Teaching & Learning Innovation Grants

Teaching & Learning Innovation Grants support initiatives that make a positive contribution to the learning and teaching environment at Brock University.

Grant applications are now closed. 

Please reach out to the Experiential Education team about adding experiential learning into your courses.

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research materials in any format and medium (e.g., textbooks, simulations, videos, etc.) that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open (e.g., Creative Commons) license. OER may be freely reused, revised, remixed, retained, and redistributed. To learn more, visit our OER Guide and and discover relevant OER for your teaching.

Learn more about the OER Adoption Grant on the Library website.


The Teaching & Learning Innovation Grants are designed to support the development and advancement of high quality teaching practices at Brock University. To that end, grant funding will be awarded with the expectation that grant recipients will:

  • Adhere to Brock’s Financial Policies when spending grant funding;
  • Submit receipts through Workday within 2 weeks of the project completion (as per the agreed upon timelines) and no later than April 1 of the academic year in which the funds have been awarded. Receipts cannot exceed the amount awarded. Only expenses itemized in the grant budget submission will be reimbursed.
  • Share the progress and/or results of their project with the broader Brock community at teaching and learning events (e.g. workshop, conference, showcase, institutional development activity) organized by CPI and/or the grant partner units including Experiential Education and the Brock-Canada Games Academic Committee, respectively;
  • Openly share and release the results of the project (including but not limited to course outlines, assignment guides, rubrics, learning resources, instructional plans) through an open license (such as a Creative Commons license) with the Brock community and beyond which allows others to freely adapt, modify, copy, and/or redistribute the material for teaching and learning related purposes;
  • Acknowledge funding support from CPI and/or the grant partner units (Experiential Education and Brock-Canada Games Academic Committee, respectively) on all published material related to the grant;
  • Agree to have their name, along with the title and a brief description of their grant project shared on the CPI and/or grant partner (Experiential Education and Brock-Canada Games Academic Committee, respectively) websites and/or other publications;

Teaching & Learning Innovation Grants will not support the following:

  • teaching tools or course material that would normally (or should be) departmentally or faculty funded
  • building of physical spaces
  • research*

*If you are interested in conducting research on teaching and learning, please review the Chancellor’s Chair for Teaching Excellence program.


All full-time, tenured and probationary faculty are eligible to apply.

Sessional or part-time instructors are also eligible to apply to the Experiential Education stream (see below), provided that their grant application is accompanied by a letter of support from their Department/Centre Chair outlining the department’s commitment to sustaining the curricular innovation that results from the grant funding.

Applicants can apply to more than one stream if applicable.

Priority will be given to those who have not received or are not currently receiving Teaching & Learning Innovation Grant funding.


For more information about the Teaching & Learning Innovation Grants and to discuss your ideas for a grant-funded project contact CPI via email ([email protected]), phone (x3933), or in person (TH 136).