Dr. Chunlei Lu

Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies

Available for Graduate Advisement.

Dr. Chunlei Lu, Faculty of Education, Brock University

St. Catharines, ON
905 688 5550 x5343
[email protected]

Dr. Chunlei Lu is a Professor in the Faculty of Education at Brock University. He obtained a BEd (China), MEd (China), MSc (USA), and PhD (Canada). He has school teaching certificates issued in Canada (Ontario) and in China, and has taught in seven universities in China, USA, and Canada. He has published 3 books, 8 book chapters, and more than 70 refereed articles around the world. His research interests have concentrated on the interconnected areas of education, culture, and health. Over the course of his career, his scholarship has developed in the fields of curriculum and pedagogy, cognition and learning, educational leadership and policy studies, and social/cultural contexts of education.

  • Curriculum and pedagogy
  • Health and physical education
  • Positive education, mindfulness, mental health, wholistic health, well-being, and wisdom education
  • Cross-cultural studies in education, health, and physical activities
  • Comparative and international education
  • Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE)
  • Physical & Health Education (PHE) Canada


  • Wang, C., Lu, C., & Rong, W. (2020). The governance of education in Canada. Hubei Education Press. (open peer-reviewed)

 Chapters in books

  • Barrett, J., Lu, C., & Janzen, J. (2019). Recommendations for quality health education teaching. In J. Barrett & C. Scaini (Eds.), Physical and health education in Canada: Integrated approaches for elementary teachers (pp. 71-83). Human Kinetics. (open peer-reviewed)

 Papers in journals (refereed)

  • Blom, R., Lu, O., & Lu, C. (2022). Mindfully navigating the wind and water: Defining the currents of metaphors that interfere with excellence in mathematics education. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 12(1), 172-179.
  • Francis, K., Davis, B., Lu, C. & Lu, O. (2022). “Chinese” in metaphors of learning in different languages. https://learningmetaphors.com/metaphors/%20chinese-%e5%ad%b8%e7%bf%92xue-xi/
  • Yu, Z., Lu, C., & Zhao, D. (2022). The pedagogical reform of English teaching and learning in higher education based on the Toastmaster model. Journal of Jilin Radio and TV University, 237(3), 102-105.
  • Li, L., & Lu, C. (2022). Family, school, & community collaborated school sports meet. China School Physical Education, 42(6), 75-77.
  • Wang, C., & Lu, C. (2021). Innovation and practice of “TLT” teaching model for the teaching theory course. Journal of Hubei University of Education. 38(7), 7-12.
  • Lu, C., Barrett, J., & Lu, O. (2020). Teaching physical education teacher education (PETE) online: Challenges and solutions. Brock Education: A Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 29(2), 13-17. DOI: HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.26522/BROCKED.V29I2.828
  • Figg, C., Crawford, K., Lu, C., & Lu, O. (2020). E-3Cs: A research-based model for effective digital learning for K-6 schools. Brock Education: A Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 29(2), 24-29. DOI: HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.26522/BROCKED.V29I2.835
  • Gao, H., & Lu, C. (2020). The importance of qualities as cross-cultural communicative competence. Business 2.0, 1, 79-80.
  • Lu, C., Yuan, X., & Ye, M. (2018). The problem and solutions of the Confucius Institute’s development. Journal of Minjiang University, 39(4), 91-97.
  • Ruso, S., Lu, C., & Francis, N. (2018). Engaging South-Asian female adolescents in secondary physical education: A culturally-relevant approach. PHEnex Journal, 10(1), 1-17. Free access: http://ojs.acadiau.ca/index.php/phenex/article/view/1824
  • Wang, C., & Lu, C. (2018). Flipped classroom: An opportunity and strategy to cope with the “empty nest crisis” in rural schools. The Inservice Education and Training of School Teachers, 380, 33-38.
  • EDBE 8P46 – Primary/Junior Health and Physical Education
  • EDBE 8P56 – Junior/Intermediate Health and Physical Education
  • EDBE 8F84 – Intermediate/Senior Health and Physical Education
  • EDUC 5P57 – Physical education in the curriculum (MEd)
  • EDUC 5P21 – Comparative & International Education (MEd)