Craig Tokuno, PhD

Professor, Kinesiology

Craig Tokuno, PhD

Office: WC 246
905 688 5550 x4365
[email protected]

My research focuses on the neurophysiological and biomechanical control of human movement. In particular, I am interested in determining how the central nervous system contributes to the control of postural and locomotor tasks, and how these neuromechanical mechanisms are affected by age and neuromuscular deficits.

  • Neurophysiological and biomechanical control of human movement
  • International Society for Posture and Gait Research
  • Society for Neuroscience

Ferguson OW, Polskaia N, Tokuno CD (2017). The effects of foot cooling on postural muscle responses to an unexpected loss of balance. Human Movement Science.

Phanthanourak AL, Cleworth TW, Adkin AL, Carpenter MG, Tokuno CD (2016). Threat of perturbation effects on anticipatory postural control. Gait & Posture. 50: 145-150.

Laing JM, Tokuno CD (2016). The effects of dual-tasking on compensatory arm muscle responses in young and older adults. Human Movement Science. 46:159-166.

Weaver TB, Adkin AL, Patterson JT, Tokuno CD (2014). The influence of instruction on arm reactions in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Human Movement Science. 37:101-110.

Weaver TB, Tokuno CD (2013). The influence of handrail predictability on compensatory arm reactions in response to a loss of balance. Gait & Posture. 38(2):293-298.

Tokuno CD, Cresswell AG, Thorstensson A, Carpenter MG (2013). Recruitment order of the abdominal muscles varies with postural task. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 23(3):349-354.

El Bouse AO, Gabriel DA, Tokuno CD (2013). Examining the reliability of the flexor carpi radialis V-wave at different levels of muscle contraction. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 23(2):296-301.

Weaver TB, Hamilton LE, Tokuno CD (2012). Age-related changes in the control of perturbation-evoked and voluntary arm movements. Clinical Neurophysiology. 123(10):2025-2033.

Weaver TB, Janzen MR, Adkin AL, Tokuno CD (2012). Changes in spinal excitability during dual task performance. Journal of Motor Behavior. 44(4):289-294.

Tokuno CD, Lichtwark GA, Cresswell AG (2012). Modulation of the soleus H-reflex during knee rotations is not consistent with muscle fascicle length changes. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 112(9):3259-3266.

  • Biomechanics
  • Motor control