Michael Naraine, PhD

Associate Professor, Sport Management

Michael Naraine

Office: STH 355
905 688 5550 x5189
[email protected]

Dr. Michael Naraine’s primary research is in the area of digital sport management and marketing, examining the strategy, fan engagement, and analytics related to new developments in the sport business landscape (e.g., social media, eSports, blockchain). In 2019, he was named a Research Fellow of the North American Society for Sport Management and, in 2022, he was named the American Marketing Association’s Emerging Scholar for Sport and Sponsorship-Linked Marketing. Prior to Brock, Dr. Naraine taught at the Deakin Business School in Melbourne, Australia, and he remains a consultant for professional, amateur, and intercollegiate sport operations in both Canada and Australia. Presently, he is an elected board member of Canada Snowboard.

  • Digital Marketing
  • Social Media Management
  • Fan Engagement
  • Sport Business Intelligence
  • North American Society for Sport Management;
  • Sport Marketing Association;
  • Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand;
  • American Marketing Association


Selected Book Chapters:


Dalal, K., Declerq, L., & Naraine, M. L. (2022). The case method for use in modern sport management education. In M. Rayner and T. Webb (Eds.), Sport management education: Global perspectives and implications for practice (pp. 35-44). Routledge.


Mueller, J., Skinner, J., Swanson, S., Naraine, M. L., & Fransen, K. (2021). Investigating shared leadership in elite sport: A social network study of USA Rugby 7s. In S. S. Andersen, P. O. Hansen, & B. Houlihan (Eds.), Embedded multi-level leadership in elite sport (pp. 161-183). Routledge.


Parent, M. M., Hoye, R., Taks, M., Naraine, M. L., & Séguin, B. (2021). Good sport governance and design archetype: One size doesn’t fit all. In A. Geeraert and F. van Eekeren (Eds.), Good governance in sport: Critical reflections (pp. 180-194). Routledge.


Hedlund, D. P., Palomba, A., Hanson, L. C., Naraine, M. L., & Wear, H. (2021). Esports Marketing. In D. P. Hedlund, G. Fried, & R. C. Smith III (Eds.), Esports Business Management. Human Kinetics.


Naraine, M. L., & Parent, M. M. (2020). Managing stakeholders. In D. Shilbury & L. Ferkins (Eds.), Routledge handbook of sport governance (pp. 305-317). Routledge.


Selected Journal Articles:

Wanless, L., Seifried, C., Bouchet, A., Valeant, A., & Naraine, M. L. (2022). The diffusion of natural language processing in professional sport. Sport Management Review. Advance online review. https://doi.org/10.1080/14413523.2021.1968174 [ABDC Quality: A]


Naraine, M. L., & Bakhsh, J. T. (2022). Optimizing social media engagement for professional sports teams: A 3-year examination of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter posts. International Journal of Sport Communication, 15, 103-116. https://doi.org/10.1123/ijsc.2021-0079 [ABDC Quality: B]


Wear, H., Naraine, M. L., & Bakhsh, J. T. (2022). It’s about time: A longitudinal examination of attitudes and brand associations of a women’s professional sport team. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 31, 128-140. [ABDC Quality: B]


Hayduk III, T., & Naraine, M. L. (2022). Can entrepreneurial ecosystems optimize the impact of mega sport events? Evidence from the 2014 FIFA World Cup and 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Brazil. Event Management, 26, 1057-1076. https://doi.org/10.3727/152599522X16419948390817 [ABDC Quality: A]


Schyvinck, C., Naraine, M. L., Constandt, B., & Willem, A. (2022). Network structures and governance in cause-related marketing collaborations in professional soccer: A social network analysis. Sport Management Review, 25, 81-105. https://doi.org/10.1080/14413523.2021.1877941 [ABDC Quality: A]


Piché, M., & Naraine, M. L. (2022). Off the Court: Examining social media activity and engagement in women’s professional sport. International Journal of Sport Communication, 15, 23-32. https://doi.org/10.1123/ijsc.2021-0069 [ABDC Quality: B]


Burton, N., Naraine, M. L., & Scott, O. (2021). Exploring Paralympic digital sponsorship strategy: An analysis of social media activation. Managing Sport and Leisure. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/23750472.2021.1990789 [ABDC Quality: B]


Li, B., Naraine, M. L., Zhao, L., & Li, C. (2021). A magic “bullet”: Exploring sport fan usage of on-screen, ephemeral posts during live stream sessions. Communication & Sport. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F21674795211038949 [ABDC Quality: B]


Mastromartino, B., & Naraine, M. L. (2021). (Dis)Innovative digital strategy in professional sport: Examining sponsor leveraging through social media. International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSMS-02-2021-0032 [ABDC Quality: B]


Parent, M. M., Hoye, R., Taks, M., Thompson, A., Naraine, M. L., Lachance, E., & Séguin, B. (2021). National sport organization governance design archetypes for the 21st century. European Sport Management Quarterly. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/16184742.2021.1963801 [ABDC Quality: A]


Bakhsh, J. T., Potwarka, L. R., Naraine, M. L., & Wear, H. (2021). Reconceptualizing a model of demonstration effects: Integrating rational, affective, and behavioral constructs. European Sport Management Quarterly. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/16184742.2021.1927132 [ABDC Quality: A]


Dalal, K., Declerq, L., Piché, M., Hyatt, C. G., & Naraine, M. L. (2021). One nation, two teams: Repositioning the Toronto Blue Jays among the threat of a new entrant. Case Studies in Sport Management, 10, 46-49. https://doi.org/10.1123/cssm.2020-0022


Declerq, L., Dalal, K., Piché, M., Burton, N., & Naraine, M. L. (2021). Hey Alexa, launch Twitch: Using sport sponsorship to drive business development. Case Studies in Sport Management, 10, 50-53. https://doi.org/10.1123/cssm.2020-0025


Wymer, S., Martin, A. J., Watson, G., Thompson, A., & Naraine, M. L. (2021). Transforming the fan experience through live streaming: A conceptual model. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 21, 79-92. https://doi.org/10.1080/15252019.2021.1910884 [ABDC Quality: B]


Li, B., Scott, O. K. M., Naraine, M. L., & Ruihley, B. (2021). Tell me a story: Exploring elite female athletes’ self-presentation via an analysis of Instagram Stories. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 21, 108-120. https://doi.org/10.1080/15252019.2020.1837038 [ABDC Quality: B]


Naraine, M. L. (2021). “Turbulengagement” in professional sport: An examination of social media operations and behaviors in the absence of the core sport product. Sport & Entertainment Review, 8(2).
White Paper: “Turbulengagement” in professional sport


Naraine, M. L., Pegoraro, A., & Wear, H. (2021). #WeTheNorth: Examining the online subcommunities within a professional sport organization’s hashtag marketing campaign. Communication & Sport, 9, 625-645. https://doi.org/10.1177/2167479519878676 [ABDC Quality: B]


Naraine, M. L. (2021). Welcome to Champ Camp: An observational study on the education and preparation of youth athletes for a multi-sport games. Journal of Athlete Development and Experience, 3, 98-115.


Naraine, M. L. (2021). Actually, esports is sport: A response to Parry’s (2019) misguided view on modern sport. Sport Innovation Journal, 2, 33-44. https://doi.org/10.18060/24812


McSweeney, M., Svensson, P. G., & Naraine, M. L. (2021). Sport4Change: Adapting to COVID-19 through innovation. Case Studies in Sport Management, 10, S6-S13. https://doi.org/10.1123/cssm.2021-0004


Wanless, L., & Naraine, M. L. (2021). Reinventing the sport sales process with natural language processing. Sport & Entertainment Review, 8(1). https://serjournal.com/2021/02/15/nplinsportsales/


Wanless, L., & Naraine, M. L. (2021). Sport analytics education for future executives, managers, and nontechnical personnel. Sport Management Education Journal, 15, 34-40. https://doi.org/10.1123/smej.2019-0070 [ABDC Quality: C]


Geurin, A. N., & Naraine, M. L. (2020). 20 Years of Olympic media research: Trends and future directions. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 2, 572495. https://doi.org/10.3389/fspor.2020.572495


Mastromartino, B., Ross, W. J., Wear, H., & Naraine, M. L. (2020). Thinking outside the ‘box’: A discussion of sports fans, teams, and the environment in the context of COVID19. Sport in Society, 23, 1707-1723. https://doi.org/10.1080/17430437.2020.1804108 [ABDC Quality: B]


Naraine, M. L., Lavalet, N., O’Reilly, N., & Wanless, L. (2020). If you build it, will they log on? Wi-Fi usage and behavior while attending National Basketball Association games. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 10, 207-226. https://doi.org/10.1108/SBM-02-2019-0016 [ABDC Quality: C]


Naraine, M. L., Parent, M. M., Hoye, R., Taks, M., Séguin, B., & Thompson, A. (2020). Examining the interorganizational links between national sport organisations and their stakeholders: A social network analysis. International Journal of Sport Management, 21, 239-260. [ABDC Quality: B]


Naraine, M. L., & Wanless, L. (2020). All in on AI: Examining the value proposition of and integration challenges with one branch of artificial intelligence in sport management. Sport Innovation Journal, 1, 49-61. https://doi.org/10.18060/23898

Drehlich, M., Naraine, M. L., Rowe, K., Lai, S. K., Salmon, J., Brown, H., Koorts, H., Macfarlane, S., & Ridgers, N. D. (2020). Evaluating adolescents’ perceptions of the ease of use and usefulness of wearable activity trackers and social media for physical activity promotion. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22, e15552. https://doi.org/10.2196/15552


Ingerson, L., Naraine, M. L., Agha, N., & Pedroza, D. (2020). California streamin’: Developing an integrated social media strategy to attract fans to a new streaming app. Case Studies in Sport Management, 9, S13-S19. https://doi.org/10.1123/cssm.2019-0031


Stadder, E., & Naraine, M. L. (2020). Place your bets: An exploratory study of sports gambling operators’ use of Twitter for relationship marketing. International Journal of Sport Communication. https://doi.org/10.1123/ijsc.2019-0114 [ABDC Quality: B]


Taks, M., Séguin, B., Naraine, M. L., Thompson, A., Parent, M. M., & Hoye, R. (2020). Brand governance practices in Canadian non-profit sport organizations. European Sport Management Quarterly, 20, 10-29. https://doi.org/10.1080/16184742.2019.1690538 [ABDC Quality: A]


Hoye, R., Parent, M. M., Taks, M., Naraine, M. L., Séguin, B., & Thompson, A. (2020). Design archetype utility for understanding and analyzing the governance of contemporary national sport organizations. Sport Management Review, 23, 576-587. doi:10.1016/j.smr.2019.10.002 [ABDC Quality: A]


Wymer, S., Naraine, M. L., Thompson, A-J., & Martin, A. J. (2020). To stream or not to stream? A case of social media management within a professional sport organization. Case Studies in Sport Management, 9, S26–S34.

  • Sport Marketing
  • Sport Sponsorship
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Sport

Interviewed by Chidley-Hill, J. (2018, December 13). Social media became a tool for athletes to raise political awareness in 2018. National Post. Retrieved from

This interview with J. Chidley-Hill republished in the following selected publications:

Whateley, G. (2018, October 23). Dr. Michael Naraine on Whateley discussing AFL trading periods. 1116 SEN (radio morning program).

Shying, O. (2018, July 24). Millions of Chinese viewers expected to tune into Geelong Table Tennis tournament. Geelong Advertiser. Retrieved from https://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/news/millions-of-chinese-viewers-expected-to-tune-into-geelong-table-tennis-tournament/news-story/7044ab34ffcde2ddf51e23c790ed6a65?csp=089e359412f38dbf2cce7d940a69a401

Cricket Australia ball-tampering fiasco led to several media requests from radio and print including, but not limited to:

(2018, March 28). Cricketers heading home in disgrace. Interview with ABC (radio afternoon program).

(2018, March 27). Ball-tampering scandal damages Australian reputation, could cost Cricket Australia $1 billion deal. News.Com.Au. [Reach: 7 million].

(2018, March 26). Ball-tampering scandal damages Australian reputation, could cost Cricket Australia $1 billion deal. ABC. [Reach: 3 million].

Bell, P. (2018, January 23). Colours, branding, and the 2018 Australian Open. Interview with ABC Western Australia (radio morning program).

Duke, J. (2018, January 12). Winter Olympics sponsors warned of online campaign ‘hijacking’. The Sydney Morning Heraldˆ. Retrieved from http://www.smh.com.au/business/media-and-marketing/winter-olympics-sponsors-warned-of-online-campaign-hijacking-20180111-p4yyee.html

Interviewed by King, S. (2017, April 1). Australia must heed lessons of Canada’s Vancouver moment. The Australian. Retrieved from http://www.theaustralian.com.au/sport/olympics/australia-must-heed-lessons-of-canadas-vancouver-moment/news-story/a7d751b8e2a48435efabccbf1acc8ffd

Interviewed by Wong, C. (2016, Fall). Short and sweet SMS. Adrenalin Magazine (Canadian Sport Tourism), 3(2), 27.

Interviewed by Chidley-Hill, J. (2016, January 28). Subban, Canadiens top Twitter interest. TSN. Retrieved from http://www.tsn.ca/subban-canadiens-top-twitter-interest-1.429810

This interview with J. Chidley-Hill republished in the following selected publications:

Interviewed by Chidley-Hill, J. (2015, October 14). Jays chase Leafs on social media, followers drawn by post-season run. Toronto Star. Retrieved from http://www.thestar.com/sports/bluejays/2015/10/14/jays-chase-leafs-on-social-media-followers-drawn-by-post-season-run.html

This interview with J. Chidley-Hill republished in the following selected publications: