Research and creative activity are at the centre of our involvement with the Faculty of Humanities and are central to the university experience. We are life-long learners as we explore the cultural, intellectual, and artistic achievements of humanity from ancient times to the present. We challenge ourselves, our colleagues and our students to create, to explore, to critique, and to share what we have learned. We endeavour to lead from the front and to establish a dynamic and vibrant environment that drives this creative activity, this scholarly research, and this learning.
Research institutes and centres

Humanities Research Institute
The function of the Humanities Research Institute at Brock University is to encourage the development of research programs and initiatives in the Humanities and to generate greater public awareness of our scholarly expertise, as well as the breadth of our research and creative productivity.

Department of Digital Humanities
The Department of Digital Humanities (DH) is a teaching and research unit which focuses on the intersection of interactive technologies and the humanities. The DH is centrally located on Brock’s main campus.

Posthumanism Research Institute
The institute seeks to investigate the status and limits of the “human” in an era in which multiple crises — global warming, superintelligent computers, genetic engineering, and massive species extinction, to name but a few — mark the precariousness of exclusively human-centred practice and thought.

ARTIndustria (Derek Knight and Franc Petric), Untitled (Un beau fleuve), 2017, neon, aluminum and switching mechanism. Installation view, Silo City, Buffalo.
Research Centre in Interdisciplinary Arts and Creative Culture
The Research Centre in Interdisciplinary Arts and Creative Culture facilitates the implementation of interdisciplinary methodologies in cooperative projects in the creative arts by establishing networks of researchers and creators across faculties at Brock and beyond the University.