
  • Jan 30 – Master of Science thesis defence – Shannon Jewell

    Master of Science thesis defence

    Shannon Jewell, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Chemistry, will defend her thesis titled “Synthesis of a Phosphatidylinositol Bolalipid” on Thursday, Jan. 30, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. in Sankey Chambers.

    The examination committee includes Maureen Reedyk, Chair; Jeffrey Atkinson, Supervisor; David R. J. Palmer, External Examiner (University of Saskatchewan); and Tomas Hudlicky and Martin Lemaire, Committee Members.

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  • Jan 22 – Master of Science thesis defence – Amanda Kornel

    Master of Science thesis defence

    Amanda Kornel, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences, will defend her thesis titled “Examining the Roles of Octopamine and Proctolin as Co-Transmitters in Drosophila melanogaster” on Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. in ST107.

    The examination committee includes Cheryl McCormick, Chair; A. Joffre Mercier, Supervisor; Rosa da Silva, External Examiner (McMaster University); and Gaynor Spencer and Aleksandar Necakov, Committee Members.

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  • Jan 9 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Matt Guest

    Matt Guest, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Chemistry, will defend his thesis titled “Development and Investigation of the Fluorescence of Cyclopropenium Ions” on Thursday, January 9, 2020 at 9 am in WH 147.

    The examination committee includes Cheryl McCormick, Chair; Travis Dudding, Supervisor; G. Ekin Atilla Gokcumen, External Examiner (University of Buffalo); and Melanie Pilkington and Tony Yan, Committee Members.

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  • Dec 20 – Nickolas Messner – Master of Science Thesis Defence

    Holt Nickolas Messner, a Master of Science candidate in the Centre for Biotechnology, will defend his thesis titled “An in vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro exploration of the use of chronic hypoxia/physioxia and ROS/RNS-mediated alteration of physiological function in mitochondrial disease” on Friday, Dec. 20, 2019 at 10 a.m. in MC H313.

    The examination committee includes Tony Yan, Chair; Jeffrey Stuart, Supervisor; Rebecca Macpherson, External Examiner (Brock University, Dept. Health Sciences); and Cheryl McCormick and Val Andrew Fajardo, Committee Members.

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  • Thesis Defences Dec 11 – 16, 2019 Chemistry and Earth Science

    PhD thesis defence

    Zineb Ras Ali, Doctor of Philosophy candidate in the Department of Chemistry, will defend her thesis titled “Magnetically Interesting Coordination Complexes Based on Macrocyclic Ligands” on Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2019 at 12 p.m. in GSB305.

    The examination committee includes Wendy Ward, Chair; Melanie Pilkington, Supervisor; Louise Dawe, External Examiner (Wilfred Laurier University); David Crandles, Internal External Examiner; and Georgii Nikonov and Travis Dudding, committee members.

    Master of Science thesis defence

    Paria Azadi Namin, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Chemistry, will defend her thesis titled “Synthesizing Self-Healing and Recyclable Silicones Using the Diels-Alder Reaction as a Cross-Linker: Investigation of Various Dienes and Dienophile Systems ” on Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019 at 11 a.m. in WH 147.

    The examination committee includes Miriam Richards, Chair; Paul Zelisko, Supervisor; Melissa A. Grunlan, External Examiner (Texas A&M University); and Travis Dudding and Melanie Pilkington, Committee Members.

    PhD thesis defence

    Ringaile Lapinskaite, a Doctor of Philosophy candidate in the Department of Chemistry, will defend her thesis titled “Synthesis and Derivatization of Amaryllidaceae Constituents – Narciclasine and Pancratistatin” on Friday, Dec. 13, 2019 at 1 p.m. in Sankey Chamber.

    The examination committee includes Wendy Ward, Chair; Heather Gordon, Supervisor; Louis Barriault, External Examiner (University of Ottawa); Vincenzo De Luca, Internal External Examiner, and Costa Metallinos and Paul Zelisko, Committee Members.

    Master of Science thesis defence

    Justin Thomas Pentesco, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Earth Sciences, will defend his thesis titled “Assessing environmental controls for candidate microbial ichnofossils in hydrothermally altered basaltic tuffs of Upsal Hogback, NV” on Monday, Dec. 16, 2019 at 11:30 a.m. in MC H313.

    The examination committee includes Edward Sternin, Chair; Mariek Schmidt, Supervisor; Lindsay J. McHenry, External Examiner (University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee); and Francine McCarthy and Frank Fueten, Committee Members.

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    Categories: Events

  • Experiential education exemplified through Earth Sciences field trip

    The cold weather didn’t stop a group of students from making a trip up north this April.

    Hernan Ugalde, Adjunct Professor for the Department of Earth Sciences, led the group of nine students to 10 different locations in the Bracebridge area as part of a field trip for ERSC 4P01 – Advanced Structural Geology.

    After securing a Teaching and Learning Innovation (TALI) grant, Ugalde planned out the trip so his students could apply the concepts they learned in class to real-world scenarios.

    In its third-year prerequisite, students focus more on the basic concepts of how rocks fracture and deform from a strain or stress point of view. This course further teaches students about additional concepts regarding the deformation of rock, with more of an emphasis on ductile deformation (i.e. how rocks fold) and the field recognition and description of all these features.

    “Geology is all about recognizing features in the field,” said Ugalde. “And while you can show pictures of how things look like in real life, that is never the same as seeing them on a fresh or weathered rock face.”

    “Most of the time you have a combination of features (e.g. a fold that has been deformed by joints or fractures after), and you can’t really replicate these features with photos on the screen,” he added.

    One week before the trip, Ugalde travelled to the area and scouted out locations for the students to examine. At each location, students are given a brief explanation on the geological context for that site and are then asked to look at the rock face and give an overview of what they saw (e.g. what kind of rocks, what kind of deformation features).

    Students then took measurements with their compasses which were later processed through compilation diagrams. These diagrams give an idea on the main directions of stress that each site has suffered. The measurements also help in forming a 3D view from the outcrop itself and provide insight into important quantitative measurements as well.

    As a follow-up, the students who attended the trip work on a report that will provide a summary of the location, geology, sketches, measurements for all 10 sites.

    The trip itself is an example of the many experiential education opportunities that are available for students in the Faculty of Math and Science both inside and outside the classroom.

    What Students Have to Say:

    “I found it very beneficial to apply the theoretical knowledge learned in lectures and labs, to real-life situations you would see in the workforce.” – Brendan Llew-Williams

    “I feel that I have learned more than I have over a semester of learning. Being able to visualize and find diagnostic properties within a rock formation rather than looking at diagrams from a lecture was, to me, so much more beneficial.” – Thomas Henley

    “The field trip was invaluable, especially for structural geology.  Some of the concepts learned in a lecture setting aren’t easily grasped until you can see them in real life.” – Nate Sabourin



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  • Exploring Careers in Biology

    The first-ever Exploring Careers in Biology event will take place Wednesday, March 6 in Pond Inlet from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

    Students will engage with industry professionals at this round table networking event to gain insight and advice from people who are currently working in the field.

    Registration for the event is now open and has been limited to 50 spots. Additional registrants will be placed on a waiting list and notified should a spot open up for them.

    Food will be available. Door prizes to be presented.

    Register today.

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  • August 2: Master of Science thesis defence

    Biological Sciences student Moustafa Zeidan will defend his Master of Science thesis, “Testosterone’s regulation of the HPA axis differs for adolescent and adult male rats” by via conference Thursday, August 2 at 11 a.m. in MC H313.

    The examination committee includes Kirill Samokhin, chair; Ashley Monks, external examiner (University of Toronto); Cheryl McCormick, supervisor; Gaynor Spencer and Glenn Tattersall.

    August 2 Thesis Defence

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  • July 12: Chemistry Seminar Series – Henning Jacob Jessen

    Department of Chemistry – Seminar Series

    Henning Jacob Jessen
    Chair of Bioorganic Chemistry
    Institute of Organic Chemistry
    Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg Germany

    DATE: Thursday, July 12

    TIME: noon


    Chemistry Seminar Series – July 12

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  • July 30: Chemistry Seminar Series – Marcus Tius

    Department of Chemistry – Seminar Series

    Marcus A. Tius
    Associate Member
    Cancer Biology Program
    University of Hawaii Cancer Centre

    DATE: Monday, July 30

    TIME: noon

    LOCATION: H313

    Chemistry Seminar Series – July 30

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