
  • Trial Week Feb. 28 – Mar. 4

    We’ve got new “in-person” 5 – week programs beginning March 7.  From Jungle Gym to Bollywood, Self Defense to Zumba and to Candlelight Yoga, Barre Core and TRX!

    Not sure if you will like the class?  Take part in a “free” class during trial week.  Pre-register here

  • Walker Sports Complex is open

    As per the Ontario government announcement on Jan. 20, 2022, easing restrictions for sport and recreation facilities, the Walker Sports Complex (pool, the Zone, gymnasia) will re-open on Monday, Jan. 31.  Pre-registration for space will open on Friday, Jan. 28 at noon.

  • Niagara Region issues ‘Letter of Instructions’ for Sport and Recreation facilities – effective Dec. 10

    Effective Dec. 10, all sport, recreation and fitness facilities in the Niagara Region must ensure that capacity limits in locker and shower areas and washrooms within facilities are managed, including only allowing participants to access these spaces 15 minutes before activity and 15 minutes after.  We ask that you continue to respect the occupancy limits posted in these areas in the Walker Sports Complex, and you limit the time you spend prior to and after your activity.  Thank you.

    You can read the information here  Letter of Instruction

  • Indoor Running track is open – reserve your time on-line

    If the weather outside isn’t letting you run or walk, Brock students can use the indoor track, located above the Ian D. Beddis gymnasium.  Book your time on-line weekly (reservations open on Fridays at noon).

  • Student Climbing Sessions


    One of the hidden gems on campus nestled by the edge of the escarpment at the far west end of campus is Brock’s challenge course (ropes course).  The challenge course is operated by Youth University and is used as an outdoor education learning centre for youth in camps during the summer, elementary and high school field trips throughout the school year.   It is also used as a teambuilding program for Brock and Adult groups.   

    Recently we held two 0-week climbs that booked up both days offered.  It was great to see students of all years and programs connecting at the course.  Supporting each other as climbers challenged themselves on different elements and seeing the sense of accomplishment as the climber descended.  To us, as outdoor educators, this is what climbing is all about, the connections made, pushing perceived boundaries, challenging your perceived abilities and celebrating accomplishments.  

     Climbing is also a fun and unique recreational experience.  With limited teambuilding programs taking place this year Brock Recreation will be offering climbing sessions once a week starting September 22 until Mother Nature tells us it’s getting too cold outside.  In Inclement weather conditions (Thunder, lightning, excessive wind and heavy downpours) the climbing sessions will be postponed.  Brock’s course offers a number of high ropes elements of varying difficulty and multiple rock wall climbing options. 

    Pre-registration will be required for the climbing sessions and will open every Friday at noon. 

     Some key things to keep in mind when your register and arrive for a climbing session 

    1. You MUST be wearing a mask and closed toed shoes to participate. We would also recommend longer shorts or pants for comfort when wearing a harness but this is up to you.  
    2. If you have long hair, you will need to tie it back in a low pony. And remove any jewelry that may be at risk of getting pulled.  
    3. You will be given all the climbing equipment required, including a helmet and harness assigned just to you.  
    4. Please check in at the cage in the Walker Complex to confirm session time and receive a wrist band. 
    5. You will need to complete a waiver before climbing and we ask that you use the provided hand sanitizer before and after your climb 
    6. If you no longer plan to attend, please cancel your registration. This will allow another student a chance to attend.  

     We look forward to seeing you at the course. 

    Your Friendly Neighbourhood Badger 

  • Guide to Safely Access and use Walker Complex Facilities

    It feels good to see our Recreation facilities in the Walker Sports Complex being used by students again. The Zone Fitness Centre is no longer sitting silent, the radio is on, and all the workout stations and new equipment are being used. Waves are being made in the pool again by swimmers doing laps, the Alumni turf field has intramural soccer happening and varsity basketball practice is in the gym again. 

    The life and vibe of the Walker Sports Complex is coming back, and we are excited about the arrival of students in September. With this return we have a few Covid safety guidelines to keep Walker running smoothly and safely during the month of August. 


    Anyone accessing the Walker Sports Complex for activity must complete the Brock University Covid-19 Self-Assessment/Information form on the Brock Safety app (download for free) prior to attending. The result of your screening must be shown to the screener at the entrance. If you do not “pass” your screening, please do not arrive in-person at Brock University. 

    Pre-Booking Activity  

    Each Friday, the reservation system opens for the following week for students to book their activity (indoors and outdoors). You must read and sign the Recreation Waiver, as well as Brock’s Covid-19 waiver the first time you reserve a time slot to work out. 

    Equipment and Service Changes 

    • All pieces of equipment within the Zone Fitness Centre have been spaced to have a minimum of 2 metres between pieces or are marked as out of service. 
    • Showers and locker rooms are currently only available for those reserving time in the pool. For other activities, please come dressed for your activity. 
    • Water fountains are unavailable, bottle fillers are available. We ask that you arrive with a full container of water, and only use the bottle fillers should you need additional hydration. 
    • Locker and towel service is currently unavailable. You are asked to take any belongings with you to the activity space. 
    • Where necessary, we can lend some equipment (balls, racquets). All are cleaned after each use. Please bring your own equipment wherever possible. 
    • Saunas, whirlpool, track, squash courts are currently unavailable. 

     Masks, PPE, Safety for all 

    • All are expected to maintain 2 metres of physical distancing between themselves and others while in the Walker Sports Complex. 
    • Within the Zone, trainers are not permitted to “spot” you. Please adjust your weight selection so that you can manage on your own. 
    • Masks are to be worn within the facilities with the following exceptions: masks may be removed once you reach your lane at the pool. Masks may be removed at specific cardio equipment within the Zone Fitness Centre. 


    Ensuring that equipment and facilities are safe and clean is the responsibility of all. Participants are expected to use the spray and wipe towels that are provided to clean equipment before and after each use. Staff and custodians are continuing to perform extra cleaning, including touch point cleaning. 

    At the end of each day, additional disinfecting occurs using electrostatic spraying to clean all equipment. 

     Following these guidelines will help create a continual safe operation of our facilities that are there for your health, well-being and enjoyment. 

     Your Friendly Neighbourhood Badger 


  • 5 Benefits of Participating in Intramural Sport

    For the better part of the last year, we have been able to watch professional athletes compete in their respective leagues, but any recreational sports participants have not been able to take part in their sports league of choice. We’re excited that recreational sports are returning and want to ensure that all Brock students are aware of the intramural programming at Brock and all of its benefits for your student experience.  

    Intramurals are sports leagues and tournaments offered through Brock Recreation for students to participate against other Brock students. Tournaments are typically one day, and leagues run for 5 weeks plus playoffs. Now that you have the details, here are 5 reasons you should consider signing up for this upcoming school year. 

    Ability to continue playing sports you grew up playing 

    So maybe you’re not varsity bound after high school, that doesn’t mean you have to stop playing sports! You’re at a new school and potentially moving to a new city for university. Intramural leagues offer you a chance to continue playing the sports that they grew up playing, whether at a recreational level or in a competitive division.  

    Chance to try out a new sport 

    With so many different sports leagues offered through Brock Intramurals, there is bound to be something of interest to most. From traditional leagues like basketball and soccer to unique leagues like inner tube water polo (a Badger favourite)! 

    Sign up as a team or individual 

    Registration is available for full teams, but you can also sign up solo (lots of students do this and meet friends this way – see point 4 below). If you have a couple of people you’d like to play with but not enough to field a full team, you can register as individuals and request to be on the same team.  

    Chance to meet new people 

    Whether you register as a full team or as an individual, intramurals provide the chance to meet new people either on your team, on opposing teams or even the student staff that help run the leagues. University is the ultimate time to meet new people and build friendships! 

    Employment opportunity 

    All of our intramural leagues that require officials are staffed by Brock students. If you are interested in any of the sports and have the ability to learn the rules and enforce them then why not become one of our officials! We hire at the beginning of every calendar year, so be sure to follow @BrockRecreation on Instagram for hiring dates. 

    For more information on intramurals, the different leagues and registration dates please visit our website,  

    If you are currently living in Niagara, consider signing up for our mini intramural soccer or tennis leagues running in August. Otherwise, we can’t wait to see you in September! 


    Your friendly neighborhood Badger 

  • Our Top 5 Summer Backyard Games

    Our Top 5 Summer Backyard Games 

     Summer is in full swing, our favorite time of year.  Time for relaxation, trips to the cottage, camping, hanging out by a backyard pool, soaking in the sun and playing some backyard games with friends and family. 

    When it comes to backyard games there’s no shortage of options. It seems like there’s a new game created every year. The fun part about backyard games is they’re made to be played in relatively small areas outdoors and don’t need a large space to have fun. Also, a lot of them can be made at home. We just recently completed a DIY bean bag toss project (keep an eye out for it in the Walker Complex courtyard in the future)! 


     With that being said, here’s our Top 5 list of Backyard Games for this Summer. 

    1. Bean Bag Toss 

    Probably the start of the backyard game boom.  Bean bag toss has scoring similar to horseshoes and requires either 2 or 4 players.  The game is simple, doesn’t require tons of skill to get points and games can happen quickly.  You get 1 point for landing the bean bag on the board and 3 points for getting it in the hole. 

                2.  Kan Jam 

    Kan Jam requires a playing partner with one throwing a frisbee towards the other partner who then tries to deflect or dunk the frisbee into their respective can.  The thrower can also collect points by hitting the can directly or getting an instant win by fitting the frisbee into the slot on the can.  Games are to 21 points, require two teams and can get highly competitive.  

                3.  Ladder Golf 

    Maybe not as popular anymore as in years past but ladder golf is still easily making this top 5 list.  Usually, the most durable sets are the ones you make yourself with PVC pipe.  Another 2 or 4 player game ladder golf involves throwing 2 golf balls tied to a string at each other teams ladder rungs trying to wrap them around the lower rung for 1 point, middle rung for 2 points and top rung for 3 points.   

                  4.  Giant Connect 4 

    This one is a little more laid back in terms of physical effort. It’s a version of the classic Connect 4 game where you try to line up 4 of your discs in a row either vertically, horizontally or diagonally.  Generally made from wood or plastic discs, this a great backyard option for the pool deck or patio. 

                  5.  Bocce Ball 

    May be the original backyard game to ever be created (that or croquet).  Bocce ball is a timeless option which requires a bit more room in a backyard or beach area.  The game requires 4 players officially but can be played with anywhere from 2 to 8 players.  One designated player throws the Pallino (little white ball) and everyone takes turns trying to get their bocce balls closest to the Pallino, with extra points for touching it.  It is also lots of fun to knock someone’s else’s bocce away when they are close to the Pallino. 

    Enjoy having some backyard fun this Summer, 

    Your Friendly Neighbourhood Badger 

  • Walker Sport Complex will re-open August 3 for student use

    Following the vaccination clinic which will be held in the Walker Sports Complex from July 23 – 27, facilities in the Walker Sports Complex will re-open for student use beginning August 3, with pre-booking required.

    Walker Sports Complex prepares to reopen indoor facilities to students – The Brock News (


  • Volunteering – Good for you, good for others

    The Canadian volunteer sector has certainly been impacted over the last 12 months. Stats can suggest three significant shifts:  

    1. Finding opportunities to volunteer has become more challenging. Hospitals, religious organizations, sports, and recreation benefit the most from volunteers, but many of these programs, events and roles have been suspended or cancelled since March 2020.  
    2. Older adults are more likely to volunteer significant amounts of time each week, but they are also among the most vulnerable to COVID-19 and therefore have been staying home.  
    3. And lastly, there has been growth in informal volunteering. More individuals are directly assisting others, such as picking-up and dropping-off groceries, neighbourhood initiatives, cooking meals or sewing non-medical masks. 

    You may need to be more creative in finding opportunities, but we know that serving others is a powerful form of self-care. 

    Volunteering can:  

    Combat stress, anger & anxiety. Meaningful connection to another person, working with animals, spending time outdoors and growing your support system can improve mood, lower risk for depression and relieve stress.  

    Increase happiness. Volunteers will describe the “helper’s high” or that “it feels good” – there is a euphoric rush that releases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers when you help others.  

    Increase physical activity. Movement is a natural part of many volunteer opportunities. Whether you are visiting a senior, packing goods at a food bank, planting trees or raising funds by walking or running.  

    Find a sense of belonging. The human need to belong is fierce. Dedicating your time to serve the greater good provides a clear purpose and place to belong. It will also help you expand your social & professional networks. 

    Explore Volunteer Opportunities: 

    Other ways to support community agencies: 

    • Sign up for their newsletters. 
    • Follow and engage with your favourite agencies on social media. 

    Build your volunteer capacity through personal development. 

    • Read books, take an online personality/leadership quiz online. 
    • Follow inspiring advocates & leaders on social media. 
    • Join virtual conferences & workshops. 

    Your Friendly Neighbourhood Badger