HRI Associates Research Funding
Competition deadlines are October 15 and March 15 or the first working day thereafter. The application must be received by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the deadline. Email your application to the HRI ([email protected]). Only electronic applications will be accepted.
This funding provides research awards to Humanities Research Institute (HRI) Associates to advance their research programs and support submission to an external granting agency. The HRI will also consider applications for funding to help the completion of funded research projects or creative works.
HRI funding encourages small-scale innovation and experimentation, as well as pilot work to develop a larger research project. Funding can be used:
- To hire students as research assistants and collaborators;
- ·For travel to collect data (e.g., archives and other field work); and
- As matching funds for external grant applications.
This funding is not for the purchase of computers, books, or travel for the purpose of conference participation.
Grants will be awarded to a maximum of $3500 for assistance during a 12-month period immediately following the grant’s receipt.
Grant recipients are required to submit a final grant report to the HRI that explains how the funding has moved your research/creative work forward and your progress with external funding applications. This report is due two months after the expiration of the grant.
The receipt of HRI funding needs to be acknowledged in any publications, conferences, or other outcomes from this research.
HRI funding recipients are expected to submit a subsequent application to an external agency within 16 months of receipt of the award and no later than three years. Those who do not submit an application will not be eligible to re-apply for HRI funding unless they can demonstrate extenuating circumstances.
Applications must include:
- A description of how these funds will advance your research project/program;
- Plans to submit a future proposal to an external funding agency;
- An explanation of how HRI funds would increase the likelihood of a successful external application; and
- Justification of why PER funds are not sufficient.
HRI funds that have not been spent within twelve months of the grant’s receipt (or another specified date, as stated when the award is announced to the recipient) will be reclaimed by the HRI for redistribution during the next grant period. An extension of twelve months may be granted by the HRI Advisory Board upon application explaining extenuating circumstances that have had an impact on the completion of the project. Funding will not normally be awarded for a project more than once; however, applicants who wish to apply for additional funding for the same project should include extra details justifying the request and explaining the ongoing/long term nature of the project and how it is building upon previous HRI funding.
HRI Associates who are Sessional Instructors or LTAs are requested to submit documentation of their current employment status with Brock as part of their grant application package. Recipients whose affiliation with Brock ends prior to the expiration of any grants received may not access any unspent funds after their employment contract ends.
Only complete applications will be considered. A complete application includes:
- A completed application form – found here.
- A completed HRI Funding Budget Template for your project – found here.
- Please note: this form will also be used to report on your actual expenditures when you file your final grant report.
- The Faculty of Humanities Financial Manager is available to review your budget for completeness and accuracy. Please email Liz Powell ([email protected]) to book your review. The deadline for booking a budget review is one week prior to the grant application deadline.
- A current C.V.
- Ancillary documentation (Optional). Feel free to include other material related to the project.
Only complete applications will be considered. Please make sure you submit all the requested information.
- The results of the competition will be communicated to the applicants by the HRI Director or Designate; unsuccessful applicants will be informed of the factors that were considered.
- Given budgetary constraints, it is not usually possible to fund all applications in any given competition.
HRI Associates Conference and Event Funding
Competition Deadlines are October 15 and March 15, or the first working day thereafter. The application must be received by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the deadline by email to the HRI ([email protected]). Only electronic applications will be accepted.
This funding provides partial support for conferences and events arranged or coordinated by HRI Associates and held within twelve months of the competition deadline. The event does not necessarily have to be held at Brock but must clearly relate to or enrich the Humanities experience at Brock University or promote the reputation of the Faculty of Humanities at Brock.
While applications of any type of Humanities-based event will be accepted, special consideration may be given to those that provide student experience, attract significant “name” scholars to Brock, or enable transdisciplinary research and discussion.
Grants will be awarded to a maximum of $2,000. Grant recipients are required to submit a final grant report to the HRI. This report is due two months after the expiration of the grant. Associates will not be eligible to apply as a primary applicant for further HRI funding for conferences and events until this report has been received by the Director of the HRI.
HRI-sponsored conferences and events are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism.
Publicity materials for the event must indicate HRI sponsorship, be in alignment with Brock standards, and be approved by the HRI Director in advance of circulation.
HRI funds that have not been spent within twelve months of the grant’s receipt (or another specified date, as stated when the award is announced to the recipient) will be reclaimed by the HRI for redistribution during the next grant period. An extension of six months may be granted by the HRI Advisory Board upon application explaining extenuating circumstances that have had an impact on the completion of the event.
HRI Associates who are sessional instructors or LTAs are requested to submit documentation of their current employment status with Brock as part of their grant application package. Recipients whose affiliation with Brock ends prior to the expiration of any grants received may not access any unspent funds after their employment contract ends.
Only complete applications will be considered. A complete application must:
- A completed application form – found here.
- A completed HRI Funding Budget Template for your project – found here.
- Please note: this form will also be used to report on your actual expenditures when you file your final grant report.
- The Faculty of Humanities Financial Manager is available to review your budget for completeness and accuracy. Please email Liz Powell ([email protected]) to book your review. The deadline for booking a budget review is one week prior to the grant application deadline.
Only complete applications will be considered. Please make sure you submit all the requested information.
HRI Graduate Student Associates Funding for Knowledge Mobilization
Graduate students are eligible to apply for funding for knowledge mobilization activities. Funded activities include (but are not restricted to):
- Travel to professional conferences to present research;
- Open access fees for online publications; and
- Hosting websites for online exhibits.
Travel to present at graduate student conferences will not be supported.
Up to six grants of $300 each will be made each year to Graduate Student Associates. Students in MA programmes may receive HRI knowledge mobilization funding once during their programme. Students in PhD programmes may receive funding twice.
Applications for knowledge mobilization funding must include the following:
- Details of the activity
- For a conference, include title, dates, location, the name of the organizing body, confirmation of paper acceptance, and the abstract that was submitted.
- For open access fees, provide the title of the paper, the name of the journal or publisher and their terms of publication (including open access fees), the abstract that was submitted, and confirmation of paper acceptance.
- For online exhibits or other knowledge mobilization activities requiring website hosting fees, include the title and dates of the online activity, a summary of the exhibit/activity, name of the web hosting site and fees.
- A current curriculum vitae
- A detailed budget
- A statement of other sources of revenue held or applied for.
Please submit applications electronically as one PDF document to the HRI ([email protected]).
Visiting Associates
Visiting Associates are not eligible to apply for HRI funding.