Craig Hyatt, PhD

Associate Professor, Sport Management

Office: STH 449
905 688 5550 x4382
[email protected]

Dr. Hyatt’s research focus is on sport fans- especially those who do not necessarily fit into the existing theories on fandom as published by other fan researchers. Some of these atypical fans include fans who lost their favourite team to franchise relocation, fans who grew up within the fan region of a local team and decided to cheer for a distant team in the same league instead, fans who switched loyalties from one team to another, and fans who stopped being fans altogether.

  • Sport fans
  • Member of the North American Society for Sport Management

Burton, N., & Hyatt, C. (2022). Remembering Nos Amours: Fan response to coopted team brand identity and franchise relocation. Journal of Sport Behavior, 45(1), 16-41.

Cipywnyk, B., & Hyatt, C. G. (2021). Which team do you pick when you live half-way between two big-league cities? A study of Edmonton Oilers and Calgary Flames fans in Red Deer, Alberta. Journal of Sport Behavior, 44(1), 1-30.

Sidani, E., Hyatt, C. & Kerwin, K. (2021). Hockey fandom on the border: An interpretive study of Toronto Maple Leafs and Buffalo Sabres fans in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada, Leisure/Loisir, 45(2), 269-299.

Hyatt, C., Kerwin, S., Hoeber, L., & Sveinson, K. (2018). The reverse socialization of sport fans: How children impact their parents’ sport fandom. Journal of Sport Management, 32(6), 542-554.

Hyatt, C.G., & Foster, W.M. (2015). Using identity work theory to understand the de-escalation of fandom: A study of former fans of National Hockey League teams. Journal of Sport Management, 29(4), 443-460.

Hyatt, C.G., Sutton, W.A., Foster, W.M., & McConnell, D. (2013). Fan involvement in a professional sport team’s decision making. Sport, Business, and Management: An International Journal, 3(3), 189-204.

Hyatt, C.G., & Andrijiw, A.M. (2008). How people raised and living in Ontario became fans of non-local National Hockey League teams. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 4(4), 338-355.

Foster, W.M., & Hyatt, C. (2007). I despise them! I detest them! Franchise relocation and the Expanded Model of Organizational Identification. Journal of Sport Management, 21(2), 194-212.

Hyatt, C.G. (2007). Who do I root for now? The impact of franchise relocation on the loyal fans left behind: A case study of Hartford Whalers fans. Journal of Sport Behavior, 30(1), 36-56.

  • Introduction to Sport Management
  • Analysis of Professional Sport
  • Sport Sales and Promotion
  • Sport and the Consumer