Dr. David Hutchison

Professor and Chair, Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Education
Professor, Department of Digital Humanities, Faculty of Humanities
Director, GAME Program

Available for Graduate Advisement

Dr. David Hutchison, Faculty of Education, Brock University

St. Catharines, ON
905 688 5550 x3354
[email protected]

David Hutchison, PhD, BEd, PMP is cross-appointed as Professor to the Department of Educational Studies (Faculty of Education) and the Department of Digital Humanities (Faculty of Humanities) at Brock University. A certified project manager, David holds a PhD in Education from the University of Toronto and a teaching degree from Queen’s University. He is also graduate of the Music Theory and Certificate Program at the Berklee College of Music. 

The author of five books, David has collaborated on the development of numerous academic programs and courses, also serving in several university leadership roles. David’s teaching and leadership has been recognized with multiple international, national, and provincial awards, including the 3M National Teaching Fellowship from STLHE and Brock University’s Distinguished Teaching Award. 

  • History and philosophy of K-12 education
  • Alternative education 
  • K-12 educational policy and pandemic planning 
  • Project-based learning 
  • Project management 
  • Music composition 

Hutchison, David. (2020). Ontario’s elementary school reopening plan is chalk full of half measures. The Hamilton Spectator. August 11. URL: https://www.thespec.com/opinion/contributors/2020/08/11/ontarios-elementary-school-reopening-plan-is-chalk-full-of-half-measures.html 

Hutchison, David. (2020). There is still time for Ford to change course on school reopening plan, Ontario educator writes. The Toronto Star. August 8. URL: https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2020/08/08/not-too-late-to-change-course-on-school-reopening-plan.html 

Hutchison, David. (2020). Calls to fully reopen schools in September are on a collision course with reality. The Globe and Mail. July 27. URL: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-calls-to-fully-reopen-schools-in-september-are-on-a-collision-course/ 

Hutchison, David (2018). Scaffolding project management best practices through experiential learning in a large enrolment online course. Transformative Dialogs Journal. v. 11.1. March. 

Hutchison, David. (2018). Scaffolding project-based learning through project management best practices. EduProject.org. URL: http://www.eduproject.org/monographs/EduProject_Monograph_Hutchison_2.pdf 

Hutchison, David. (2017). Project-based learning: A project management approach. St. Catharines, Ontario: EduProject.org. URL: http://www.eduproject.org/pbl_handbook/index.html 

Hutchison, David. (2015). Project-based learning: Drawing on best practices in project management. Research into Practice. Ontario Association of Deans of Education. 

Hutchison, David. (2015). Managing risks and constraints. EduProject.org. URL: http://www.eduproject.org/monographs/EduProject_Monograph_Hutchison.pdf

Humanities Research Institute Fund (2018)                                                                                  Brock University                                                                                                                                      Value: $1,500                                                                                                                                        Description: Funding in support of the jointly hosted Digital Pedagogy Institute conference in August 2018. 

Humanities Research Institute Fund (2017)                                                                                  Brock University                                                                                                                                      Value: $1,500 

Service-Learning Grant (2016)                                                                                                      Brock University                                                                                                                                      Value: $3,000  

Match of Minds Grant (2016)                                                                                                          Brock University                                                                                                                                      Value: $4,500  

Humanities Research Institute Fund (2015)                                                                                  Brock University                                                                                                                                      Value: $1,500 

Educational Developers Caucus Grant (2015)                                                                              Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education                                                        Value: $2,300  

Professional Development Scholarship for Learning Education and Development (2015) Project Management Institute Educational Foundation                                                                    Value: $2,480.30 U.S. 

E-learning Development Grant (2015)                                                                                            Brock University                                                                                                                                    Value: $14,000 

Connections Grant (2015) (Co-investigator)                                                                                  Social Science and Humanities Research Council                                                                              Value: $15,550 

  • EDUC 1F95: Introduction to the Foundations of Education 
  • IASC 2P01: Foundations of Project Management