
  • Math kits made by Brock students for young learners

    Students in the fourth-year math course, Mathematics at the Junior/Intermediate/Senior Level, have been working to create kits to help make math more accessible to young learners. Coinciding with National STEM Day, the first of three presentations related to the kits took place Nov. 8 and offered faculty, students and Let’s Talk Science Outreach at Brock volunteers a sneak peek into the hands-on, interactive math-based activities.

    The project, a new addition to the long-running Math 3P91 course, provides the class of future math educators an opportunity to apply the theoretical concepts they learn in class. The idea for this experiential component emerged last year when Dan Lonergan, Experiential Education Co-ordinator in the Faculty of Mathematics and Science, and Anna Hudlin, Let’s Talk Science Outreach at Brock Site Co-ordinator, discussed a potential partnership.

    In 2016, Brock became a new site for Let’s Talk Science, a national organization that offers science education and programs for all ages from preschool to high school using ready-made science, technology, engineering and math-related kits. Recognizing the need for more math-based kits, Hudlin approached Lonergan about creating the experiential opportunity.

    Following feedback and final tweaks, the students’ work may become part of available Let’s Talk Science kits used in classrooms by volunteers at Brock and beyond.


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  • November 17: Chemistry Seminar Series – Rylan Lundgren

    Department of Chemistry – Seminar Series

    Rylan Lundgren
    Department of Chemistry
    University of Alberta

    DATE: November 17

    TIME: 12pm

    LOCATION: H313

    Chemistry Seminar Series – Nov. 17, 2017

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  • November 24: Earth Sciences’ CSPG Student Industry Field Trip (SIFT) presentation

    Join the Department of Earth Sciences on Friday, November 24 at 10am in Mackenzie Chown D308 for a presentation by Sean Mundreon, 2017 participant to the Student Industry Field Trip.

    Sean Mundreon SIFT Talk

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  • November 10: Master of Science thesis defence

    Samin Tajik, a candidate in the Department of Physics, will present her Master of Science thesis defence on Friday, Nov. 10 at 1 p.m. in Welch Hall 147.

    Her thesis is titled Effect of Rattling Phonon on Superconductivity of KOs2O6.

    Her examination committee members are Dr. Michael Bidochka, Chair; Dr. Frank Marsiglio, External Examiner (University of Alberta); Dr. Božidar Mitrovi?, Supervisor; Dr. Kirill Samokhin and Dr. Shayamal Bose, Committee Members.

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  • Miriam Richards’ research highlights environmental stressors affecting bees

    Between 2003 and 2013, Brock University biology professor and bee expert, Miriam Richards and her research team collected and recorded the number of bees and number of species they got from traps at the Glenridge Quarry Naturalization site in St. Catharines and compared that to traps they set in three sites at Brock that had not been restored.

    The team found that the numbers of individual bees and bee species in the Glenridge Quarry Naturalization site went up, at first.

    “Our results suggest that ‘If you restore it, they will come’: restored foraging and nesting sites were re-occupied by bees as soon as they became available, then bee numbers continued to grow for three to four years,” says the study, “Rapid initial recovery and long-term persistence of a bee community in a former landfill” published recently in the journal Insect Conservation and Diversity.

    Richards’ study, funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, puts the spotlight on a trend that has scientists and environmentalists worried: the worldwide drop in bee populations.

    Read the full story here

    Brock Bee Lab – headquarters of Richards’ research



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  • Canadian UN body appoints Brock biologist Liette Vasseur to senior position

    The Canadian Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (CCUNESCO) has appointed Brock biologist Liette Vasseur to President of its Sectoral Commission on Natural, Social and Human Sciences, an 11-member group of Canadian scientists, academics and others providing knowledge and expertise on a range of issues.

    These include social and environmental impacts of climate change; conservation of natural heritage and water resources; inclusion of newcomers and vulnerable groups; reconciliation between indigenous and non-indigenous people; youth engagement; and measures to fight discrimination, racism, violence, bullying and radicalization.

    “We’re producing reflection papers on some of the topics we believe are important to come up with a long-range vision of how Canadians and the federal government can implement various actions related to sustainability,” explains Vasseur.



    Read the full story here

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  • November 24: Chemistry Seminar Series – Dr. Jianbo Gao

    Department of Chemistry – Seminar Series

    Dr. Jianbo Gao
    Department of Physics and Astronomy
    Clemson University

    DATE: Friday, November 24

    TIME: 12pm

    LOCATION: H313

    Chemistry Seminar Series – Nov. 24, 2017

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  • October 25: Young researchers take centre stage

    The research of 28 gifted high school students was the focus of the Mentorship Program Information Night held Wednesday, Oct. 25 in Sean O’Sullivan Lecture Hall. Students had the opportunity to each share two-minute PowerPoint presentations summarizing their research projects with Brock mentors, graduate students, fellow protégés, teachers and parents.

    The annual event marks the first of two presentations by mentorship students as part of Brock’s long-running Science Mentorship program. Introduced more than 20 years ago, the program is designed for students who demonstrate significant scientific curiosity and are capable of working independently. Twenty-two faculty members will lend their expertise to the students’ research projects which span eleven subject areas, including Physics, Biological Sciences, Psychology, Electronics, Chemistry, Child and Youth Studies, Earth Sciences, Health Sciences, Kinesiology and new this year, Geography and Business.

    From reconstructing historical fires, recording physics videos and creating guitar tuners to researching sleep quality and insect mills, the students spoke excitedly about their projects. In February, final research findings will be presented by the largest group of students to date during the Mentorship Symposium Event. Designed to mirror the format used at professional science conferences, protégés will complete 20-minute presentations followed by a 10-minute question and answer period.

    Categories: Events

  • CCOVI connected to award-winning wine tourism book

    As the region prepares to celebrate another year of the popular Niagara Icewine Festival, Carman Cullen and Linda Bramble are reflecting on the event’s history.

    The origin story of the January festival was chronicled by Cullen, Chair of Brock’s Marketing, International Business and Strategy Department (MIBS), and Bramble, author and professional affiliate at Brock’s Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI), in a chapter within the book Best Practices in Global Wine Tourism.

    That book has been amassing accolades since its publication last year, including Best Wine Tourism Book in the United States. It was more recently honoured with the Best Wine Tourism Book in the World award at the 2017 Yantai China International Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in May.

    Both Cullen and Bramble said it was gratifying to have played a part in bringing the book to fruition, and in sharing the fascinating stories of the local wine industry with the world.

    The Niagara Icewine Festival takes place Jan. 12 to 28 and includes a series of events and activities devoted to one of the country’s most unique products.

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  • November 3: Chemistry Seminar Series – Tim Newhouse

    Department of Chemistry – Seminar Series

    Tim Newhouse
    Assistant Professor of Chemistry
    Yale University Department of Chemistry

    DATE: Friday, November 3

    TIME: 12pm

    LOCATION: H313

    Chemistry Seminar Series – Nov. 3, 2017

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