Dawn Prentice, RN, PhD

Professor, Nursing and BNMN Graduate Program Director

Dr. Dawn Prentice is a registered nurse and has experience in a variety of nursing roles with the majority of her clinical experiences spent in settings caring for older adults. Her current research is focused on nursing roles and scope of practice as well as interprofessional practice. Dawn is the Editor-in-Chief for Perspectives: The Journal of the Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association.

  • Gerontology & Gerontological Nursing
  • Inter and Intraprofessional Collaborative Education and Practice
  • Nursing Roles
  • Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association
  • Canadian Nurses Association
  • College of Nurses of Ontario

Prentice, D., Moore, J., Fernandes, B., & Larabie, E. (2022). Nursing care delivery models and intraprofessional collaborative care: Canadian Nurse Leaders’ Perspectives. SAGE Open Nursing, 8, 1-8. doi: 10.1177/23779608221133648

Prentice, D & Salfi, J. (2020). Translating evidence into practice: An experience with interprofessional education (IPE). In H. Matshshita (Ed.). Health informatics: Translating information into innovation (pp. 127-137). Springer Nature.

Prentice, D., Moore, J. & Desai, Y. (2021). Nursing care delivery models and outcomes: A literature review. Nursing Forum 56, (4), 971-979. doi: 10.1111/nuf.12640

Moore, J., Prentice D., & Crawford, J. (2021). Collaboration among nurses when transitioning older adult between hospital and community settings: A scoping study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30(19-20, 2769-2785.

Prentice, D., Moore, J., Crawford, J., Lankshear, S., Limoges, J. (2020). Collaboration among  registered nurses and licensed practical nurses: A scoping review of practice guidelines. Nursing Research and Practice https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/5057084

Prentice, D., Engel, J., & Boggs, J. (2020).  Does it make a difference? Evaluation of a Canadian poverty reduction initiative. Evaluation and Program Planning, 80, https://doi.org/10.101016/j.evalprogplan.202.101817

Engel, J., Prentice, D., & Hicks, R. (2019). Where Does the Patient Fit?  An Analysis of Word Use within the  Context of Interprofessional Collaborative Care. Global Qualitative Nursing Research Journaldoi/10.1177/2333393619889353

Engel, J., Prentice, D., & Hicks, R. (2019). Where Does the Patient Fit? An Analysis of Word Use within the Context of Interprofessional Collaborative Care. Global Qualitative Nursing Research Journal. doi/10.1177/2333393619889353

Mirza, N., Manakil-Rankin, L., Prentice, D., Hagerman, L., Draenos, C. (2019). Readiness of new nursing graduates:A concept analysis. Nurse Education in Practice.37, 68-74. doi: 10.1016/j.nepr.2019.04.009.

Moore, J.,Prentice, D., Crawford, J., Lankshear, S., Limoges, J., & Rhodes, K. (2019). Collaboration among registered nurses and practical nurses in acute care hospitals: A scoping review. Nursing Forum, 54 (3)https://doi.org/10.1111/nuf.12339

  • NURS 4L01 Nursing Foundations: Care of Adults and Older Adults
  • NURS 5D19 Practice of Relational Leadership and Management
  • NURS 5L07  Preparation for Graduate Practice