Brock Faculty of Education Zotero Group

Zotero is, at the most basic level, a reference manager. It is designed to store, manage, and cite bibliographic references, such as books and articles. In Zotero, each of these references constitutes an item. More broadly, Zotero is a powerful tool for collecting and organizing research information and sources. For help with the Faculty Zotero group, contact Snezana Ratkovic, Research Officer and the Zotero Brock FOE Group administrator, on x4793 or [email protected].

If you wish to search for the Brock Faculty of Education group directly from the Zotero website please view the video above.

If you are unable to view the items or text on the screen clearly you may want to increase the video quality. Do so by clicking the gear button in the bottom right corner of the video to view in HD. 

Please note that the “Creator” column in Zotero refers to the the author of the item and not the person who has added the item to Zotero. If you are unable to view the items or text on the screen clearly you may want to increase the video quality. Do so by clicking the gear button in the bottom right corner of the video to view in HD. 

If you are unable to view the items or text on the screen clearly you may want to increase the video quality. Do so by clicking the gear button in the bottom right corner of the video to view in HD.

If you are unable to view the items or text on the screen clearly you may want to increase the video quality. Do so by clicking the gear button in the bottom right corner of the video to view in HD.