Explore Digital Scholarship This Fall

September is here and we are very excited to welcome everyone back to Brock University for the Fall semester! We hope you are as ready to get back to learning and doing as we are.

This Fall the Brock University Digital Scholarship Lab is offering a series of hands-on workshops, each of which focuses on a different tool or skill that will be beneficial to your learning experience and will also give you skills to add to your resumé.  Another bonus of attending these workshops, is that they will earn you credit towards your Campus-Wide Co-Curriculum Certificate. Each workshop is open to everyone.  Workshops included in this series are as follows:

September 12 –  Introduction to OpenRefine

September 18 – Introduction to R

September 27 – Introduction to Data Visualization

October 1 – ArcGIS Pro: the software, a flu outbreak and network analysis

October 7 – Introduction to Python

October 15-16 – Software Carpentry. This is a two day even that requires a small fee to attend.

October 21 – Introduction to Data Science with Python. Case Study: Sci-Hub close to home

October 30 – Python 2.0. Attendance to the first Python workshop is beneficial but is not required.

November 6 – Introduction to R – Nov. 6

November 11 – Introduction to the Command Line

November 12 –  Intro. to Data Visualization – Nov. 12

November 20 – Introduction to PowerBI

November 26 – Introduction to Tableau

To learn more about the series including dates, times and registration information, please visit ExperienceBU. For questions please contact dsl@brocku.ca


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