill stations were installed on library floors 5-10.
Desktop Computers
Over the summer, all of the Library’s public workstations were replaced with brand new computers. We hope you enjoy this upgraded technology in all of our spaces this year!
Microfilm Reader
We have a new microfilm reader located on the 5th floor. This is a significant upgrade to our previous models with much better usability. Please see our staff at the Access Services desk if you would like to learn more about it.
Sports Equipment For Loan
Beginning in September, you can borrow a soccer ball, a football, a flying disc, or a skipping rope from the Library. They are located on display in the popular reading area.
If you have any questions about your research or anything else library-related, we are always here to help. You can email us at [email protected], call us at extension 4583, or come to the Library and chat with us in person.
We are glad to have you back and looking forward to a great 2018-19 academic year!