Dr. Xavier Fazio

Professor (EdD, MEd, BEd, BSc), Department of Educational Studies

Please contact regarding availability for graduate advisement

Dr. Xavier Fazio, Faculty of Education, Brock University

St. Catharines, ON
905 688 5550 x5209
[email protected]

Dr. Xavier Fazio is a Professor of Education at Brock University. He holds a Doctorate (2005) in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on science education from OISE/University of Toronto. He is a certified biology and environmental science teacher and has an honours Bachelor of Science degree in biology and chemistry. Dr. Fazio is also an affiliate member of the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre (ESRC) at Brock University. 

Professor Fazio’s research broadly focuses on science and environmental sustainability educationteacher education and development, curricular innovation, instruction and assessment in science education. His research in Canada also connects to partnerships with researchers in the USA, European Union, Brazil, and Australia. Dr. Fazio’s research has been supported with funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSRHC), and various government agencies, industry, and educational associations. Currently, as principal investigator, he is leading a multi-year Insight Grant from SSHRC examining how to connect school science to local communities using place-based perspectives to better promote meaningful engagement for science students. 

He currently is serving as Associate Editor for Journal of Science Teacher Education and is an active reviewer for numerous education journals. 

Professor Fazio’s has taught courses in science teacher education and environmental education for preservice teachers, and graduate education courses in learning, cognition, environmental sustainability education, and science curriculum. 

  • Science education and STEM  
  • Environmental sustainability education 
  • Teacher education and development 
  • Innovative curriculum, instruction and assessment in science 
  • Systems theory in education 
  • American Education Research Association (AERA) 
  • Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) 
  • Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) 
  • Environmental Education and Communication (EECOM) 
  • European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) 
  • National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) 
  • National Science Teachers’ Association (NSTA) 
  • North American Association for Research in Environmental Education (NAAEE) 
  • Science Teachers’ Association of Ontario (STAO) 

Books and chapters

 Fazio, X. (2022). Science Curriculum for the Anthropocene: Complexity, Systems, and Sustainability Perspectives – Volume I. Palgrave MacMillan/Springer Nature Publication

Fazio, X. (2022). Schools and communities: Interdisciplinary learning and the ecological crises of the Anthropocene. In Teaching in the Anthropocene (pp. 16-27). Canadian Scholars and Women’s Press.

Campbell, D.T., Gray, R., Fazio, X. & van Driel, J. (2022). Research on secondary science teacher preparation. In Luft, J. A., & Jones, M. G. (Eds.). Handbook of Research on Science Teacher Education. Routledge.

Karrow, D.D., Fazio, X., & Zandvliet, D. (2022). Nomenclature and discourse of environmental and sustainability education in teacher education. In M. Peters (Ed.), Encyclopedia of teacher education. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1179-6_460-1

Fazio, X., & Jaipal-Jamani, K. (forthcoming). Professional learning using a blended learning approach with elementary science teachers: An exploration of processes and outcomes. Springer Publications (25 pages). Springer Publications.

Fazio, X., & Steele, A. (2019). Ontario science education: Profile and perspectives. In C.D. Tippett, and T.M. Milford, (Eds.), Science education in Canada: Consistencies, commonalities, and distinctions, pp. 103-126. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

Volante, L., DeLuca, C., & Fazio, X. (2019). Assessment in Secondary Education (Canada). In Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic. http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781474209441.0037.

Volante, L., & Fazio, X. (2018). PISA, policy, and global educational governance. In L. Volante (Ed.), The PISA Effect on Global Educational Governance (pp. 3-14). New York & London: Routledge.

Gallagher, T. L., & Fazio, X. (2017). Design-based research: Professional learning and curricular integration. Sage Research Methods Cases Education. Sage Publications.

Karrow, D., DiGiuseppe, M., Elliott, P., Fazio, X., & Inwood, H. (2017). Initial teacher environmental education capacities: What is the role of Ontario’s faculties of education? In What Should Canada’s Teachers Know? Teacher Capacities: Knowledge, Beliefs and Skills (pp.162-191). Canadian Association for Teacher Education (CATE) polygraph.

Fazio, X., & Karrow, D. (2015). The Commonplaces of Schooling and Citizen Science. In Michael P. Mueller, Deborah J. Tippins, and Arthur J. Stewart (Eds.). EcoJustice, Citizen Science and Youth Activism Situated Tensions for Science Education (pp. 179-192)Dordrecht, NLD: Springer Publications. 

Fazio. X., & Volante, L. (2015). Practicum/School Experience/Field Work. R. Gunstone (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Science Education (pp. 764-766). Springer Publications. ISBN: 978-94-007-2149-4

Fazio, X., & Karrow, D. (2013). From local observations to global relationships. In Michael P. Mueller, Deborah J. Tippins, and Arthur J. Stewart (Eds.), Assessing Schools for Generation R (Responsibility): A Guide to Legislation and School Policy in Science Education Dordrecht, NLD: Springer Publications (pp. 333-346).

Papers in peer-refereed journals:

Fazio, X., Gallagher, T.L., & DeKlerk, C. (2022). Exploring adolescents’ critical reading of socioscientific topics using multimodal texts.  International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education DOI 10.1007/s10763-022-10280-8

Karrow, D., Fazio, X., Zandvleit, D. (2022). What’s in a name? The signifiers and empty signifiers of environmental sustainability education: implications for teacher education. Brock Education Journal, 31(2). https://doi.org/10.26522/brocked.v31i2.917

Buajitti E, Fazio X., Lewis J.A., & Rosella L.C (2020). Association between lead in school drinking water systems and educational outcomes in Ontario, Canada, Annals of Epidemiology, 55, 50-56. e1 (March). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annepidem.2020.09.011

Pickering, G. J., Schoen, K., Botta, M., & Fazio, X. (2020). Exploration of youth knowledge and perceptions of individual-level climate mitigation action. Environmental Research Letters, 15(10), 104080. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/abb492/pdf

Fazio, X., & Gallagher, T. L. (2019). Science and language integration in elementary classrooms: Instructional enactments and student learning outcomes. Research in Science Education49(4), 959–976

Gallagher, T. L., & Fazio, X. (2019). Multiple layers: education faculty reflecting on design-based research focused on curricular integration. Qualitative Research in Education8(1), 27–59.

Fazio, X., & Gallagher, T. (2018). Bridging professional teacher knowledge for science and literary integration via design-based research. Teacher Development, 22(2), 267-280.

Campbell, T., & Fazio, X. (2018). Epistemic frames as an analytical framework for understanding the representation of scientific activity in a modeling-based learning unit. Research in Science Education, pp.1-22.

DeCoito, I., & Fazio, X. (2017). Developing case studies in teacher education: Spotlighting socioscientific issues. Innovations in Science Teacher Education, 2(1). Online: http://innovations.theaste.org/developing-case-studies-in-teacher-education-spotlighting-socioscientific-issues/

Garcia, P. S., Fazio, X., Panizzon, D., & Bizzo, N. (2018). Austrália, Brasil e Canadá: impacto das avaliações no ensino de Ciências. Estudos em Avaliação Educacional, 29(70), 188-221

Volante, L., Fazio, X., & Ritzen, J. (2017). The OECD and educational policy reform: International surveys, governance, and policy evidence. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 184, 34-48. https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/cjeap

Thompson, D. S., Fazio, X., Kustra, E., Patrick, L., & Stanley, D. (2016). Scoping review of complexity theory in health services research. BMC Health Services Research16(1), 87. DOI 10.1186/s12913-016-1343-4.

Karrow, D., & Fazio, X. (2015). Curricular critique of an environmental education policy framework: ‘Acting today, Shaping tomorrow’. Brock Education: A Journal of Educational Research and Practice 24(2).  https://brock.scholarsportal.info/journals/brocked/home/article/view/404

Fazio, X., & Karrow, D. (2014). Exploring the professional characteristics and contexts of school-based EE ‘leaders’. Alberta Journal of Educational Research. 59(4), 613-629.

Garcia, P.S., Bizzo, N., & Fazio, X. (2014). Desafios da formação contínua a distância para professores de ciências. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, (17), 37-57.

Melville, W., Campbell, A., Fazio, X., Stefanile, A. & Tkaczyk, N. (2014). Problematizing the practicum to integrate practical knowledge. Research in Science Education, 44(5), 751-775.

Fazio, X., & Gallagher, T. (2013). Morphological development levels of science content vocabulary: Implications for science-based texts in elementary classrooms. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. DOI: 10.1007/s10763-013-9470-4

Fazio, X., & Karrow, D. (2013). Negotiating the constraints of schools: Environmental education practices within a school district. Environmental Education Research 19(5), 639-655.

Articles in professional journals online: 

 Fazio, X. (18 September 2020). Reorienting curriculum for the Anthropocene. UNESCO Futures of Education Ideas LAB.  https://en.unesco.org/futuresofeducation/fazio-reorienting-curriculum-for-anthropocene

Fazio, X. & Volante, L. (September 2020). STEM learning should engage students’ minds, hands and hearts. The Conversation Canada. https://theconversation.com/stem-learning-should-engage-students-minds-hands-and-hearts-140008

Gallagher, T., & Fazio, X. (2017). All students can read to learn science! Resources, Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario. Online: https://www.ldatschool.ca/literacy/learn-science/

Fazio, X. (2016, March). Science learning with/in communities. Education Canada 56(1). Available: http://www.cea-ace.ca/education-canada/article/science-learning-and-communities

Fazio, X., & Karrow, D. (2013, June). ‘Science Takes a Back Seat’: An unintended consequence of prioritizing literacy and numeracy achievement. Education Canada 53(3). Available: http://www.cea-ace.ca/education-canada/article/science-takes-back-seat

Technical reports:

DeCoito, I, Fazio, X., & Gichuru, J. (2020). Research to inform elementary science and technology and secondary science focused curricula revisions in Ontario: November – confidential

Fazio, X., & Jaipal-Jamani, K. (2018). Science Teachers’ Association of Ontario Project Innovation- Final report: February.

Fazio, X. (2015). An interpretive review of innovation skills and science learning environments: Implications for our knowledge economy. Policy report prepared for the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and University (MTCU), Toronto, ON.

  • (2018-2022) Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grant. Promoting meaningful engagement in school science: Connecting school science to local communities ($90000) – Principal investigator. 
  • (2014-2015) Ministry of Training, Colleges, and University (MTCU) Ontario Human Capital Research and Innovation Fund (OHCRIF)An Interpretive Review of Innovation Skills and Science Learning Environments: Implications for our Knowledge Economy ($16000)- Principal Investigator. 
  • (2015-2018) Science Teachers’ Association of Ontario (STAO) program evaluation of Project Innovation professional development program – Principal investigator with Dr. Kamini Jaipal-Jamani (contract). 
  • (2013-2016) Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant. Digital Texts to Enhance Science Vocabulary and Comprehension ($60000)- Co-investigator with Dr. Tiffany Gallagher. 
  • (2010-2012) Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Standard Research GrantResearching environmental literacy practices in schools: Implications for educational practice and policy ($21000)- Principal investigator with Dr. Doug Karrow. 
  • EDBE 8F79: Science-Biology, Intermediate/Senior (Part I) 
  • EDBE 8F80: Science-General Science, Intermediate/Senior (Part 1) 
  • EDBE 8P88: Science-Biology, Intermediate/Senior (Part II) 
  • EDBE 8Y06: Environmental Education in Secondary Schools 
  • EDUC 8L09: Professional Practices for Certification 
  • EDUC 5P48: Science in the Curriculum (graduate) 
  • EDUC 5P32: Learning and the Mind (graduate) 
  • SSAS 5V80: Environmental Sustainability Education: Principles, Processes, and Contexts (graduate) 
  • EDUC 7P41 Joint PhD course – Cognition and Learning.