Dr. Mira Bajovic
Assistant Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Children and adolescents’ social, emotional; cognitive and moral development; Educational Psychology; Classroom assessment and evaluation; Media literacy and popular culture; Video games in educational context
Dr. Jamie Barratt
Assistant Professor (PhD, M.Ed, B.ECE)
Email: [email protected]]
Research Interests: Development of physical literacy; Early Childhood Educator Physical Literacy; Pre-service Early Childhood Education; Fostering physical literacy through play-based pedagogy; Physical activity across the lifespan
Dr. Joe Barrett
Associate Professor (EdD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: School health policy; Health and physical education pedagogy; Culturally responsive pedagogy; Sport coaching pedagogy; Problem-based learning
Dr. Fiona Blaikie
Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Visual art education; Qualitative research including arts-informed educational research; Social theory on the body and clothing; Youth culture; Qualitative approaches to portfolio assessment; Curriculum development and implementation; Arts education; Aesthetics; Embodied knowledge/s; Intersectionality; Youth identity constructs; International curricula in arts education and comparator work in arts education
Dr. Sandra Bosacki
Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Emotional and socio-cognitive development in children and adolescents; Theory of mind, self-esteem and social competence; School bullying/victimization experience; Gendered self-concept/body image issues; Media literacy and popular culture; Spiritual and moral development; Risk-taking and resilience in youth; Play and humour in youth; Companion animals and human relationships
*Available for FOE Research Mentorship Award Supervision
Dr. Hilary Brown
Associate Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Using duoethnography as a pedagogical tool to promote deep reflection; Invitational and Holistic teaching practices; Using duoethnography as a reflection of social justice and a method to advance it; Teaching for transformation through constructivism
Dr. Lorenzo Cherubini
Professor (Ed.D.) & Hamilton Campus Coordinator, Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Teacher Development; Indigenous Education; Education Policy; English Education
Dr. Darlene Ciuffetelli Parker
Associate Dean, Professional & Undergraduate Student Services
Professor (PhD, MEd, BEd, Honours BA), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Research in equity, diversity and inclusion in schools and educational spaces, with a focus on systemic barriers in systems (i.e. intersectionality on topics such as: poverty, race, ethnicity, gender, identity, mental health)
*Available for FOE Research Mentorship Award Supervision
Dr. Diane R. Collier
Associate Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Multimodality and everyday literacies; Collaborative, participatory research with children and others; Arts-informed, qualitative, and ethnographic methodologies; Literacies-in-process
and playful improvisation; Children’s use of everyday texts (particularly images and popular culture) to connect with audiences both globally and locally, across home and school.
*Available for FOE Research Mentorship Award Supervision
Dr. Sheila Cote-Meek
Professor and Director, Indigenous Educational Studies Programs (PhD, MBA, BScN)
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Indigenous experiences in higher education; Transformative change in higher education; Decolonization and Indigenization; Equity and Inclusion; Indigenous health and well-being
Dr. Sandra Della Porta
Associate Professor (PhD, RECE), Department of Educational Studies
Program Director, Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Power relations and dynamics in early childhood; Informal learning contexts (e.g., family exchanges, teacher-child interactions, social play); Social-cognition in early childhood; The teaching and learning process; Social relationships and family dynamics
*Available for FOE Research Mentorship Award Supervision
Dr. Ann-Marie DiBiase
Associate Professor (PhD) and Educational Psychology Concentration Leader, Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Children, adolescent adult psychopathology (e.g., Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, ADHD, Anxiety Disorders, Depression; Neurobiology and Psychopathological Disorders; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT); Psychoeducational prevention/intervention programs for behaviorally at-risk children/adolescents
Dr. Dane Marco Di Cesare
Assistant Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: 2SLGBTQ+ mental health, & wellbeing; gender equity in the early years; supporting families in the early years; digital technology, multimodality & media literacies; exceptional education/special education; multiliteracies & multimodalities; multimodal composition
Dr. Tony DiPetta
Associate Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Program Director, Continuing Teacher Education
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Ways to understand, describe, and humanize the interface of person and machine in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education; Pedagogical, social and cultural issues associated with teaching and learning in technology supported educational environments
Dr. Susan Drake
Distinguished Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Effectiveness of integrated and interdisciplinary curriculum; 21st competencies and the new literacies; 21st Century education from a global perspective; The power of story for personal and professional transformation; The Story Model and Concentric storying; Narrative, development and lifelong learning; Educational reform; Innovative educational practices (integrated curriculum, assessment for learning, instructional strategies) collaboration; Narrative research; Action research (living educational theory); Self study
Paula Elias
Lecturer (MA, PhD (ABD)), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Access to postsecondary education; Pathways and transitions to education and work; Adult literacy and adult education; Critical adult education; Anti-racist, feminist, and Marxist theories of education; Participatory action research; Community-based research; Youth and young adult experiences; Racialized and immigrant adult learner experiences; Public pedagogy; History and sociology of education; Community development; Critiques of neoliberalism, human capital theories, and capitalism.
Dr. Mohammed Estaiteyeh
Assistant Professor (PhD, OCT, MA, BS), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Educational technologies; Digital pedagogies, technology-enhanced teaching, and TPACK; Digital and technology literacies; Online teaching and learning; Learning management systems (LMS); Immersive technologies and AI in education; Equity, diversity, and inclusion pedagogical practices such as differentiated instruction (DI) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in face-to-face and digital environments; Science and STEM education; Teacher education and teacher professional development; Curriculum studies; Program evaluation in higher education
*Available for FOE Research Mentorship Award Supervision
Dr. Xavier Fazio
Professor (EdD, MEd, BEd, BSc), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Science education and STEM; Environmental sustainability education; Teacher education and development; Innovative curriculum, instruction and assessment in science; Systems theory in education
*Available for FOE Research Mentorship Award Supervision
Dr. Olga Fellus
Assistant Professor (PhD, MA, MEd), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Early algebra; Intuitive knowledge of mathematical ideas; Teachers’ noticing of learners’ mathematical thinking; Change in mathematics education; Mathematical identity making in fiction and nonfiction texts; Identity making in mathematics education
*Available for FOE Research Mentorship Award Supervision
Dr. Tiffany L. Gallagher
Professor (PhD, MEd, BEd), Department of Educational Studies
Director, Brock Learning Lab
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: The role of the literacy and digital learning coach; Literacy assessment; Reading and writing strategy instruction; Inclusion and exceptional learners; Literacy learning with technology
*Available for FOE Research Mentorship Award Supervision
Dr. Shelley Griffin
Professor (BMus, MEd, PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Children’s narratives of musical experiences; Pre-service music teacher education; Narrative inquiry; Collaborative scholarship; Faculty mentorship; Selfstudy of teacher education practices
Dr. Catherine Hands
Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Family involvement in schooling; Educational reform; Educational leadership (including teacher leadership); School-community relations; Community involvement in education; Schools as communities; Professional learning communities; Educational policy
*Available for FOE Research Mentorship Award Supervision
Dr. Sally Hooper
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests:
Dr. David Hutchison
Professor (PhD, BEd, PMP) Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Education
Professor, Department of Digital Humanities, Faculty of Humanities
Director, GAME Program
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: History and philosophy of K-12 education; Alternative education; K-12 educational policy and pandemic planning; Project-based learning; Project management; Music composition
Dr. Kamini Jaipal-Jamani
Professor (PhD) & Chair, Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Science Education; Teacher and Faculty Professional Development; Teaching and Learning with Technology; Research Methodologies; Qualitative, survey & mixed methods, discourse analysis, action research
Dr. Rajiv Jhangiani
Associate Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Vice Provost, Teaching and Learning
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Open educational practices; Ethical educational technologies; Inclusive teaching
Dr. Douglas D. Karrow
Associate Professor (PhD, MEd, BEd, BSc), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Environmental and sustainability education (i.e., teacher education, curriculum, pedagogy, and policy); the applied philosophy of continental philosophers to education, e.g., Martin Heidegger; alternative philosophies of education and education theory
*Available for FOE Research Mentorship Award Supervision
Sarena Johnson
Lecturer, Indigenous Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Steven Khan
Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Mathematics for Multispecies’ Flourishing; Financial Literacy and Multispecies Education; Exploring nature, race, gender, sexuality, ability and culture in textbooks/resources used for K-8 pre-service mathematics (initial) teacher education; Open Education Resources and Open Educational Practices; Critical Discernments & Variation Theory for Elementary Teacher Education; Curating Mathematical Identities; Mythopoetic Curriculum Studies. Ethnomathematics and culturally responsive practices; Caribbean Curriculum Theorizing including thought of Sylvia Wynter; Concept mapping; Computational Thinking; Complexity Theory & Enactivism; Critical Discourse Analysis
Dr. Anjali Khirwadkar
Assistant Professor (PhD, OCT, MEd, MSc) Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Makerspaces in PJI mathematics methods courses, Teacher leadership in mathematics education, Social-emotional learning skills in supporting mathematics learning, Early Childhood Education and makerspaces for learning mathematics, Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) for teaching K- 8 mathematics.
*Available for FOE Research Mentorship Award Supervision
Dr. Julian Kitchen
Professor (BEd, PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Teacher education policy and programs; Self-study of teacher education practices teacher; Education law; LGBTQ issues in education; Teacher education
Dr. Rahul Kumar
Assistant Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: International Education; Higher Education Trends; Ethics in Educational Administration; Technology and Higher Education; Invitational Education
Dr. Xiaobin Li
Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Quantitative methods in research; Education finance; Education and law; International education
Dr. Chunlei Lu
Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Curriculum and pedagogy; Health and physical education; Positive education, mindfulness, mental health, wholistic health, well-being, and wisdom education; Cross-cultural studies in education, health, and physical activities; Comparative and international education
Jeannie M. Martin
Assistant Professor (MPEd, BEd, BA), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Cultural Safety for Indigenous Students and Educators; Indigenizing Learning Spaces and Systems; Indigenous Adult Education; Education for Empowerment and Sovereignty
Dr. Stephanie Mason
Assistant Professor (PhD, MEd, MA), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Adults’ informal learning; Arts-informed research; Lifelong learning; Learning in public places
Dr. Michelle McGinn
Acting Vice-President, Research and Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Research ethics; Research teams and collaboration; Researcher development; Graduate student development; Mentoring and mentorship; Research methodologies; Situated learning
Dr. Robert McGray
Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Critical Social Theory; Adult Education; Philosophy of Education; Sociology of Education; Community Development Education; Education for the Prevention of Hate Speech; Public Pedagogy; Political Economy and Education; Hate Speech and Education; Citizenship Education
*Available for FOE Research Mentorship Award Supervision
Dr. Ruth McQuirter Scott
Professor (EdD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Digital curation as a vital skill for 21C learners; Collaborative Teacher Inquiry Knowledge Mobilization (especially related to technology integration); Makerspace implementation; Self-regulated learning with technology; Word study – spelling, grammar, vocabulary; 21st century literacies; Connecting research with practice; Technology enhanced instruction; Scholarship of teaching & learning especially as it relates to preservice education in a literacy context
Yvonne Messenger
Lecturer (PhD (C), MEd, BEd), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Early literacy and foundational literacy skills instruction; Self-efficacy of educators; professional learning and instructional coaching
Dr. Joyce Mgombelo
Associate Dean Research and Graduate Studies & Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Mathematics education; Teacher education; Curriculum issues (culture, popular culture, cognition); Qualitative research methodologies (action research, phenomenology, etc.); Complexity science; Enactivist and psychoanalytic inquiry in education
Dr. Michael Mindzak
Assistant Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: History & Sociology of Education; Educational Work & Labour; Educational Leadership & Policy; Educational Reform; Educational Technologies
Dr. Dolana Mogadime
Director, Teacher Education
Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: School ethnography; Classroom research in language arts and social studies
Teacher as researcher; Action research and self-study; Critical pedagogy and anti-racist feminist pedagogy; Autobiography and teachers life histories; Curriculum reform; Critical Studies in Education; Sociology and Education (includes social foundations); Diversity, Social Justice and Equity Studies; Anti-oppression Education
Dr. Trevor Norris
Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Philosophy of Education; Teaching and Learning Philosophy; Humanities and Conceptually based Research Methods; History of Educational Thought; Critical Pedagogy; Globalization and Development Theories; Critiques of Consumerism and Neoliberalism; Education and Social Change; Modernity and Postmodernity; History and Philosophy of Education; Political Philosophy and Education; Consumerism and commercialism in education; Neoliberalism and neoconservatism in education; Democracy & Citizenship; Controversial issues in education; Education and the public good; Ethics and Education; Philosophy of Technology
Dr. Michael O’Sullivan
Associate Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: International education; Comparative education; International service learning; Global education
Dr. Michael Owen
Professor, (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Program Director, Continuing Teacher Education (CTE)
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: History of Education; History of Teacher Education; Higher & Postsecondary Education; Postsecondary Educational Policy; Research Ethics; Canadian History (Church History, Immigration 1900-1950
*Available for FOE Research Mentorship Award Supervision
Dr. Camille Rutherford
Associate Professor (EdD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: the use of technology and social media to facilitate distributed leadership and enhance teaching and learning.
Dr. Michael Savage
Associate Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Program Director, Master of Education
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Mental health and wellbeing in educational settings; Mental health challenges, learning disabilities and psychopathology among learners; Callous-Unemotional / Psychopathic Traits; Innovative classroom assessment and pedagogy; Sex work and sex workers in postsecondary settings; Designing and Using Innovative Curriculum as Intervention for Learning Disabilities and Disruptive Behaviour Disorders; Special Education Issues; 21st Century Classroom Assessment and Pedagogy
Dr. Margo Shuttleworth
Assistant Professor (EdD, OCT), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests:
Dr. Monique Somma
Assistant Professor (PhD, OCT), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Inclusive Education- as it relates to human rights and individuals with exceptionalities; Pedagogical Change- Teacher change in beliefs and practice regarding students with exceptionalities; Differentiated Instruction- How can/do teachers use DI for creating inclusive classrooms?; Outdoor Education- Nature based education programs and the impact on student learning and well-being.
*Available for FOE Mentorship Award Supervision
Dr. Nancy Taber
Professor (CD, PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Program Director, Adult Education
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Feminist antimilitarist analysis of Canadian Armed Forces culture, policy, practices, and education; Gendered representations of masculinities, femininities, and militarism in war and military museums; Fiction-based research: (a) historical novels with fantastical elements based on folklore and myths; (b) methodological explorations
Dr. Leanne Taylor
Associate Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Equity, diversity and activism in education; Antiracist praxis; Critical mixed-race theory; Sociology of Education; Access to postsecondary education; First generation students
*Available for FOE Research Mentorship Award Supervision
Dr. Mary-Louise Vanderlee
Professor & Dean, Faculty of Education
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Early childhood education; Family involvement; Pre-service and in-service teacher education in developing nations; Service learning; Monitoring indicators of health and wellbeing for children and their families; Community development; Program development and evaluation
Sherri Vansickle
Assistant Professor (MEd, OCT) and Interim Director – Indigenous Educational Studies Program
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Indigenous Teaching and Learning; Decolonial Practices; Haudenosaunee Knowledge Systems; Indigenous Spirituality; Land-Based Pedagogy
Dr. Peter Vietgen
Associate Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Teacher Education and the Arts; Museum/Gallery Education and School Partnerships; Social Justice and Equity Issues and the Arts; Indigenous Education and the Arts Literacy and the Arts; Art Education and Makerspaces; Art Education in schools and non-school environments
Dr. Louis Volante
Distinguished Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Global governance of education; Politics, policy, and large-scale reform; Political economy of education systems; International achievement surveys and policy diffusion; Impact evaluation of policies and programs
Dr. Kaschka Watson
Assistant Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Anti-Black Racism; Anti-oppression Education; Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Studies; Administration, Leadership, and Policy; Black 2SLGBTQIA+ Identities; Racialized Students’ Experiences in K-12 and Higher Education; Culturally Relevant and Sustainable Leadership
*Available for FOE Research Mentorship Award Supervision
Shannon Welbourn
Lecturer, Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Kari-Lynn Winters
Professor (PhD, MA), Department of Educational Studies
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Embodied pedagogies; Authorship as assemblage; Body image; Children’s literature; Drama/Dance and the arts in education; Multimodal Authorship; Arts integration; Literacy; Teacher education; Embodied literacies; Critical positioning; Immigrant education; Mental Health; STEAM
Dr. Vera Woloshyn
Professor, Department of Educational Studies, PhD, MA/MACP, BEd Program Director, Masters Preparation Certificate in Education
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests: Mental health and wellness; Academic success; Struggling learners; Educational psychology; Learning strategies and teaching pedagogies