Science Start

Science Start Banner

About the program:

Science Start is a 5-week preparation course offered by the Department of Biological Sciences that is designed for first-year students entering a degree program with a biology component at any university. Science Start will provide you with a combination of lessons, workshops, and lab tutorials. This program offers real-time instructor support and aims to ensure you have a strong understanding of biology fundamentals and the skills needed to be successful in future university courses.

  • The program is available in both an online and hybrid (in-person/online) version. The online version takes approximately 25 hours to complete and the hybrid version requires 15 in-person hours and 15 online hours.
  • During the hybrid program you will have the opportunity to:
    •  Meet your professors, academic advisor, and current undergraduate students.
    •  Take a campus tour.
    •  Participate in NEW science start labs including topics such as health sciences, ecology, and plant biology!


Online Version:

Science Start is a 5-week program running July 8, 2024– August 9, 2024. The program is flexible, requiring about five hours a week whenever you can fit it in your schedule. If you are unable to complete the program by August 9 you will continue to have access to work through the material at your own pace, but you will not be able to participate in live chats and online support.

 Hybrid Version:

The hybrid version will run in conjunction with the online version July 8, 2024 – August 9, 2024. 3 hours per week will take place in the laboratory on campus at Brock University. The remaining 3 hours per week take place online. The online material can be completed at your own pace throughout the week. However, it is highly recommended that you review the online laboratory material before your in-person module.

Hybrid Option 1 - Tuesday Mornings
Date and TimeLab Module Number
July 9, 10am - 1pm1
July 16, 10am - 1pm2
July 23, 10am - 1pm3
July 30, 10am - 1pm4
August6, 10am - 1pm5
Hybrid Option 2 - Thursday Mornings
Date and TimeLab Module Number
July 11, 10am - 1pm1
July 18, 10am - 1pm2
July 25, 10am - 1pm3
August 1, 10am - 1pm4
August 8, 10am - 1pm5

Program Cost:

The 5-week online program has a cost of $125. The 5-week hybrid program has a cost of $250.

Financial aid is available by application at the time of registration.


Registration for the program closed June 21, 2024. If you wish to apply for financial aid, please contact Alysha Johnson – [email protected]


Should you wish to cancel your registration, please e-mail Alysha Johnson – [email protected]. Cancellation of registrations received via e-mail on or before June 21, 2024, will be provided a full refund minus a $25 administration and processing fee. Cancellations received after June 21, 2024, are not eligible to receive a refund. 

science start small group

Questions and Answers

Is Science Start mandatory?

  • No. Science Start is not mandatory, but it does provide an advantage for those who participate.

 What platform is the course offered on?

  • Science Start is offered on Brightspace, Brock University’s learning management system.

 What work is required for Science Start?

  • Each lesson and lab are followed by an 8-10 question quiz to assess your understanding of the topics. Unlimited time and attempts are given for all quizzes. Each workshop consists of activities and questions for discussion.

 Is Science Start graded?

  • Science Start is a non-credit program and a final grade will not be assigned. Quizzes and assignments are to assess your own understanding of the topic.

What do I need to bring with me to Science Start?  

  • Everyone participating in Science Start on campus will require a lab coat and goggles. More information will be provided to attendees through e-mail.

What happens if I have to miss a day of Science Start?

  • The dates provided for the online version of the program are recommendations and access to the program will remain available after these dates. If you are unable to attend a date in the hybrid version, please e-mail [email protected] as soon as possible.

Can I access the content of Science Start all year-round?

  • Yes, the Science Start content will be available on Sakai throughout your first year to help you succeed in your first-year science courses.

 Who should I contact if I have additional questions?

Meet The Team

Alysha Johnson

Alysha Johnson, B.Sc Medical Sciences, M.Sc Neurobiology and Physiology, Science Start Coordinator

I develop workshops and resources for Science Start to help students build on the skills they have entering university and prepare them to succeed within the academic environment. I also organize programming in the sciences through Brock University’s Lab Links to Careers to help students develop and gain confidence in their laboratory skills.

Devin Ward

Devin Ward, B.Sc., M.Sc. Biological Sciences, Science Start Instructor

I create educational videos for Science Start and instruct and test students in Lab Links to Careers. I am currently enrolled in B.Ed. to teach secondary school science, biology, and physics.

Soumya Moonjely

Soumya Moonjely, B.Sc, M.A Bioethics, M.Sc Biotechnology, Ph.D Biotechnology, Learning Skills Specialist 

I provide study skills support designed to enhance academic performance for students in all disciplines. My interests include research (microbiology) and helping students to improve their learning process. I also enjoy helping students in the Biological Sciences program to develop their technical and research skills.

Sarah Hall

Sarah Hall, B.Sc, M.Sc Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Lab Links Tester

I create educational videos for Science Start and instruct and test students in Lab Links to Careers. My research interests are in ecology and plant science. I enjoy working with students and encouraging them to accomplish their educational and career goals