Study Abroad

International students are an integral element of the diverse student population in St. Catharines and are provided the opportunity to become engaged in student clubs, activities and projects.

Student Exchange Program

If your home university is one of Brock’s formal exchange partners, visit your home university’s exchange office to learn how you can study at Brock! Students must first be accepted and nominated by their home institution before proceeding with the application to Brock.

Incoming exchange students pay their tuition fees to their home institution, however will be responsible for paying the following fees directly to Brock University:

  1. Universal Health Insurance Pan (UHIP) – This is a mandatory fee
  2. Universal Bus Pass
  3. On-campus Residence and Meal Plan – optional

Study Abroad: agents and non-partnered schools

If you are a not student from one of Brock’s exchange partners, you can still study with us through our Study Abroad Program.

  • A completed application, including supporting documents such as an official transcript(s) and proof of English Language Proficiency*.
  • $55 application fee**

*For Undergraduate admissions, Brock University accepts the following English Proficiency Tests/Scores

*For Graduate admissions, Brock University accepts the following English Proficiency Test/Scores

  • Brock accepts study abroad applicants for Fall, Winter and Spring/Summer semesters. Applications should be received by the following deadlines:
    • Spring/Summer semester = February 15th
    • Full year OR Fall semester only = April 15th
    • Winter semester only = October 15th

2023-24 Undergraduate Fees

Tuition and Per Credit Ancillary Fees* = 2023-24 Academic Year

Sessional Ancillary Fees

Residence and Meal Plan

*1.5 Brock credits (3 classes) per semester is considered “Full-Time” status for Fall and Winter semesters. “Full-Time” status in the Spring semester is 2.0 credits and 1.0 credit in the Summer semester (combined).
**must be enrolled in “Full-Time” studies. Not available during the Spring/Summer Semesters

2023-24 Graduate Fees

Tuition = varies depending on program
Ancillary Fees

Visiting students are eligible to request courses from many of our academic departments. A students previous academic history as well as the availability of space in the course will determine whether a student can register.

Undergraduate Courses Options
A comprehensive list of all available courses, by subject, is listed the “Current Web Calendar”. Please note that not all courses listed here will be available during the academic year.
Courses offered during the upcoming academic year will be listed in the “Returning Fall/Winter Timetable” or “Spring and Summer Timetable” respectively.

Course Restrictions:
– Internship and experiential placement courses (such as Co-op and community placements)
– GAME program courses
– Teacher Service Education courses (8P00/8F00 and above)

Graduate Course Options
A comprehensive list of all available courses, by subject, is listed the “Current Web Calendar”.

Visiting students are restricted to registering in programs that offer course-based graduate classes. Research-based courses are not available.
Acceptance into Graduate Program is considered on a case-by-case basis and is therefore not guaranteed, even if all admission requirements are met. Students must be approved by the appropriate Graduate Program Director in order to be officially accepted.

  • Course registration for both the Fall and Winter semesters takes place in late July. Students considering to study in the Winter semester are encouraged to apply early.
  • Students studying for only one semester will pay for half of the residence and meal plan fees indicated on the residence website, if applicable.

For more information, please email [email protected].

Ready to apply?

Applications are now being accepted!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • All visiting students should plan to arrive before the start of term, in time to attend the International Student Orientation. Students should register in advance to let Brock International staff know you are coming!
  • UHIP is a mandatory health insurance plan required for all international students. It provides access to basic medical services including doctor visits and medical tests/treatments. Exemptions are rarely provided as most plans are not as extensive as U.H.I.P. More information about U.H.I.P. exemptions can be found :
  • All students are automatically charged the 12-month U.H.I.P fee. This amount will be manually adjusted to reflect the length of your study period once the registration system closes for your study semester. Please arrange to pay the U.H.I.P fee as indicated by your exchange/study abroad coordinator before the deadline.
  • Yes! The bus pass is a mandatory fee for all exchange students.
  • Students from non-partner universities will also be automatically charged the bus pass fee if they enroll in 1.5 credits/semester (full-time status)

With either method you can pay the student fees in the currency of your choice with a guaranteed exchange rate for 72 hours.

  • Fee payments are due on first day of classes for each semester. Late payments will incur interest charges that will automatically be added to the financial balance.

IMPORTANT: Unpaid financial balances will delay transcript processing at the end of semester. Please ensure you check your financial account often to avoid unexpected interest. If you have any questions about your financial account, please email [email protected]

  • All visiting international students will require special permission (called an override) in order to register in their classes. Permission is granted by the advisors and professors of the respected courses and is considered on an individual basis, according to the transcript submitted in the original application to Brock. For more information, please contact the exchange coordinator.
  • The registration system will remain open during the first 2 weeks of each semester. Students are able to make changes up until the system closes.
  • Registration for BOTH the Fall and Winter semesters takes place in July.
  • Registration for Full Year and Fall semester courses closes in early September.
  • Registration for Winter semester courses closes in early January.
  • For specific dates, please contact the exchange coordinator.
  • Brock Off-Campus Living offers a platform to visiting students to find rooms for rent and sublet. You can browse available rooms and even create a personal advertisement to help in your search. Room openings are generally posted between 1-2 months prior to the start of term. For assistance in your search, speak with a representative today by emailing [email protected]
  • Brock does not provide bed linens or pillows to incoming students upon arrival. Students will have the opportunity, however, to shop for their own items once they arrive by participating in one of Brock International Services organized trips. Contact your exchange coordinator for more information.