
Certificate in Photography

Level up your photography skills with a Certificate in Photography from Brock University. This certificate provides learners with the knowledge and skills in both traditional film and digital photography to become proficient in the field of photography.

This Certificate in Photography is a great way for aspiring or experienced hobbyist photographer to gain the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in their craft. This certificate covers a wide range of topics, from visual culture and photo history to the fundamentals of composition and lighting to photo editing techniques. Learners will gain the ability to capture and create stunning images for both film and digital medias.

While studying photography at Brock, put skills into practice through assignments, projects and field experience. Learn darkroom processes and translate the knowledge into digital editing. With these skills learners move into expanded photographic practices that include historic and experimental photo methodologies.  By the end of the program, learners will have a tailored portfolio of work that can be used to showcase abilities to potential clients or employers.

In addition to learning photography essentials, learners will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge by choosing additional practical knowledge in two areas of their choice: Investigating Photography, Website Creation, Social Media, Contemporary Art, or a global travelling photography experience.

Upon successful completion of all the required courses, learners will be awarded a Certificate in Photography from Brock University that recognizes their accomplishment.

Program Information


  • Photography as a fine art
  • 35mm film photography, black and white film, darkroom process
  • Digital photography and manipulation
  • Advanced photography processes
  • Photography critiquing skills


  • Art enthusiasts
  • Aspiring photographers
  • Media specialization
  • Hobbyist photographers
  • Self-taught photography professionals wanting certification


  • Strong understanding of visual culture photo history
  • Practical skills in technical aspects of photography
  • Ability to process, edit and manipulate photos
  • Photography portfolio
  • Knowledge of photography as art and business

While studying the Certificate in Photography at Brock, learners will have access to one of the largest darkrooms in the province to engage with photo processes in a holistic manner. This photography certificate starts with the beginning of photography and works to blend both historic and contemporary methodologies for unique technical outcomes.


Course Code Course Description
VISA 1Q98 Introduction to Visual Culture. Overview of visual culture, its vocabulary, technologies and structures within varied cultural contexts. Problems of meaning, functions of visual culture in contemporary society, the role of galleries and museums, and the impact of imagery in advertising, popular media and consumer culture. Contemporary critical methodology.
VISA 2P26 Photography: Camera and Darkroom Process. Fundamentals of 35mm photography: camera, exposure and processing of black and white film and basic darkroom processes. History of photography, critical analysis and photographic theory.
VISA 2P27 Introduction to Digital Photography. Principles in digital imaging: digital cameras and image capture; digital negatives; colour management; image adjustment and enhancement; and image output. History of photography, imaging and critical analysis of visual culture.
VISA 2P53 The History of Photography. History of photography from its inception to the present day. Emphasis on the ways in which photographs produce meaning and are mobilized as visual culture as well as analysis of contemporary art practices.
VISA 3P26 Intermediate Darkroom Photography. Continuation of analogue processes and techniques, emphasizing historic and contemporary modes of image capture. History of photography, critical analysis and photographic theory.
VISA 3Q97 Advanced Photographic Processes. Contemporary methodologies, material experimentation and critical approaches to analogue and digital photographic production. History of photography, critical analysis and photographic theory.


Course Code Course Description
VISA 1P20 Investigating Photography Photography as fine art medium emphasizing visual aesthetics and concept development. Historical and contemporary work, and concepts in photography will support studio discussions and processes. Critical analysis and photo theory.
VISA 2P61 Website Creation Creative approaches to basic technical and design foundations of website design and development. Processing and management of images and other media assets, structuring websites, development tools and applications, web hosting and dissemination strategies. Contemporary web-based art practices within the broader history of cultural production.
VISA 2P88 Introduction to Contemporary Art: Twenty-first Century. Thematic, contextual and critical evaluation of current trends in visual art.
VISA 3P97 Appropriation in Art and Culture Authorship and appropriation in art and visual culture. Topics include the historical development of the notions of the artist, copyright and plagiarism, quotation, parody and intertextuality, the role of found objects, collage and montage, and the significance of digital technologies. Historical and contemporary examples from a wide range of media.
COMM 2P91 Social Media. Theory, philosophy and politics of Social Media as a communicative mode. Politics of participatory and commodified culture online and processes of planning content to convey a narrative or convene a community.


VISA 3M05 or equivalent – International Field Course

  • General computer and technology use abilities.
  • Minimum requirements for undergrad entry for courses.

To successfully complete your program, you will need to complete all the components outlined in your course. Your progress will be continuously evaluated using a variety of formative and/or summative assessments to receive a final mark. Information about these assessment methods will be provided in the Learning Management System on the first day of the program. 

Check course availability on our timetables.

Intake Cost
September 2023 $4871.52

The above cost is approximate. Please see undergraduate tuition rates

This program may have additional costs such as materials, supplies, textbook and ancillary fees.


Program Details

Type: Certificate (Credit)

Format: Full-time or part-time

Delivery: Various

Duration: 12 months full-time

Frequency: 3-5 hours per class per week

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