Erin Sharpe, PhD

Associate Professor, Recreation & Leisure Studies

erin sharpe

Office: STH 356
905 688 5550 x3989
[email protected]

Erin Sharpe is an Associate Professor in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies. Her teaching and research interests focus on the relationships between leisure and sport, community, and development. Currently, she is conducting a SSHRC-funded study examining intersections between identity and neighbourhood in the sport and leisure lives of young people. She has recently co-edited two books: Leisure and Community Development: Applications for Sport, Recreation and Tourism (Sagamore/Venture) and Handbook of Leisure Theory (Palgrave). A leisure sociologist, her work is influenced by socio-spatial, post-structural, and post-colonial perspectives.

  • Leisure
  • Sport
  • Community
  • Community development
  • Canadian Association of Leisure Studies
  • Leisure Studies Association (UK)
  • Parks and Recreation Ontario


Spracklen, K., Lashua, B., Sharpe, E., & Swain, S. (Eds.) (2017). The Palgrave Handbook of Leisure Theory. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Sharpe, E.K., Mair, H., & Yuen, F. (2016). Community Development: Applications to Leisure, Sport and Tourism. Urbana, IL: Sagamore/Venture Publishing.


Selected Book Chapters and Journal Articles

Sharpe, E. (2017). Against limits: A post-structural theorizing of resistance in leisure. In K. Spracklen et al. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Leisure Theory (pp. 911-926). London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.

van Ingen, C., Sharpe, E., & Lashua, B. (2016). Neighborhood stigma and the sporting lives of young people in public housing. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. Prepublished online: April 22, 2016.

Whyte, C., & Sharpe, E. (2016). Fostering belonging. In E. Sharpe, H. Mair, & F. Yuen
(Eds.), Community development: Applications to Leisure, Sport and Tourism. Urbana, IL: Sagamore/Venture Publishing.

Gallant, K., & Sharpe, E. (2016). Citizen Power. In E. Sharpe, H. Mair, & F. Yuen (Eds.), Community development: Applications to Leisure, Sport and Tourism. Urbana, IL: Sagamore/Venture Publishing.

Sharpe, E.K. (2015). Colonialist tendencies in education abroad. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 27(2), 68-80.

Sharpe, E.K. (2013). Targeted neighbourhood social policy: A critical analysis. Journal of Policy Research in Leisure, Tourism and Events, 5(2), 158-171.

Sharpe, E.K. (2013). Leisure and community politics. In T. Blackshaw (Ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Leisure Studies (pp. 521-529). New York: Routledge.

Sharpe, E.K., & Dear, S. (2013). Points of discomfort: Reflections on power and partnerships in international service learning. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 19(2), 85-91.

  • Community Development in Recreation: Philosophy and Practice
  • Understanding Communities and Community Organizations
  • Cultural Politics of Leisure
  • International Field Experience in Recreation and Leisure
  • Foundations of Leisure Studies