Freedom to Read Week 2025

In celebration of the 41st Freedom to Read Week (February 23 – March 1), we’ve put together a list of challenged and banned titles for you to read in print and online.

Many of these controversial titles were challenged and have become classics. This includes titles such as:

It is widely regarded that book bans and challenges are a thing of the past, however the number of challenges continues to rise. The Canadian Federation of Library Associations’ (CFLA) Intellectual Freedom Committee, along with the Book and Periodical Council’s Freedom of Expression Committee, developed an annual survey to track challenges within Canadian public libraries. This survey began in 2007 and provides access to challenges libraries have faced to items in their collections, and to displays, programs, room usage, and computer access.

Freedom to Read Week is an annual event which highlights intellectual freedom and encourages Canadians to defend their right to read, write, and publish freely. Browse all of the featured titles and more on the display next to the Ask Us desk in Matheson Learning Commons, or view eBooks online.

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