
  • Brock spirit alive in FMS student leader

    Sarah Bax has exemplified what it means to be a student leader — both inside and outside of the classroom. Together with Michelle Balge, she was honoured for her efforts during the Fall Convocation ceremony — Balge in the morning and Bax in the afternoon — and recognized with Brock’s Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock Medal.

    The award is presented to one undergraduate and one graduate student who best exemplify the spirit of the school’s namesake, Maj.-Gen. Sir Isaac Brock and show traits such as courage, innovation, leadership, inspiration and community involvement.


    It wasn’t until her second year of University that Sarah Bax, who received her master’s degree in mathematics, realized the importance of getting involved, both on campus and in the community. The 24-year-old Paris, Ontario native honed her leadership skills as a teaching assistant and became a favourite among Brock’s Math Camp instructors. Read her full story here


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  • Lab tech uncorks new career in wine industry

    Heather Bouwhuis has spent the past four years juggling her studies, raising a family and working a full-time job — all while commuting more than two hours each way from her home in Pickering for every lecture, lab and test at Brock University.

    Every moment spent braving traffic and hitting the books was worth it for the 57-year-old wife and mother-of-two, who came to Brock to pursue a second career after decades working as a medical laboratory technologist at a Toronto hospital.

    It was in the fall of 2013, after deciding a career change was needed, that Bouwhuis enrolled in Brock’s Certificate in Grape and Wine Technology program, offered through the Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI).

    All her hard work will pay off Friday, Oct. 13, when Bouwhuis walks across the stage at Brock’s Fall Convocation ready to retire from her lab position to pursue her second career in the wine industry. Read the full story here

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  • CCOVI receives $960,000 for one-of-a-kind wine consumer research lab

    Imagine being able to shop at a winery or the LCBO while listening to classical music and savouring the aromas of chardonnay and pinot grigio, all without leaving your seat.

    A nearly $1-million funding grant will help Brock University’s Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute establish the world’s first mediated-reality wine laboratory that will combine sights, smells and sounds to help researchers study the science of consumer choice in the wine industry.

    Brock’s oenology and viticulture researchers are on the forefront of this leading-edge technology thanks to a $960,000 grant from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) announced Thursday, Oct. 12.

    The Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Sensory Reality Consumer Laboratory, to be known as R3CL, will be able to create a variety of environments in which people purchase and consume wines.

    Read the full story here

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  • October 10: Master of Science thesis defence

    Yosra Kazemi, a candidate in the Department of Computer Science, will present her Master of Science thesis defence on Tuesday, Oct. 10 at 9 a.m. in Plaza 600F.

    Her thesis is titled A Deep Learning Pipeline for Classifying Different Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease from fMRI Data.

    Her examination committee members are Dr. Maureen Reedyk, Chair; Dr. Adil Khan, External Examiner, (Innopolis University); Dr. Sheridan Houghten, Supervisor; Dr. Beatrice Ombuki-Berman and Ke Qiu, Committee Members.

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  • October 20: Chemistry Seminar Series – Dr. Christos Lampropoulos

    Department of Chemistry – Seminar Series

    Dr. Christos Lampropoulos
    Associate Professor of Chemistry
    University of North Florida

    DATE: Friday, October 20

    TIME: 12pm

    LOCATION: H313

    Chemistry Seminar Series – Oct. 20, 2017

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  • Brock University and Town of Lincoln to launch Living Lab partnership

    Brock University will embark on an unprecedented mission with one of its host communities next week, when it partners with the Town of Lincoln on a project that will give the Town important support for planning sustainable growth, and provide valuable experiential learning opportunities for Brock students and researchers.

    Brock’s Environmental Sustainability Research Centre and the Town of Lincoln will officially launch their new Living Lab collaborative project on Tuesday, Oct. 3 at Vineland Estates Winery. The event will be held in the winery’s Carriage House starting at 5 p.m. with remarks to begin at 5:15 p.m.

    Read the full article here

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  • Thousands ‘Experience’ Brock at Ontario Universities’ Fair

    From the spacious, revamped booth to the friendly team of staff, students and faculty members on hand to answer questions, Brock’s display at the Ontario Universities’ Fair from Sept. 22 to 24, made a very good impression on the high school students and their families in attendance.

    With more than 139,000 people in attendance this year, OUF is the biggest exhibition of post-secondary institutions in Canada, making it the single-most important event on the annual recruiting calendar.

    Read the full article here

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  • Brock prof aids with new Mars discovery

    With Mars still home to many unknowns, each discovery made on the Red Planet draws a new sense of excitement from Brock University scientist Mariek Schmidt.

    The thrill of new findings has again bubbled up for the Associate Professor of Earth Sciences while analyzing data from the Mars Curiosity rover. Schmidt was part of a team of Canadian researchers who recently released a report suggesting that a large area on Mars not only once contained water, but also housed other conditions that would have allowed micro-organisms to live.

    Read the full article here

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  • National interest bubbles for science of sparkling wine

    With 90 local wineries now making sparkling wine, it’s not just fizz-loving consumers that are taking notice of the surging sales of the product. The increasingly popular wine — and related research underway at Brock’s Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) — has also attracted the attention of the oldest scientific society in Canada.

    Belinda Kemp, CCOVI senior oenologist, gave a presentation for the prestigious Royal Canadian Institute for Science (RCIS) in Toronto Sept. 14 on the science of sparkling wine. The RCIS works to enhance public awareness and understanding of science, while creating an environment in which science can flourish and contribute to all aspects of Canadian life and society.

    Read the full article here

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  • September 29: Chemistry Seminar Series – Yurij Mozharivskyj

    Department of Chemistry – Seminar Series

    Yurij Mozharivskyj, PhD.
    Professor of Chemistry
    Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
    McMaster University

    DATE: Friday, September 29

    TIME: 12pm

    LOCATION: H313

    Sept 29- Chemistry Seminar Series – Yurij Mozharivskyj

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