Technical and Scientific Services

Here are a few of the services the Faculty of Mathematics and Science offers to students, staff and faculty members.

Our Services

For any equipment or materials, please contact the Science Stores department.

We offer the following analytical services:

  • Infra-red Spectrometry
  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
  • Trace Analysis
  • UV/Visible Spectrometry

For more information please contact:

Razvan Simionescu – [email protected] for NMR analysis

or Liqun Qiu –   [email protected]  ext. 4172 for mass spectrometry and other spectrometry services.

Visit the official Machine Shop website

The Technical Services – Machine Shop provides timely machine shop services for teaching and research to all academic units within the faculty and throughout the University. Central to the Machine Shop is the shop itself which houses a variety of manual lathes and mills along with a CNC mill and a CNC lathe. Our Machine Instrument technicians are available for jobs ranging from minor repair of equipment to design and construction of major equipment. The shop also includes a welding and metal-bending shop, a woodworking shop and a paint shop. 

New for Sept 2020:  Technical Services now provides a new work request form to assist users in requesting instrument service/maintenance, new construction requests and consultation. This form will help us control the number of unscheduled visits to the shops to maintain university and provincial COVID-19 policies for physical distancing in the workplace.  

  1. Technical Services Work Request Form
  2. Technical Service Work Request Form Directions

Download completed form for machine shop service to [email protected] 

For more information please contact Steve Renda at [email protected] or 905 688 5550 x3420. 

Electronics Shop:  

The Technical Services – Electronics Shop provides timely electronic services for teaching and research to all academic units within the faculty and throughout the University.  Services include the development of new and innovative equipment for teaching and research, the repair and maintenance of existing scientific equipment as well as the provision of technical expertise and resources for the Sciences.  Staff within the unit endeavour to maintain a high level of current technical knowledge through ongoing education and training. 

Please Note:  Technical Services now provides a new work request form to assist users in requesting instrument service/maintenance, new construction requests and consultation. This form will help us control the number of unscheduled visits to the shops to maintain university and provincial COVID-19 policies for physical distancing in the workplace.  

  1. Technical Services Work Request Form
  2. Technical Service Work Request Form Directions

Download completed form for electronics service to [email protected]  [email protected]

For more information please contact Tom MacDonald at [email protected] or 905 688 5550 x3419. 

The Technical Services – Glassblowing Shop is fully equipped to provide highly specialized scientific glass design and repair in both borosilicate and quartz. Services include design and repair of High Vacuum Manifolds, Bump and Schlenk traps, Fritted Glass Filters and Columns, Condensers, Flasks (distillation, round and flat bottom), Optical Quartz Windows,  NMR Vacuum Tubes and Sealing.  

New for Sept 2020:  Technical Services now provides a new work request form to assist users in requesting instrument service/maintenance, new construction requests and consultation. This form will help us control the number of unscheduled visits to the shops to maintain university and provincial COVID-19 policies for physical distancing in the workplace.  

  1. Technical Services Work Request Form
  2. Technical Service Work Request Form Directions

Download completed form for glassblowing shop service to [email protected] 

For more information please contact Jordan Vandenhoff at [email protected] or  905 688 5550 x3759.