Michael Van Bussel, PhD

Assistant Professor, Sport Management

Michael Van Bussel

Office: STH 360
905 688 5550 x6659
[email protected]

Michael Van Bussel has over 18 years of academic, administrative, and service experience in Sport Management. His educational background includes a PhD focusing on Sport Law and Policy Studies from Western University.  He held faculty positions at Jacksonville University, and Wilfrid Laurier University in the field of Sport Management.  He has won awards in teaching and coaching and was named OUA (USPORT) Provincial Coach of the Year on two separate occasions with the Western University Women’s Soccer Program.  His research interests include: Sport law, Risk Management, Governance and Policy, and Coach/Athlete Communication.

  • Sport Law
  • Sport Governance and Policy
  • Risk Management
  • Coaching Communication and the Law

Van Bussel, M., & Doherty, A.  (2015). An examination of the conflict process in non-profit community sport boards. European Sport Management Quarterly, 15(2), 176–194.

Eys, M. A., Ohlert, J., Evans, B., Wolf, S., Martin, L., Van Bussel, M., & Steins, C. (2015).Cohesion and performance for female and male sport teams. Sports Psychologist, 29, 97–109.

Van Bussel, M. (2014). Chapter 8: Direct leadership in recreation, leisure, hospitality and tourism. In T. S. O’Connell, B. Cuthbertson & T. Goins (Eds.), 21st Century Leadership for Leisure Services. (pp. 140–153). Champaign: Human Kinetics.

O’Connell, T. & Van Bussel, M. (2014). Chapter 7: Understanding group dynamics. In T. S. O’Connell, B. Cuthbertson & T. Goins (Eds.), 21st Century Leadership for Leisure Services.(pp. 114–139). Champaign: Human Kinetics.

Van Bussel, M., & Gregg, M. (2014). Norms, rules and discipline in sport.  In A. Papaioannou & D. Hackfort (Eds.), Fundamental Concepts in Sport and Exercise Psychology. (pp. 529–543). London: Taylor & Francis.

  • Introduction to Sport and the Law
  • Governance in Sport