Dodgeball rules

Please bring your student ID with you, it is required in order to play.

There is a maximum of 5 players on a side for co-ed dodgeball. Minimum two (2) males and two (2) females per side.

The Match

  1. Teams will alternate sides after each game.
  2. The object of the game is to eliminate all opposing players by getting them out.
  3. All matches will be twenty-five (25) minutes in length with the team winning the most games in that time period being declared the winner.
  4. In the instance of a forfeit the default score shall be 5-0.

Beginning the Game

  1. Prior to beginning a game, 6 dodge balls are placed along the centre line.
  2. Players then take their position by lying on their stomachs facing the centre line.
  3. Following a signal by the official, teams may approach the centre line to retrieve the balls.
  4. Players can only grab (or go for) one ball from the center line according to the colour they have been given by the official.
  5. Once retrieving a ball from the initial center line, the player must retreat back to the volleyball attack line before throwing it. Throwing a ball before crossing back over the attack line will result in an elimination of the thrower.
  6. During the opening rush, many players cross the centerline. Officials should refrain from calling players out unless a definite advantage is gained by the action.


A player is eliminated if:

  1. They hit someone in the head above the shoulder level.
  2. They are struck by an opposing player with a live thrown ball below the shoulders. If you are holding a ball and try to deflect a ball that is thrown at you but it hits you, you are out. Note: If a player ducks, or a ball is deflected to their head, which is clearly the cause for the player being hit above the shoulders, the player is out and the throw is legal.
  3. Their throw is caught by and opposing player (thrower is out, and one eliminated player from the catcher’s team is allowed back on the court)
  4. A player catches a thrown ball but falls out of bounds (side line or back line) prior to planting Both feet then the thrower is Not out. If the catcher falls out the side of the court, then they are considered out. If the player catches the ball but falls out of the back boundaries then no one is considered out and play continues.
  5. A player jumps or dodges out the back boundaries and is considered by the referee, as an intentional manoeuvre to avoid being hit with a ball.
  6. They drop a live ball as a result of contact by another thrown live ball (usually occurs when a    ball is being used to block a thrown ball). Only a player that was hit by a ball can “save” themselves from being out. For example, if a ball hits s player’s chest and goes into the air, only that individual can grab the ball to avoid elimination (before the ball hits the ground). If another player grabs the ball, the player is eliminated.
  7. Re-entering the court (after retrieving a stray ball or being pronounced back in the game from a player catching the ball) anywhere besides their own end line. Note: a player is not out if a thrown ball that strikes, or is caught by an opposing player before contacting the ground, another player, ball or if the player is out of bounds.
  8. A player may block a thrown ball with a ball being held provided the held ball is not dropped as a result of the contact with the thrown ball. Note: Upon elimination that player must immediately leave the court and enter his/her team’s designated holding area.

A player is not eliminated if:

  1. A ball hits a player who is out of bounds
  2. A ball is caught out of bounds


  1. The playing boundary is the volleyball court.
  2. During play, all players must remain inside boundary lines.
  3. All eliminated players must stand on one side of the match and may not interfere with balls either in or out of bounds.
  4. Players may pass through their end line only to retrieve stray balls. A stray ball is one that has not been picked up and is lying on the ground out of bounds.
  5. After retrieving a stray ball, the player must immediately re-enter the playing field ONLY through their end line.
  6. A player may reach to get a stray ball outside of the side, provided no body party touches the    ground outside the playing area.
  7. A player who steps out of boundaries will be declared out. (Note: a player is allowed to reach out of bounds to retrieve a ball as long as they do not touch anything but the ball)
  8. A player who re-enters the playing area after retrieving a stray ball anywhere besides their own end line will be declared out.
  9. No eliminated player may purposefully interfere with any dodgeballs. Failure to comply will result in that dodgeball being sent over to the opposing team.
  10. During the opening rush, many players cross the centerline. Officials should refrain from calling players out unless a definite advantage is gained by the action.


  1. The first team to legally eliminate all opposing players will be declared the winner of the game.
  2. The team with the most number of completed games won at the end of 25 minutes will be declared the winner of the match.
  3. If the number of games won is a tie at the end of regulation then the team with the most remaining players in the game currently in progress will be declared the winner of the match.
  4. If this still does not produce a winner then it is a draw. Note: In playoff games play will continue until a team wins the next game.

Declaring a winner in playoffs

  1. In playoffs, if the game results in a draw, then there will be a sudden death match consisting of one male and one female a side.
  2. Regular season rules will apply except that: Four balls will be placed down in the centre to start the game.
  3. On the whistle, each team can grab their two balls; the first team to eliminate both players on the opposing side wins.

Stalling and 7-second Violation

  1. It is illegal for a player to control a ball for more than 7 seconds. If the leading team controls all the balls they must make a legitimate effort to get at least one ball across the attack line and into the opponent’s backcourt. If this is not done within 7 seconds, a violation will be called
  2. A player cannot spend more than 10 seconds retrieving a ball that is off the court
  3. Violation: Stoppage of play and the balls evenly divided between the teams. Play continues with “balls in hand.”
  4. Although these rule should be considered as more of a guideline to maintain progress in the game rather than a strict rule. It will be to the referee’s discretion to call any penalties.

The officials


Unsportsmanlike conduct may include but is not limited to:

  • Foul language
  • Hits above the shoulders
  • Unnecessary roughness
  • Arguing with officials, staff, participants, or fans.
  • Abuse of the honour system.

Most importantly … HAVE FUN!!!!