- Glaucio Carvalho
Assistant Professor - Robson De Grande
Associate Professor and GAME Program Director - Renata Dividino
Assistant Professor - Ali Emami
Assistant Professor - Naser Ezzati-Jivan
Associate Professor - Earl Foxwell
Lecturer - Sheridan Houghten
Professor - Yifeng Li
Associate Professor - Rahnuma Nishat
Assistant Professor - Blessing Ogbuokiri
Assistant Professor - Beatrice Ombuki-Berman
Professor and Department Chair - Ke Qiu
Professor and Graduate Program Director - Brian Ross
Professor - Michael Winter
Retired faculty
- Jerzy Barchanski, Associate Professor
- Ivo Düntsch, Professor Emeritus
- Dave Hughes, Associate Professor
- Dave McCarthy, Associate Professor
- Jon Radue, Associate Professor
- Vladimir Wojcik, Associate Professor
- Brittani Allan
Administrative Coordinator - Dave Bockus
Instructor - Poling Bork
Senior Laboratory Demonstrator/Coordinator/Mentor - Cale Fairchild
Systems Administrator - Elena Genkin
FMS Graduate Administrative Coordinator - Dan Portanova
FMS Academic Advisor, Department of Computer Science Academic Advisor
Student representatives
- Undergraduate (year 2): Vansh Sharma
- Undergraduate (year 4): Parth Patel
- Graduate: Madeline Janecek
- CSC President: Nikolas Fraser
Adjunct faculty
- Joseph Brown (Thompson Rivers University)
- Kyle Harrison (University of Newcastle, Australia)
- James Hughes (St. Francis Xavier University)
- Youlian Pan (National Research Council Canada)