Brock offers many academic and non-academic resources and services for graduate students.
Below you’ll find resources specific to the Faculty of Education as well as those offered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, the Graduate Students’ Association and other units across the University.
Faculty of Education Resources
Listed below are those most often requested by graduate students in the Faculty of Education.
- MEd Approved Supervisors (Please see faculty members marked with an asterisk)
- MEd Pathways degree requirements chart
- MEd Field of Specialization Pathways Flow Chart
- Independent Study Application EDUC 5P98
- Educational Internship Application – EDUC 5P96
- MRP Application EDUC 5D91
- Thesis Application EDUC 5K95
- MRP Proposal Approval Form
- Thesis Proposal Approval Form
- MEd Student Guide 2024
- EDUC 7P51 Directed Study Application and Form
- Program Information and Requirements:
- 2022 Joint PhD Handbook
Everything you need to know can be found on this page by using the links below. Find all you need to know about being an international student at Brock University.
- Very helpful information from our Brock International Services Office.
- Explore our beautiful campus on the Virtual Tour.
- For those beginning in our FOE Programs: FOE International Student Guide
Financial support for graduate students includes internal and external scholarships and awards, such as the Graduate Research Assistant Development (GRAD) fund, Match of Minds Program, Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship (SSHRC), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship (SSHRC), and Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS). In addition to these university, provincial and national funding opportunities, the Faculty of Education provides bursaries for graduate students.
The FOE Office of Research provides support for graduate students and research assistants by offering research skills development workshops, research assistantships, internships, and one-on-one tutorials and consultations.
Other Resources and Downloads
Master of Education students and PhD students can contact Wanda Burger, the Graduate Student Coordinator, for academic advising support. Email her at [email protected].
Brock Resources
Below are resources and supports offered by Brock for graduate students.