Partner institutions

Important information

There are two methods a student can use to go on an Exchange:

Bilateral Exchanges:

The exchanges displayed as individual schools are bilateral exchanges facilitated through Brock International Services. Many of the universities listed as individual schools offer some or all of their courses in English.

Multilateral/Consortium Exchanges:

This type of exchange allows you attend one of the member schools while Brock could receive a student from a different partner institution. We have four of these agreements:

  1. Ontario/Rhône-Alpes Exchange Program (ORA): Opportunity for students to study in the Rhône-Alpes region in France.
  2. University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP): Opportunity for students to study in Asia and the Americas.
  3. National Student Exchange (NSE): Opportunity for students to study in the United States of America. Note: Home Payment (B) is the Exchange Program. As well, there is an additional $150 USD non-refundable NSE application fee
  4. Killam Fellowships Program: Opportunity for students to study in the United States of America.

Important Note: You MUST apply to Brock’s application first before you submit any application to the consortium independently.

Depending on the program in which you are enrolled and/or the destination you desire, one form of exchange may be better than the other. Regardless of which exchange you do, you will always pay your tuition to Brock.

Partner institutions

  • University of Innsbruck
    • Location: Innsbruck
    • Term Dates: October – February & February – June
    • Courses
    • Notes: Full Year or Winter Term exchanges preferred
  • Masaryk University
    • Location: Brno
    • Term Dates: September – February & February – June
    • Courses
    • Notes: Full Year or Winter Term exchanges preferred.

  • Aarhus University
    • Location: Aarhus
    • Term Dates: August – January & January – June
    • Courses
    • Notes: Full Year or Winter Term exchanges preferred
  • University of Turku
    • Location: Turku
    • Term Dates: August – December & January – May
    • Courses
    • Notes: We do not recommend choosing this University if you are entering your final year of study. Transcripts will not be received until July/August, which is after the deadline to apply to graduate.
  • Ontario/Rhône-Alpes (ORA)
    • Placements require flexibility
    • Learn about the partner schools here
    • In addition to the Brock exchange program requirements, students must be entering at least 3rd year of undergraduate studies prior to the start of the exchange
  • University of Mannheim
    • Location: Mannheim
    • Term Dates: August – December & February – June
    • Courses
    • Notes: Majority of courses must be taken within Mannheim’s School of Humanities (Examples: English and American Studies, German Studies, Romance Studies (French, Italian, Spanish), History, Philosophy, Media and Communication Studies)
  • Maastricht University
    • Location: Maastricht
    • Term Dates: September – December & February – July
    • Courses
    • Notes: Psychology majors only
  • NHL Stenden
    • Location: Leeuwarden
    • Term Dates: August – January & February – July
    • Courses
    • Full Year or Winter Term exchanges preferred
  • Radboud University
    • Location: Nijmegen
    • Term Dates: September – February & February – July
    • Courses
    • Notes: Full Year or Winter Term exchanges preferred
  • Queen Margaret University
    • Location: Edinburgh
    • Term Dates: September – December & January – May
    • Courses
    • Notes: We do not recommend choosing this University if you are entering your final year of study. Transcripts will not be received until June/July, which is after the deadline to apply to graduate.
  • Nebrija University
    • Location: Madrid
    • Term Dates: September – January & January – May
    • Course Information
    • Notes: Full Year or Winter Term exchanges preferred
  • Karlstad University
    • Location: Karlstad
    • Term Dates: August – January & January – June
    • Courses
    • Notes: Full Year or Winter Term exchanges preferred
  • Linköping University
    • Location: Linköping, Norrköping, Stockholm
    • Term dates: August – January & January – June
    • Courses
    • Notes: New Partner! Full Year or Winter Term exchanges preferred