Articles by author: Elizabeth Yates

  • Open Access in order to … Collaborate

    Two figures with arrows pointing at each other

    Research is becoming increasingly transdisciplinary and collaborative: it’s common for people located at several different institutions to partner on the same study. But varying levels of access to subscription journal literature can make it tough for everyone on the same research team to access the same articles they all need.

    Open access removes those barriers so that scholarly literature is free for anyone, anywhere – thus making it easier for researchers to collaborate, wherever they are. Open access can also spark entirely new partnerships: let’s say someone just happens to find your study freely available online, realizes you share the same research interests and gets in touch to talk about working together.

    Image of Bareket Falk

    Kinesiology professor Bareket Falk

    Even when open access may not directly influence a research project, it continues to advance the scholarly conversation. An article that’s open is thus open for commentary – as experienced by Brock Kinesiology professor Bareket Falk, who received a grant from the Library Open Access Publishing Fund to help publish an article in the open access journal Scoliosis.

    “Because it was open, it may have attracted more attention. It is difficult to tell,” said Falk. “Nevertheless, a commentary (letter to the editor) was published on the topic and we were invited to comment.”


    Open Access week events continue. Don’t miss today’s live stream presentation by Canada Research Chair and copyright scholar Michael Geist @ 12:40 in ST1126.

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  • New award for Brock open access champion

    A new award recognizes the potential of open access to broaden the reach of Brock research and transform scholarly publishing.

    Launched in advance of  International Open Access Week, the Brock University Award for Open Access  recognizes a Brock community member who is a champion of freely sharing scholarship with audiences around the globe. In addition to enhancing public access to publicly-funded research, open access benefits both individual researchers and their institutions by promoting higher citation counts, increased community impact and enhanced opportunities for collaboration.

    “The benefits of open access for research dissemination are huge,” said University Librarian Mark Robertson.  “We’re excited to host an award that recognizes the important role that Brock researchers play in championing open access in this changing landscape.”

    Open to Brock University faculty, librarians, staff and students, the $2,500 award may be used to either pay an article processing charge for an open access journal or donated to support a non-profit platform for open scholarship.

    Open Access, which refers to scholarly digital content that is free to the end user, is a dramatic evolution in how scholarship is disseminated: for centuries, published research has only been available to institutions or individuals who can afford to pay costly fees to access subscription journals.

    “Open access opens up knowledge to everyone,” said Elizabeth Yates, Liaison/Scholarly Communication Librarian. “We want to honour those at Brock who are helping shape a more sustainable and democratic system of scholarly communication.”

    Applications, including a nomination statement and supporting documentation, must be submitted by Oct. 13 at 12 pm. A winner will be announced during Open Access Week, Oct. 23-27.




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  • Brock Librarians strengthen support for Open Access

    Brock Librarians are leading by example as champions of open scholarship with a new commitment to freely share the results of their scholarly activities.

    Under Library Council’s new Open Access Policy, librarians will strive to practice Open Access by:

    • Depositing their scholarly outputs in the Brock Digital Repository or other appropriate subject/institutional repository
    • Publishing in open access journals whenever feasible
    • Openly disseminating any scholarly non-textual outputs
    • Advocating for open publishing in their work as editors, reviewers and authors
    • Assisting all Brock researchers, including their library colleagues, to make their research openly available

    “This policy statement reflects Library Council’s support for the importance of openness,” said Ian Gibson, chair of Library Council, “while respecting the academic freedom of Librarians to publish in the manner they feel is most appropriate for their work.”

    Open Access has many benefits, including broadening the reach of Brock research, enhancing opportunities for collaboration and promoting new models of freely sharing scholarship. It also ensures publicly funded research is freely available to the public.

    Questions? Please contact Elizabeth Yates, Liaison/Scholarly Communication Librarian ~ [email protected]


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  • Library Open Access Publishing Fund opens for 2017-18

    The Library Open Access Publishing Fund is now accepting applications for 2017-18.

    The fund, established in 2011, raises awareness of the benefits of open access to scholarly research and helps Brock authors broaden the reach of their research. The fund allows Brock researchers to apply for grants to cover the costs of article-processing charges levied by some open access journals. The fund – increased to $15,000 for 2017-18 – provides maximum grants of $2,500 CDN per author.

    While article-processing charges (APCs) are not a sustainable business model to transform scholarly publishing, in some cases Brock researchers may feel that publishing in open access journals with APCs is the best way to make their publications publicly accessible. The Library, as a partner in disseminating Brock scholarship, demonstrates its commitment to open access by financially supporting the publishing fund and several other initiatives.

    Many other venues allow researchers to achieve open access, including the Brock Digital Repository, a publicly accessible online archive where Brock scholars can make their work accessible to everyone around the globe — for free.

    The Library also invests in open access memberships with several publishers which provide discounted APCs for members of the Brock community. And we financially support the development of innovative open access platforms for scholarship, including Erudit, the Directory of Open Access Journals and the Public Knowledge Project.

    The Library also provides local support for several peer-reviewed open access journals via Scholarly Journals at Brock; we welcome more publications to join the platform.

    Questions? Contact Elizabeth Yates, Scholarly Communication Librarian, at [email protected] or 905-688-5550 x4469.

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