Faculty directory – Click any letter to view faculty by last name.

*Denotes graduate degree program the faculty member supervises. Prospective students are to contact possible supervisors to discuss mutual research interests before applying.


Diana Abudu-Birresborn, Assistant Professor, Nursing

Allan Adkin, Professor, Kinesiology

*MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Manal Alzghoul, Associate Professor, Nursing

*MA – Nursing | *MA – Community Health


Martha Barnes, Associate Professor, Recreation and Leisure Studies

*MA – Leisure, Health and Wellbeing | *MA – Recreation, Sport and Community

Corliss Bean, Co-Director, Centre for Healthy Youth Development through Sport; and Associate Professor, Recreation and Leisure Studies

*MA – Leisure, Health and Wellbeing | *MA – Recreation, Sport and Community | *PhD – Behavioural and Population Health

Shawn Beaudette, Associate Professor, Kinesiology

*MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Amanda Black, Assistant Professor, Kinesiology (LTA)

*MSc – Kinesiology

Anthony Bogaert, Professor, Health Sciences

*MA – Community Health | *PhD – Behavioural and Population Health

Nick Burton, Associate Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management


Chris Chard, Associate Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management

Stephen Cheung, Professor, Kinesiology; and Senior Research Fellow

*MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Nicole Chimera, Associate Professor, Kinesiology

*MSc – Kinesiology

Sanghee Chun, Associate Professor, Recreation and Leisure Studies

*MA – Leisure, Health and Wellbeing | *MA – Recreation, Sport and Community

Ryan Clutterbuck, Assistant Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management

Maureen Connolly, Director, Brock-Niagara Centre of Excellence in Inclusive and Adaptive Physical Activity; and Professor, Kinesiology

*MA – Health and Physical Education | *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies

Jarold Cosby, Associate Professor, Kinesiology (on leave)

*MA – Health and Physical Education | *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies

Laura Cousens, Associate Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management

Joanne Crawford, Associate Professor, Nursing

*MA – Nursing | *MA – Community Health


David Ditor, Professor, Kinesiology

*MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Michele Donnelly, Associate Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management

Danielle Dunwoody, Associate Professor, Nursing

*MA – Nursing


Val Andrew Fajardo, Associate Professor, Kinesiology; and Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Tissue Re-modelling and Plasticity throughout the Lifespan

*MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Bareket Falk, Professor, Kinesiology; and Senior Research Fellow

*MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Brent Faught, Graduate Program Director, Master of Public Health; and Professor, Health Sciences

*MSc – Health Sciences | *PhD – Behavioural and Population Health

Eduardo Fernandez, Assistant Professor, Health Sciences

*MSc – Health Sciences

Tim Fletcher, Professor, Kinesiology

*MA – Health and Physical Education | *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies

Curtis Fogel, Chair and Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management | *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies

Scott Forrester, Associate Professor, Recreation and Leisure Studies

*MA – Leisure, Health and Wellbeing | *MA – Recreation, Sport and Community


David Gabriel, Professor, Kinesiology

*MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Kimberley Gammage, Director, Master of Professional Kinesiology; and Professor, Kinesiology

*MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Behavioural and Population Health

Pauli Gardner, Associate Professor, Health Sciences

*MA – Community Health

William Gittings, Assistant Professor, Kinesiology

*MSc – Kinesiology

Alisa Grigorovich, Assistant Professor, Recreation and Leisure Studies

*MA – Community Health | *MA – Leisure, Health and Wellbeing | *MA – Recreation, Sport and Community


Samantha Hajna, Assistant Professor, Health Sciences

*MSc – Health Sciences

Nathan Hall, Associate Professor, Kinesiology

*MA – Health and Physical Education | *MSc – Kinesiology

Kathryn Halverson, Assistant Professor, Nursing

*MA – Nursing

Michael Holmes, Director, Centre for Bone and Muscle Health; Professor, Kinesiology; and Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Neuromuscular Mechanics and Ergonomics

*MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Pei-Chun Hsieh, Associate Professor, Recreation and Leisure Studies

*MA – Leisure, Health and Wellbeing | *MA – Recreation, Sport and Community

Garrett Hutson, Associate Professor, Recreation and Leisure Studies

*MA – Leisure, Health and Wellbeing | *MA – Recreation, Sport and Community

Craig Hyatt, Associate Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management


Janelle Joseph, Associate Professor, Health Sciences and Sport Management


Shannon Kerwin, Graduate Program Director, Master of Arts in Applied Health Sciences, Sport Management specialization; and Associate Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management | *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies

Asif Khowaja, Assistant Professor, Health Sciences

*MSc – Health Sciences

Lisa Kikulis, Associate Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management | *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies

Changwook Kim, Assistant Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management

Stephen Klassen, Assistant Professor, Kinesiology

*MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Nota Klentrou, Chair and Professor, Kinesiology

*MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Health Biosciences

John Krzeczkowski, Assistant Professor, Health Sciences

*MSc – Health Sciences


Anna Lathrop, Professor, Kinesiology (on leave)

*MSc – Kinesiology

Madelyn Law, Director of I-EQUIP; and Associate Professor, Health Sciences (seconded to Niagara Health)

*MA – Community Health | *MSc – Health Sciences |*PhD – Behavioural and Population Health

Kelli-an Lawrance, Associate Professor, Health Sciences

*MA – Community Health | *PhD – Behavioural and Population Health

Paul LeBlanc, Professor, Health Sciences

*MSc – Health Sciences| *PhD – Health Biosciences

Jian (Jason) Liu, Professor, Health Sciences

*MSc – Health Sciences | *PhD – Behavioural and Population Health

Sean Locke, Assistant Professor, Kinesiology

*MA – Health and Physical Education | *MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Behavioural and Population Health

Kelly Lockwood, Associate Professor, Kinesiology

*MSc – Kinesiology | PhD – Health Biosciences

Ken Lodewyk, Professor, Kinesiology
*MA – Health and Physical Education | *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies


Diane Mack, Professor, Kinesiology

*MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Behavioural and Population Health

Adam MacNeil, Graduate Program Director, Master of Arts in Applied Health Sciences, Community Health Specialization, and Master of Science in Applied Health Sciences, Health Sciences specialization; and Associate Professor, Health Sciences

*MSc – Health Sciences | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Rebecca MacPherson, Associate Professor, Health Sciences

*MSc – Health Sciences | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Farhana Madhani, Assistant Professor, Nursing

*MA – Nursing

Dan Malleck, Chair and Professor, Health Sciences

*MA – Community Health

Cheryl Mallen, Associate Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management

Lynn McCleary, Professor, Nursing

*MA – Nursing | *MA – Community Health | *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies

Taylor McKee, Assistant Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management

Valerie Michaelson, Associate Professor, Health Sciences

*MA – Community Health | *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies

Brad Millington, Associate Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management | *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies

Rob Millington, Associate Professor, Kinesiology

*MA – Health and Physical Education

Toby Mundel, Professor, Kinesiology

*MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Health Biosciences


Michael Naraine, Associate Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management

Miya Narushima, Associate Professor, Health Sciences

*MA – Community Health


Tim O’Connell, Chair and Professor, Recreation and Leisure Studies

*MA – Leisure, Health and Wellbeing | *MA – Recreation, Sport and Community | *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies

Sheila O’Keefe-McCarthy, Associate Professor, Nursing

*MA – Nursing | *MA – Community Health | *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies

Deborah O’Leary, Acting Associate Vice-President, Research; Director, Brock Functional Inclusive Training (Bfit) Centre; and Professor, Health Sciences

*MSc – Health Sciences | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Elizabeth Orr, Assistant Professor, Nursing

*MA – Nursing


Karen Patte, Associate Professor, Health Sciences; and Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Child Health Equity and Inclusion

*MSc – Health Sciences | *PhD – Behavioural and Population Health

Jae Patterson, Associate Professor, Kinesiology

*MSc – Kinesiology

William Pickett, Professor, Health Sciences; and Senior Research Fellow

*MSc – Health Sciences | *PhD – Behavioural and Population Health

Dawn Prentice, Graduate Program Director, Concurrent Bachelor of Nursing/Master of Nursing; and Professor, Nursing

*MA – Nursing | *PhD – Behavioural and Population Health


Zaida Rahaman, Associate Professor, Nursing

*MA – Nursing

Kyle Rich, Associate Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Leisure, Health and Wellbeing | *MA – Recreation, Sport and Community | *MA – Sport Management

Ian Ritchie, Associate Professor, Kinesiology

*MA – Health and Physical Education

Danny Rosenberg, Associate Professor, Kinesiology

*MA – Health and Physical Education

Brian Roy, Associate Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (primary); and Professor, Kinesiology

*MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Health Biosciences


Jenn Salfi, Associate Professor, Nursing

*MA – Nursing

Ana Sanchez, Professor, Health Sciences

*MSc – Health Sciences | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Constance Schumacher, Assistant Professor, Nursing

*MA – Nursing | *MA – Community Health

Olan Scott, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management

Erin Sharpe, Associate Professor, Recreation and Leisure Studies

*MA – Leisure, Health and Wellbeing | *MA – Recreation, Sport and Community | *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies

Mostafa (Mo) Shokoohi, Assistant Professor, Health Sciences (ILTA)

*MSc – Health Sciences

Amina Silva, Assistant Professor, Nursing

*MA – Nursing

Vanessa Silva e Silva, Assistant Professor, Nursing

*MA – Nursing

Shalini Singh, Professor, Recreation and Leisure Studies

*MA – Leisure, Health and Wellbeing | *MA – Recreation, Sport and Community

Kirsty Spence, Associate Dean, Teaching and Undergraduate Studies (primary); and Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management

Julie Stevens, Director, Centre for Sport Capacity; and Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management | *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies

Salima Sulaiman, Assistant Professor, Nursing

*MA – Nursing

Philip Sullivan, Graduate Program Director, Master of Arts in Applied Health Sciences, Health and Physical Education specialization, and Master of Science in Applied Health Sciences, Kinesiology specialization; and Professor, Kinesiology

*MA – Health and Physical Education | *MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Behavioural and Population Health

Newman Sze, Professor, Health Sciences; and Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Mechanisms of Health and Disease

*MSc – Health Sciences | *PhD – Health Biosciences


Karyn Taplay, Chair and Associate Professor, Nursing

*MA – Nursing

Ashley Thompson, Assistant Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management

Peter Tiidus, Dean, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences (primary); and Professor, Kinesiology

*Currently not supervising graduate students

Craig Tokuno, Professor, Kinesiology

*MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Dawn Trussell, Associate Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management | *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies

Evangelia Tsiani, Professor, Health Sciences

*MSc – Health Sciences | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Luke Turcotte, Assistant Professor, Health Sciences

*MSc – Health Sciences


Michael Van Bussel, Assistant Professor, Sport Management

*MA – Sport Management

Réné Vandenboom, Professor, Kinesiology

*MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Cathy van Ingen, Professor, Kinesiology

*MA – Health and Physical Education | *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies

Michelle Vine, Assistant Professor, Health Sciences

*MSc – Health Sciences


Terrance Wade, Professor, Health Sciences; and Senior Research Fellow

*MA – Community Health | *MSc – Health Sciences | *PhD – Behavioural and Population Health

Hui Di Wang, Associate Professor, Health Sciences

*MSc – Health Sciences | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Wendy Ward, Interim Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies (primary); Professor, Kinesiology; Professor, Health Sciences; and Senior Research Fellow

*MSc – Health Sciences | *MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Health Biosciences

Colleen Whyte, Graduate Program Director, Master of Applied Gerontology; and Associate Professor, Recreation and Leisure Studies

*MA – Leisure, Health and Wellbeing | *MA – Recreation, Sport and Community| *PhD – Social and Cultural Health Studies

Philip Wilson, Professor, Kinesiology

*MA – Health and Physical Education | *MSc – Kinesiology | *PhD – Behavioural and Population Health


Yuan Zhang, Assistant Professor, Health Sciences (ILTA)


Nancy Francis, Professor Emeritus, Kinesiology (retired)

John Hay, Professor Emeritus, Health Sciences (retired)

Colleen Hood, Professor Emeritus, Recreation and Leisure Studies (retired)

Peggy Hutchinson, Professor Emeritus, Recreation and Leisure Studies (retired)

Sandra Peters, Professor Emeritus, Kinesiology (retired)

Michael Plyley, Professor Emeritus, Kinesiology (retired)

Martin Tammemagi, Professor Emeritus, Health Sciences (retired)