Chris Chard, PhD

Associate Professor, PhD, MBA, CIM

Chris Chard

Office: STH 454
905 688 5550 x5875
[email protected]

Dr. Chard’s primary research interests are on the management of small to mid-size enterprises (SMEs) in the sport sector. Dr. Chard studies the influence of managerial decision-making on sport organizations’ financial capacity and sustainability. University/Collegiate sport is a key context for Dr. Chard’s research, as is the grassroots, Not-for-profit sport/community sport sector (i.e., hockey, golf, soccer etc.). Publicly-traded sport companies (i.e., Nike, Under Armour, Manchester United) are a secondary area of interest for Dr. Chard’s research energies.

  • Sport business management
  • Investing in Sport
  • Brand Management
  • Resource Allocation
  • Decision-making
  • Financial Planning
  • North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM)
  • Editorial Board Member – Case Studies in Sport Management
  • Roseland Park Country Club (Director)

Refereed Publications:
29. Teare, G., Potwarka, L., Wigfield, D., & Chard, C. (2022). Here Today, Gone Tomorrow:
Experiences of Youth who Responded to an Event Leveraging Initiative. Managing Sport and
28. Hyatt, C., Chard, C., & Kerwin, S. (2022). Where to “Play Ball!” A Case of a Minor Baseball
Team’s Future. Case Studies in Sport Management, 11(1), 26-32.
27. Chard, C., McCrory, L., Spence, K., & Milligan, M. (2022). Implementing Change at the Sunnyhill
Health & Racquet Club. Case Studies in Sport Management, 11(1), 7-13.
26. Chard, C., Harrison, T., & Wigfield, D. (2022). Managing Canadian Athletic Departments:
Prioritizing competencies needed to be an effective Athletic Director. Journal of Contemporary
Athletics, 15(1).
25. Chard, C., Edwards, J.E., & Wigfield, D. (2021). Legitimate pathway to professional ranks or
career termination? An empirical investigation of USPORTS men’s hockey from 2000-2018.
Emerging Sport Studies, 6(1).
24. deSouza, R., & Chard, C. (2021). Using Value Equity Drivers to Understand Parents’
Perspectives of Youth Summer Hockey Camps: An Importance : Performance Analysis.
Leisure/Loisir, Manuscript DOI: 10.1080/14927713.2021.1971556
23. Chard, C., Wigfield, D., & Potwarka, L. (2020). Innovating Youth Tournament Schedules to
Minimize School Absenteeism: An Exploratory Study. Sports Innovation Journal, 1(1), 1-17.
22. Chard, C., McCrory, L., & Spence, K. (2020). Financing Improvements and Expansion: A Case of
the Sunnyhill Health & Racquet Club. Case Studies in Sport Management, 9(1), 12-19.
21. Edwards, J., Wood, L., Chard, C., & Potwarka, L. (2019). Why do Canadian Hockey Players
Choose NCAA Division I Women’s Hockey Programs? A Qualitative Investigation. Managing
Sport and Leisure. DOI 10.1080/23750472.2019.2662731.
20. Wigfield, D., & Chard, C. (2018). Understanding Brand Associations of Preferred Minor Hockey
Tournaments from the Parents’ Perspective. Event Management Journal, 22(2), 183-198.
19. Chard, C. (2017). Investing in Sports Stocks: A case of Sportfolio Management Inc. Case Studies
in Sport Management, 6(1), 71-79.
18. Chard, C., & Potwarka, L. (2017). Exploring the Relative Importance of Factors that Influence
Student-Athletes’ School-Choice Decisions: A Case Study of One Canadian University. Journal
of Intercollegiate Sport, 10(1), 22-43.
17. Chard, C., & Spence, K. (2016). Sports rescue: The South End Mustangs professional ice
hockey team. Case Studies in Sport Management, 4(7), 44-53.
16. Chard, C., Edwards, J., & Potwarka, L. (2015). Understanding the Perceived Attributes and
Consequences of Participation in Youth “Rep” Hockey: An analysis from the parental
perspective. Journal of Applied Sport Management, 7(2), 21-42.
15. Keogh, C., Mallen, C., Chard, C., & Hyatt, C. (2014). Golf operations: A comparative case study
of Ontario golf courses engaged in environmental sustainability initiatives. Journal of
Management and Organizational Studies, 1(2), 100-121.
14. Chard, C. (2014). “Show me the money … plan!” Case Studies in Sport Management, 3(4), 1-6.
13. Chard, C., & Mallen, C. (2013). Renewable energy initiatives at Canadian sport stadiums: A
content analysis of website communications. Sustainability, 5(12), 5119-5134.
12. Chard, C., MacLean, J., & Faught, B. (2013). Managing athletic department touch points: A case
study of one institution using importance-performance analysis. Journal of Intercollegiate
Sport, 6(2), 196-212.
11. Mallen, C., Chard, C., & Adams, L. (2013). A water resource sustainability best practice at a sport
facility: A case study. EYQEW, 1(1), 1-10.
10. Chard, C., Mallen, C., & Bradish, C. (2013). The responsibilities of Olympic sponsors? BP and
the London 2012 Olympic Games. Case Studies in Sport Management, 2(2), 1-7.
9. Chard, C., Hyatt, C., & Foster, W. (2013). Assets and Obstacles: An analysis of OUA hockey from
the coaches’ perspective. Sport, Business and Management: an International Journal, 3(3),
8. Mallen, C., Chard, C., Adams, L. & McRoberts, S. (2013). Congruence in sport event
environmental policy, formulated strategy and implementation. The International Journal of
Sustainability Policy and Practice, 8(2), 1-11.
7. Mallen, C., Chard, C., & Sime, I. (2013). Web communications of environmental sustainability
initiatives at sport facilities hosting Major League Soccer. Journal of Management and
Sustainability, 3(3), 115-130.
6. Chard, C. (2013). Understanding the brand meaning of the CIS hockey league: An insurance
policy if all else fails. Sport in Society, 16(3), 327-339.
5. Chard, C, Mallen, C., & Bradish, C. (2012). Marketing and environmental sustainability in the
sport sector: Developing a research agenda for action in the coming years. Journal of
Management and Sustainability, 3(1), 33-44.
4. Spector, S., Chard, C., Mallen, C., & Hyatt, C. (2012). An analysis of the ski industry environmental
sustainability evaluation and reporting program. Sport Management Review, 15(4), 416-433.
3. Chard, C., & Mallen, C. (2012). Examining the linkages between automobile use and carbon
impacts of community-based ice hockey. Sport Management Review, 15(4), 4, 476-486.
2. Mallen, C., & Chard, C. (2012). “What could be” in Canadian sport facility environmental
sustainability. Sport Management Review, 15(2), 230-243.
1. Mallen, C., & Chard, C. (2011). A framework for debating the future of environmental sustainability
in the sport academy. Sport Management Review, 14(4), 424-433.

Book Chapters:
Chard, C., & Dolf, M. (2017). The natural environment, sustainability and event management. In C.
Mallen & L. Adams (Eds.). Sport, Recreation and Tourism Event Management: Theoretical and
Practical Dimensions (3rd ed.). New York: Routledge.

Hyatt, C. & Chard, C. (2017). Facilitating quality in event management. In C. Mallen & L. Adams
(Eds.). Sport, Recreation and Tourism Event Management: Theoretical and Practical
Dimensions (3rd ed.). New York: Routledge.

Mallen, C., Chard, C., Mansurov, A., & Keogh, C. (2015). Design Policies and Strategies to
Safeguard, Conserve, and Reclaim Water Resources at Sport Facilities. In S. Chadwick, J.
Beech, & D. Arthur (Eds.). International Cases in the Business of Sport (in press). London:

Mallen, C., Chard, C., & Keogh, C. (2015). Preparing environmentally friendly events. In J. Casper &
M. Pfahl (Eds.). Sport Management and the Natural Environment: Theory and Practice. New
York: Routledge Press.

Mallen, C., & Chard, C. (2013). Sustainable event management. In J. Beech, S. Kaiser & R. Kaspar
(Eds.). The Business of Events Management. Essex, UK: Pearson Education.

Chard, C., & Dolf, M. (2013). The natural environment, sustainability and event management. In C.
Mallen & L. Adams (Eds.). Sport, Recreation and Tourism Event Management: Theoretical and
Practical Dimensions (pp. 166-179). New York: Routledge.

Hyatt, C. & Chard, C. (2013). Facilitating quality in event management. In C. Mallen & L. Adams
(Eds.). Sport, Recreation and Tourism Event Management: Theoretical and Practical
Dimensions (pp. 181-196). New York: Routledge.

Chard, C. (2010). Brand Slam: 4 Keys to Managing Your Brand. In J. Ferguson (Ed.), Best Practices:
A Handbook for Advisors and their teams (pp. 139-143). Calgary, AB: Blitzprint Inc.
Published Conference Proceedings:

Bradish, C., Chard, C., & Mallen, C. (2012). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the Olympic
Games: An examination of the accountability and ethics of Olympic corporate partnerships.
Olympic Conference, October, 2012, University of Western Ontario.

Bradish, C., & Chard, C. (2010). Examining the sales and marketing functions of the 2010 Vancouver
Games: Reflections on the development of a marketing legacy. Proceedings of the 10th
International Symposium for Olympic Research. The International Centre for Olympic Studies,
University of Western Ontario.

Refereed Works – Presentations Completed:

Chard, C. & Edwards, J. (2019). A Viable Pathway to Professional Hockey? An Empirical
Investigation of U Sports Hockey from 2000-2018. North American Society for Sport
Management (NASSM), New Orleans, LA, May, 2019.

Harrison, T. & Chard, C. (2019). Leadership capacity of USPORT Athletic Directors. North American
Society for Sport Management (NASSM), New Orleans, LA, May, 2019.

Chard, C. & Wigfield, D. (2018). Tell me why they don’t like Mondays: An analysis of unnecessary
school-days missed due to travel hockey tournaments. North American Society for Sport
Management (NASSM), Halifax, Nova Scotia, May, 2018.

Harrison, T. & Chard, C. (2017). Understanding competencies needed to be an athletic director in
Canada. North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), Boulder Colorado, May,

Mederios, S. & Chard, C. (2017). NCAA athletes who leave to play U Sports in Canada:
Understanding ‘why’ using means-end analysis. North American Society for Sport Management
(NASSM), Boulder Colorado, May, 2017.

Wigfield, D., & Chard, C. (2016). Proxy decision-making: Parental influences on youth rep hockey
tournament destination selection. North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM),
Orlando, Florida, May, 2016.

Chard, C., Edwards, J., and Potwarka, L. (2015). More Time, More Money, More Driving, More
Games: Understanding Why Parents Enroll Their Children in Youth “Rep” Hockey. North
American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), Ottawa, Ontario, May, 2015.

Keogh, C., Mallen, C., Chard, C., Hyatt, C., & Bradish, C. (2014). Greener Golf Operations: A
Comparative Case Study of Ontario Golf Courses Engaged in Environmental Sustainability
Initiatives. North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), Pittsburgh, USA, May,

Mansurov, A., Chard, C., Mongeon, K., Hyatt, C., & Mallen, C. (2014). Is there or is there not a
Russian Factor? The Hockey Conference, London, Ontario, June 18-20, 2014.

Chard, C., & Mallen, C. (2014). Examining the Employer Brand: Marketing to Free Agents in the
National Hockey League. The Hockey Conference, London, Ontario, June 18-20, 2014.

Bradish, C., Chard, C., & Mallen, C. Athlete rights versus commercial interests: An examination of the
accountability and ethics of Rule 40 and the Olympic Games. Presented at the Fourth
International Conference on Sport and Society, Chicago, Illinois (June, 2013).

Legg, D., O’Reilly, N., Bradish, C., Nadeau, J., MacIntosh, E., Seguin, B., Chard, C., Stotlar, D.
(2013). Ambush marketing and the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Administrative
Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Mount Royal University, Calgary,
Alberta, June, 2013.

Bradish, C., Chard, C., & Mallen, C. (2012). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the Olympic
Games: An examination of the accountability and ethics of Olympic corporate partnerships.
Olympic Conference, October, 2012, University of Western Ontario.

Spector, S., Chard, C., Mallen, C., & Hyatt, C. (2012). Socially constructed environmental issues and
sport: A content analysis of ski resort environmental communications. North American Society
for Sport Management (NASSM), Seattle, Washington, USA, June, 2012.

Chard, C., & Edwards, J. (2012). Hockey parents and sport choice decisions: A means-end analysis of
youth sport participation. The Hockey Conference, Halifax, NS, July, 2012.

Chard, C., Hyatt, C, & Foster, B. (2012). Understanding the context of the OUA hockey league within
the CIS hockey family: Money, media, markets and management. The Hockey Conference,
Halifax, NS, July, 2012.

Mallen, C., Chard, C. Adams, L., & McRoberts, S. (2012). Congruence in sport event environmental
policy, formulated strategy and implementation. The 8th International Conference of
Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability. The University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, January, 10-12, 2012.

Mallen, C., & Chard, C. (2011). A Framework for debating the future of environmental sustainability in
the sport academy. Presentation at the North American Society for Sport Management
(NASSM) conference. University of Western Ontario, June 1-4, 2011, Canada.

Mallen, C., Chard, C., & Bradish, C. (2011). Marketing and environmental sustainability in the sport
sector: A game plan for action in the coming years. Presentation at the North American Society
for Sport Management (NASSM) conference. University of Western Ontario, June 1-4, 2011,

Barnes, M., Chard, C., Cousens, L., MacLean, J., & Stevens, J. (2011, March 10). Presentation at
the Binational Dialogues Summit 2011 entitled Economic Impact of sport tourism in Niagara:
Preliminary results. Americana Conference Resort & Spa, Niagara Falls, Ontario.

Bradish, C., & Chard, C. (2010). Examining the sales and marketing functions of the 2010 Vancouver
Games: Reflections on the development of a marketing legacy. Proceedings of the 10th
International Symposium for Olympic Research, The International Centre for Olympic Studies,
University of Western Ontario.

Chard, C. (2010, June 4). Presentation at the Hockey on the Border Conference entitled
Understanding the brand meaning of the CIS hockey league: An insurance policy if all else
fails. Adam’s Mark Hotel, Buffalo, New York.

Seguin, B., Bradish, C., Nadeau, J., MacIntosh, E., Chard, C., Legg, D., O’Reilly, N., Stotlar, D.
(2010, September 17). The 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games: A study of consumer
perceptions regarding sponsorship, ambush marketing and the Olympic Movement.
Presentation at the European Association for Sport Management (EASM) Conference entitled.
Prague, Czech.

Chard, C. (2005). “Understanding brand equity: A consideration of league related antecedents of the
Ontario Hockey League for player-consumers.” Presentation given at the North American
Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Conference, 2005, Regina, Saskatchewan

Chard, C. (2003). “Understanding sport sponsorship from the corporate perspective”, Poster
presentation given at the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM)
Conference, May 28-30, 2003 – Ithaca, NY

  • Introduction to Sport Finance
  • Advanced Sport Finance
  • Sport Management Field Work