Conference Info
FMS GRaD Conference
Sept 27-28. 2024
Pond Inlet, Brock University
This event focuses on providing graduate students in the Faculty of Mathematics and Science (FMS) and beyond opportunities to talk about their research. The goal of FMS GRaD Conference is to celebrate the academic achievements of all FMS graduate students, to develop a sense of community among the FMS graduate students, and to showcase the FMS research to the Brock University community.
Main participants and presenters:
- Keynote speakers and guest speakers
- Current graduate students registered in FMS
- Incoming graduate students in FMS
Keynote speaker: Dr. Vaughn Mangal, Brock University
Presentation Roster: TBA
Registration is FREE
Please note: Presenter registration has closed. Guest registration remains open. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Important dates:
Registration open from August 9th, 2024
Oral and Poster Presentation abstract submission: September 13, 2024
Conference Date: September 27-28, 2024
Schedule: TBA
Awards and Prizes:
Please note: Submission for the 2024 Norgen Rising Star Award are now closed. We thank everyone who applied.
2024 Norgen Rising Star Award ($500)
- The Norgen Rising Star Award is kindly sponsored by Norgen Biotek Corp and managed by GRAMSS. This award will be presented to two currently enrolled Brock graduate students presenting at the 2024 FMS GRaD conference. Candidates should demonstrate a strong aptitude for research and a potential for future leadership within their academic field. The candidate may also be or have been involved in graduate student representation on committees, or in activities that reflect well on graduate students.
General Guidelines for Oral Presentations:
Each oral presenter will be given a 15-minute presentation slot, consisting of a 12-minute talk and 3-minute Q & A period. Presentations should be in the format of a PowerPoint or PDF file.
All oral presenters must submit their final abstract by 11:59 pm on September 13, 2024.
We strongly recommend presenters bring their presentation file on a USB drive to their session.
General Format for Poster Presentations:
Each poster presenter will be assigned to a 60-minute poster session. Presenters should prepare a 5-minute presentation introducing their poster to judges and visitors.
All poster presenters must submit their final abstract by 11:59 pm on September 13, 2024.
Final posters should be printed in the 3 ft by 4 ft size before the morning of September 28th, 2024. Information on requesting poster printing and locating the Brock Printing Services Office is found here: https://brocku.ca/printing/
Abstract Submissions are now closed. We thank everyone who applied.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Vaughn Mangal, Brock University
When: September 27, 2024
Where: Pond Inlet
Dr. Vaughn Mangal is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry, associate director of science initiatives at the Brock-Niagara Validation Prototyping and Manufacturing Institute (VPMI), and head of the Brock University Biogeochemistry Lab (BUBL). Their research group investigates the relationship between carbon cycling and climate change in a wide range of terrestrial and aquatic environments. Dr. Mangal has collaborated with various academics, industries, and government organisations to understand how metal transport is affected by forest fires, forest harvesting, permafrost thaw, and agricultural land use. In partnership with Destiny Copper in Niagara, their research group is investigating sustainable methods for extracting copper from algae blooms in Lake Erie, to aid with the high demand for mining copper while reducing pollution in lakes. Read more about Dr. Mangal’s work with Destiny Copper here.
Knowledge Mobilization Workshop: Jayne Morrish, Brock University
When: September 27, 2024
Where: Pond Inlet
- Workshop Overview: Knowledge Mobilization (KMb) refers to the process of transferring research knowledge to those who can use it to make informed decisions and further knowledge/research/practice. It is a critical component of the research impact process. KMb involves applying research knowledge to facilitate further scientific studies and achieving real-world impact on policy and society. This process not only enhances research uptake and informs decisions but also connects researchers with other researchers and knowledge users outside the university. In this workshop, Jayne Morrish, the Research Impact Manager at Brock University’s Office of Research Services, will introduce you to KMb theory, strategies, and tools to support your academic work and prepare you for the annual GRAMSS GRaD conference.
- Jayne Morrish is the Research Impact Manager at Brock University’s Office of Research Services, where she provides expert guidance to help researchers achieve the outputs, outcomes, and impacts of their scholarly work. The Research Impact Unit that Jayne manages offers a comprehensive suite of services and expertise tailored to the diverse needs of researchers, facilitating their success in mobilizing knowledge into action. Jayne holds a SSHRC-funded Master’s Degree in Lifespan Development from Brock University, a Bachelor of Health from York University, and certificates in knowledge mobilization from the University of Toronto, York University. She has received several awards for her work, including a Certificate of Academic Excellence from the Canadian Psychological Association, a 40 Under Forty Award, and Brock University’s President’s Distinguished Staff Service Award.
Thank you to our sponsors

- Faculty of Mathematics and Science
- Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
- Office of the Vice-President, Research

- Norgen Biotek Corp.