Anna H. Lathrop, EdD

Professor, Kinesiology

Anna H. Lathrop

Office: ST 1370
905 688 5550 x4361
[email protected]

Anna H. Lathrop is a Professor in the Department of Kinesiology in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences. Her areas of research include the history of physical education and sport, children and physical activity, and pedagogy in higher education. Her distinctions include the Brock University Distinguished Teaching Award (2000); the OCUFA Award for Outstanding University Teaching (2000); and the 3M Teaching Fellowship Award of Canada (2001).

  • History of physical education and sport
  • Children and physical activity
  • Gender and sport
  • Pedagogy in higher education
  • 3M Teaching Fellowship of Canada
  • Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
  • Ontario Committee on Student Affairs

O’Connell, T. S., Howard, R. A., & Lathrop, A. H., (in press, 2019). Sense of place and first-year student transition: Fostering capacity through outdoor orientation experiences. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education & Leadership.

Taks, M., Stevens, J., Scheerder, J, Lathrop, A., Bradish, C. (2019). A comparison of Canadian and Belgian youth sport participation profiles. In Zhang & Pitts (Eds.) Globalized sport management in diverse cultural contexts, pp. 29-52. Routledge, New York.

Lathrop, A., Francis, N. (2018). From ‘Dancing Girls’ to ‘Elder Statement’: A History of the CAHPER Dance Committee. Physical and Health Education Journal, 84 (2): 1-24.

Howard, R.A., O’Connell, T.S., & Lathrop, A.H. (2016). Community development, transitional value and institutional affinity: The impact of an outdoor orientation program on the first-year university student experience. The Journal of Experiential Education, 39 (1): 45-58.

Stevens, J., & Lathrop, A.H. (2014). Boom or bust? The impact of the 1972 Summit Series on the development of women’s hockey in Canada. In B. Kennedy (Ed.), Coming down the mountain: Rethinking the 1972 summit series. Hamilton, ON: Wolsak & Wynn Publishers, pp. 143-159.

Prins, S., & Lathrop, A.H. (2014). Institutional strategies that foster academic integrity: A faculty-based case study. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, Volume VII (1): 1-7.

Francis, N., & Lathrop, A.H. (2014). ‘Here we go round the Mulberry bush:’ Problematizing progress in Ontario’s elementary school dance curriculum: 1900-2000. The Journal of Dance Education, 14(1): 27-34.

Mandigo, J., & Lathrop, A.H. (2014). Physical literacy and it’s relevance to physical education curriculum and pedagogy in Canada. In M. Chin & C.R. Edington (Eds.), Physical Education and Health: Global Perspectives and Best Practices, pp. 93-108.

Mandigo, J., Corlett, J., & Lathrop, A.H. (2012). Physical education in the 21st Century: To infinity and beyond? In E. Singleton & A. Varpalotai (Eds.), Pedagogy for the moving body. London, Ontario: Althouse, pp. 15-44.

Lathrop, A.H., O’Connell, T.S., & Howard, R.A. (2012). The impact of wilderness orientation on first-year student perceptions of life effectiveness and campus integration. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, Volume V: 92-97.

  • Foundations of Movement Studies