Dr. Shelley Griffin

Professor (BMus, MEd, PhD), Department of Educational Studies

Contact for Availability for Graduate Advisement

portrait of Shelley Griffin

St. Catharines, ON
905 688 5550 x5370
[email protected]

Dr. Shelley Griffin is a faculty member in Elementary Music Education in the Department of Educational Studies. She obtained her PhD and MEd from the University of Alberta, and her BMus from the University of Prince Edward Island.

She has taught in the Department of Music for the University of Prince Edward Island and in the Department of Elementary Education for the University of Alberta. Prior to university teaching, Shelley taught grades 1-9 music and grade 1/2 classroom with the Western School Board, Prince Edward Island. 

  • Children’s narratives of musical experiences
  • Pre-service music teacher education
  • Narrative inquiry
  • Collaborative scholarship
  • Faculty mentorship
  • Self­study of teacher education practices

Member of:

  • International Society for Music Education (ISME)
  • Canadian Music Educators’ Association (CMEA)
  • National Association for Music Education (NAfME)
  • Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE)
  • American Educational Research Association (AERA)
  • Ontario Music Educators’ Association (OMEA)
  • Carl Orff Canada
  • Kodály Society of Ontario


  • Orff Schülwerk Level, I, II, and III

Chapters Contributed to Edited Books

Griffin, S. M., Winters, K-L., Vietgen, P., McQueen-Fuentes, G., & Rowsell, J. (2020). Constructions of arts zones: Inclusions of diverse learners through artistry and literacy. In B. W. Andrews (Ed.), Perspectives on arts education research in Canada, Vol II: Surveying the landscape (pp. 1–25). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.

Griffin, S. M. (2019). The fluid infusion of musical culture: Embodied experiences in a grade one classroom. In J. Rowsell (Ed.), The art and craft of literacy pedagogy: Profiling community arts zone. ISBN: 978-1-138-38904-5. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge. Originally published as a Special Issue in Pedagogies: An International Journal, 12(1), 21–40.

Griffin, S. M., = Beatty, R. J. (Equal authorship). (2012). Where is the music in our work? Uncovering the hidden music: A metaphor for academic collaboration. In S. A. O’Neill (Series Ed.), Personhood and music learning: Connecting perspectives and narratives (pp. 304–318)Biennial Book Series: Research to Practice: Vol. 5. Waterloo, ON: Canadian Music Educators’ Association. ISBN 978-0-9812038-1-2.

Griffin, S. M., = Beatty, R. J. (Equal authorship). (2012). Hitting the trail running: Roadmaps and reflections on informal faculty mentorship experiencesIn M. S. Barrett & S. L. Stauffer (Eds.), Narrative soundings: An anthology of narrative inquiry in music education (pp. 251–273). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. ISBN 978-94-007-0698-9

Papers in Peer-Refereed Journals

Ciuffetelli Parker, D., Murray Orr, A., Mitton Kukner, J., Griffin, S. M., & Pushor, D. (2017). Problematizing complexities and pedagogy in teacher education programs: Enacting knowledge in a narrative inquiry teacher education discourse community. Canadian Journal of Education, 40(2), 1-30. 

Griffin, S. M., Rowsell, J., Winters, K-L., Vietgen, P., McLauchlan, D., & McQueen-Fuentes, G. (2017). A reason to respond: Finding agency through the arts. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 18(25), 1–24.

Griffin, S. M. (2017). The fluid infusion of musical culture: Embodied experiences in a grade one classroom. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 12(1)21–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1554480X.2017.1283993

Griffin, S. M. (2015). Shifting from fear to self-confidence: Body mapping as a transformative tool in music teacher education. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 61(3), 261–279.

Griffin, S. M., & Ismailos, L. (2015). A dialogue of necessity: Attending to teacher candidates’ informal music experiences. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, 43(1), 24–32. doi: 10.1177/8755123314548041.

Winters, K-L, & Griffin, S. M. (2014). Singing is a celebration of language: Using music to enhance young children’s vocabularies. Language & Literacy: A Canadian eJournal, 16(3), 78–91.

Griffin, S. M. (2014). Meeting musical experience in the eye: Resonant work by teacher candidates through body mapping. Visions of Research in Music Education, 24, 1–28.

Internal Grants

Griffin, S. (2019, January). Beyond school: Exploring artistic lives of children. (Part II: Extending Ongoing Research). Brock University, Faculty of Education Research and Development Grant. ($1000). Purpose: research materials, videographer services, interview transcribing, editing.

Griffin, S. (2018, April). Beyond school: Exploring artistic lives of children. Brock University, Faculty of Education Graduate Research Assistance Development Fund. (60 hours). Purpose: literature review, publishing assistance, analysis, transcribing, editorial assistance.

Griffin, S. (2018, January). Beyond school: Exploring artistic lives of children. Brock University, Faculty of Education Research and Development Grant. ($1000). Purpose: research interview transcribing, editing, research materials.

Griffin, S. (2014, September). The musical lives of children: Part 2. Brock University, Faculty of Education Research and Development Grant. ($1000). Purpose: research interview transcribing.

Griffin, S. (2012, May). Teacher candidates’ music experiences: Narratives shaping practice. Brock University, Faculty of Education Research Funds Initiative 2011–2012 Grant. ($3465.06). Purpose: literature review, qualitative analysis, manuscript preparation.

Refereed External Grants

Bartel, L. (Principal Investigator) with 9 Ontario co-investigators, 21 collaborators (including Griffin, S.), and 13 partners (June 1, 2015-May 31, 2016). Addressing our creativity deficit: Building creative ability in youth through multimodal-literacy-focused music creation. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Grant. ($20,000).

Rowsell, J. (Principal Investigator) with collaborators Pahl, K., Larsen, J., Gutierrez, K., Griffin, S., Winters, K-L, Vietgen, P, McLauchlan, D., & McQueen-Fuentes, G. (2013, June). Community Arts Zone (CAZ): Projects linking literacy, community, and the arts. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Coucil (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant. ($72,621).

  • EDBE 8P12: Arts In and Across the Curriculum
  • EDUC 8P23: The Arts Education In and Through Music
  • EDUC 8P33: The Arts Education In and Through Music